The meme Castizo Futurism is used to describe the blending of Whites and Latinos to form a new ethnogenesis, as well as a rightward political shift among Latinos.
1) Hispanics are probably *not* assimilating into conservatism. The Hispanics becoming republicans are first generation immigrants, funnily enough, while later gens are more liberal even if you correct for age.
2) Castizos for the most part will either identify as Hispanic or only very loosely and meaninglessly identify as White. A large problem already for White Identity is the perception that someone’s “not white, but Irish” or “descended from [european] immigrants” so they think they might as well not identify with anything. Castizos would be this x10 and would mix with other races at even higher rates. There isn’t really a way to convince the margins of whiteness to identify more with their whiteness than the actual white people, and on top of that expect to get some sort of elite slice of said margin. A lot of race realist arguments might no longer work if whiteness was phased out this much
3) Castizos aren’t White, genetically, and we should seek racial categories with some real world genetic consistency.
Plox read my substack where I talk both about this and the hapa question more in-depth.
I'd much rather try to genetically assimilate East Asians than Hispanics. Intermarriage between Whites and Hispanics would lower White IQ, whereas a Hapa is probably a pretty good blend.
But Asians are genetically more distant from Europeans than Hispanics. In purely genetic terms this would result in a greater dilution of the White racial qualities than the Castiszo question. I’m not sure if IQ is really relevant if the ultimate goal is to preserve the European racial qualities.
I'm most concerned about preserving high tech civilization, but in practice if we don't want to be bugmen we need a higher proportion of European than Asian DNA. Still we are nowhere near getting genetically swamped by Asians, there are way more Americans who are part black or Hispanic.
In my view, we are not at risk of losing high tech civilization. The real risk is the scope and scale of that civilization, but there are already guilds of professionals absolutely dedicated to the preservation and function of higher technology.
While I’m not for any mixing at all, objectively speaking the Hispanic is already racially closer to you than East-Asians, although not higher IQ. Hispanics are essentially Hapas of varying degrees of we consider their original homeland is either West Mongolia or Polynesia
Who cares, intelligence matters more than racial similarity. Western culture and creativity would be preserved best by Western and Northern Europeans but I still think people from a highly competent Asian country like Japan or Singapore would be preferable over lower IQ European countries like the Balkans or something.
The thing is that Hapa boys are one of the lowest on the socio-sexual hierarchy, whereas Hapa girls are rather high (because they can pass as Asian). Really doubtful that any cultural programming can reverse this perception in America. This means when promoting Hapa Futurism, you are consigning many white fathers – because WMAF is way more common than AMWF – to having sexless sons and only fruitful daughters, and they're probably not going to be okay with that.
I'm not saying this to judge you at all, but that would be such a retarded metric for judging what are desirable genetic traits. It's kinda funny cause I've had exchanges earlier today about how female sexual preferences are largely maladaptive in the modern world. If women are more attracted to white men than hapa men because of height or whatever even if the hapa men have higher average intelligence then that's dysgenic and it just proves why we need widespread sexbots ASAP, desirable cognitive traits need to be perpetuated as much as possible without regard to what women find sexy.
Designer babies will be more prone to looking like anime characters, hence a creation of Eurasian Futurism and the objective goal towards Asiansexuality as the beauty standard under transhumanism.
Are you sure? Anime (neotenous) traits are not as desirable among men as they are women. Ans it’s more difficult to code in genes which only turn on for women and not men
Why would I feel judged? I'm not sure how sexbots come in to this either. Anyway, good luck on your project to make Hapa men desirable. You have a huge uphill battle. On the other hand, Hapa women are literally some of the most sought after in the world.
This is why we have the AxA subculture as a means to celebrating the supposed innate queerness of the Eurasian and enjoying a punk rock revolution against liberals and ethnonationalists that hate us. That's why this is a war against the artist and the stupid, as the latter puts limits on themselves when clearly Asiansexuality is the truth.
I'm a Eurasian Futurist and want anime to become real. I will help other people live their pure and unique racial blocs. That also includes Mullato Futurism and Calisexualism.
1. That's called "Anime Realism" and it will be brought by transhumanist tech. William Gibson already wanted us to get anime eyes and hair in his 1996 work "Idoru."
2. I'm not joking. AxA is serious like Jet Set Radio Future and Lacan.
3. It's not exactly "UBW." It's common sense held by virtue ethics. Liberals can't say men should judge women as universal beings. We know the quality of admixture European women has gone down. Asian women at least give you everything to live a normal healthy life PLUS an avant-garde one. Therefore, who you are with gives you a subcultural and ideological edge. The age of universalism is over. You just make better art with a Japanese wife, etc.
Hapas are not White and don't look White, they usually look like their Asian parent. And there are far more East Asians in Eurasia than there are White people. So instead of getting some white-looking Volga Tatars you'll end up with an entire continent of Kazakhs or Hazaras if you factor in Indian ancestry
Not semantics, just biological reality. West Eurasians and East Eurasians are, pragmatically speaking, different species of humans who separated from each other tens of thousands of years ago.
>You are forgetting Anime Realism, Digital Hardcore-breakcore, and the spirit of Jet Set Radio Future.
I think you should go to the doctor, and have him run some tests on you. Because this is all autistic. Also, breakcore is troon-coded, and "Jet Set Radio Future" is utterly tasteless.
This is why you don't understand the AxA subculture, is because you are too Philistine to understand what was dominate in 80s, 90s, and 2000s. It is a "biological reality" that Eurasians can continue anti-liberalism and sustain identity as the new whites at the same time. AxA is natalism, not transhumanism.
Ethnonationalism is solipism and white nationalism is antinatalist because it does not want competition, or can not see any rhizome possibilities.
You are also espousing the "mental health" complex that liberals hold. Why do you assume I'm crazy when you are the one that hates Eurasians and that you enjoy boring Christian nationalist music? I think you are in the parasocial relationship.
You have no clue about the history of breakcore. It always has been an Anime-Realist movement. Read my book "Suicidal, Asian, and Promiscuous" as the foundations for Eurasian Futurism and AxA.
The only problem we have are wignats who hate art, like yourself.
The Irish not being white trope until post ww2 is regularly brought up by pro non white immigration advocates. The reality is that all of the exclusionary attitude towards the Irish were because they were Roman Catholic AND English speaking thus having a potential to threaten the WASP cohorts identity.The Republican party kept them out no matter how wealthy they got (Kennedy Sr was prevented from joining)but they did get revenge by acting almost like a 'glue 'holding the party together.
Robert, one more comment on this: Until recently "Hispanic" was an ethnicity that was separate from race, and this is something that was noted in your linked article. However, as of the new Census (2024 guidelines), that's no longer the case. Hispanic is listed as a racial category on par with White, Black and Asian. This change may or may not have impact on the subject of Hispanic assimilation.
This is an interesting topic with some interesting musings. Low status men get pushed out of the gene pool. Right now, the Left has created its racial and sex caste system with white men on the bottom. In its fullest expression, a revenge fantasy sought to be brought to life, White men are gone.
While this is interesting to ponder, we need to rediscover ourselves and put ourselves in a position to dominate. Then we'll do the choosing. As for middle and even lower class Whites, it does our civilization no good to permit them to be put behind inferior sinecures. In addition to our vanguard using the current headwinds to become more powerful than we would be without them, we must also bring up and be of service to our middle and lower echelons. Numbers matter, and we have a duty to our people that has practical benefits of fortifying our position.
May the continent our ancestors settled and turned from a stone age wilderness into this juggernaut be under our dominion forever. For the ashes of our Fathers for the temples of our Gods. Carpe Diem!
"Ok with mass deportations, especially consider that Mexican Americans might be crazy about Hondurans or Venezulans. However, but felt excluded from oprrutunity or chance"
I'm NOT OK with mass deportations! Not in the US, at least.
I want the North America in general to break apart into smaller, more organic polities. Some of these might be ‘ethnostates,’ and some not. There might be multiracial cities or regions while others will be more homogeneous. If I could wave a magic wand I would reverse Hart-Cellar and restore the United States to 1960 demographics
The United States, Canada, and Mexico, are all largely artificial polities and destined imho to break apart in time.
I prefer an all-white ethnostate while others here with a sexual and aesthetic fetish for Asian females want to create a hybrid race. We want different things here. While there is no hostility personally, we need to reside in different societies.
I don’t want a Castizo anything. If I wanted to reside in such a society I’d move to Chile or Colombia.
Splitting up big states into smaller polities of people with similar agendas is honestly the solution for most problems imo. Also if everyone could achieve the separatist goals they wanted there would be a lot less incentive for people to immigrate.
We could have a very loose continental union with a variety of autonomous regions, city-states, enclaves, and ethnostates. Pilleater can have his Eurasian paradise in Hawaii or Southern California. I can have my white ethnostate in the Rocky Mountain region, upper Midwest, PNW, Northern California. Greater NYC or parts of Florida can experiment with Israeli-Aryanism.
FWIW, I like Canada’s merit-based system but I do think that it’s insufficiently sympathetic towards older and working-class people. My own parents were highly skilled (Master’s degrees in Chemistry and Physics) and were able to immigrate to the US in their early 40s. They wanted to do so a decade earlier but couldn’t do so because the US’s doors were still closed to them back then. They couldn’t even try immigrating to the US before their early 30s because the Soviet Union mostly did not allow emigration until the very late 1980s.
I do want the US to import many more global cognitive elites on top of the immigrants whom he have right now, though. Not as an alternative to them, though.
For what it's worth, I do like a lot of US blacks. It's the bad apples in their community that are the problem. The ones who are responsible for the chronic shooting and homicide rates in their own communities.
US blacks have a longevity advantage at extremely high ages:
But whenever a lot of US black people get murdered prematurely, often by other blacks, the risk increases that they end up losing at least one potential future US black supercentenarian.
There is a lot to say on this subject, and I've studied it extensively.
The most authoritative work on race and phenotype in America is Wilmot Robertson's book "The Dispossessed Majority." I highly recommend it. He goes over phenotypes and assimilability in the US in great detail and is pretty accurate. The book can be downloaded as a PDF from
His thesis is that there is a "pigmentation spectrum" that determines whether one is assimilable into white America or not, and it's pretty specific. A combination of darker skin, dark hair and/or dark eyes -- i.e. being "too much on the brunet side" -- distances a person from American assimilability. "American Majority comprises the Nordic, Alpine, Nordic-Alpine and Nordic-Mediterranean elements of the population, as distinguished from the (1) darker Mediterranean and (2) colored elements." Light skin, light hair and/or light eyes are America's Northern-European "nucleus." The greater the distance from this nucleus, the more foreign someone looks, and the less assimilable they are. He says that includes Mediterranean-looking people. So there are very real boundaries that exist in terms of US white assimilability. I was surprised when I read it, I thought people weren't as attuned to small phenotypical differences. but they are.
As you mentioned, DEI and identity politics will also serve to keep groups separated. Some of this is because they're now incentivized to separate themselves.
JD Vance spoke of being proud of his Scots Irish roots which have now officially ended with his miscegenation with an Indian. This also applies in terms of his wife's Indian ethnicity too.
>>I could see a scenario where the foundation of America’s Right is an alliance of Castizos in law enforcement, the military, and the petite bourgeoisie in alliance with an ethnocentric White elite.
I think this is the most likely outcome for America. Most of the points you make I would agree with.
I think back to the outcome of the Roman Empire in the West. The Spanish and the French ultimately were a type of mix between the Romans and indigenous Celts, but it’s not that simple. It appears that some of the Spanish and French nobility during the Middle Ages were either of Roman ancestry or some variety of Romano-Celtic, but we also must consider the Germanic influence coming from the north during that time. The history of the various noble European dynasties is often a tale of different ethnic groups vying for power within multiracial national territories, wherein for example you see Normans establishing a dynasty in Sicily for hundreds of years and maintaining a distinct ethnic enclave from the lower castes there. But of course there were also many politically motivated intermarriages between the noble families that may have resulted in various degrees of race mixing.
I see all of these things possibly playing out in the future of America. Even now, during the time of Melting Pot multiculturalism, there is still an underlying elitism of castes. We’re just not allowed to acknowledge that it’s there.
Reasons Castizo futurism is dumb:
1) Hispanics are probably *not* assimilating into conservatism. The Hispanics becoming republicans are first generation immigrants, funnily enough, while later gens are more liberal even if you correct for age.
2) Castizos for the most part will either identify as Hispanic or only very loosely and meaninglessly identify as White. A large problem already for White Identity is the perception that someone’s “not white, but Irish” or “descended from [european] immigrants” so they think they might as well not identify with anything. Castizos would be this x10 and would mix with other races at even higher rates. There isn’t really a way to convince the margins of whiteness to identify more with their whiteness than the actual white people, and on top of that expect to get some sort of elite slice of said margin. A lot of race realist arguments might no longer work if whiteness was phased out this much
3) Castizos aren’t White, genetically, and we should seek racial categories with some real world genetic consistency.
Plox read my substack where I talk both about this and the hapa question more in-depth.
I'd much rather try to genetically assimilate East Asians than Hispanics. Intermarriage between Whites and Hispanics would lower White IQ, whereas a Hapa is probably a pretty good blend.
But Asians are genetically more distant from Europeans than Hispanics. In purely genetic terms this would result in a greater dilution of the White racial qualities than the Castiszo question. I’m not sure if IQ is really relevant if the ultimate goal is to preserve the European racial qualities.
I'm most concerned about preserving high tech civilization, but in practice if we don't want to be bugmen we need a higher proportion of European than Asian DNA. Still we are nowhere near getting genetically swamped by Asians, there are way more Americans who are part black or Hispanic.
In my view, we are not at risk of losing high tech civilization. The real risk is the scope and scale of that civilization, but there are already guilds of professionals absolutely dedicated to the preservation and function of higher technology.
While I’m not for any mixing at all, objectively speaking the Hispanic is already racially closer to you than East-Asians, although not higher IQ. Hispanics are essentially Hapas of varying degrees of we consider their original homeland is either West Mongolia or Polynesia
Who cares, intelligence matters more than racial similarity. Western culture and creativity would be preserved best by Western and Northern Europeans but I still think people from a highly competent Asian country like Japan or Singapore would be preferable over lower IQ European countries like the Balkans or something.
The thing is that Hapa boys are one of the lowest on the socio-sexual hierarchy, whereas Hapa girls are rather high (because they can pass as Asian). Really doubtful that any cultural programming can reverse this perception in America. This means when promoting Hapa Futurism, you are consigning many white fathers – because WMAF is way more common than AMWF – to having sexless sons and only fruitful daughters, and they're probably not going to be okay with that.
I'm not saying this to judge you at all, but that would be such a retarded metric for judging what are desirable genetic traits. It's kinda funny cause I've had exchanges earlier today about how female sexual preferences are largely maladaptive in the modern world. If women are more attracted to white men than hapa men because of height or whatever even if the hapa men have higher average intelligence then that's dysgenic and it just proves why we need widespread sexbots ASAP, desirable cognitive traits need to be perpetuated as much as possible without regard to what women find sexy.
If we have sexbots with artificial wombs none of this is gonna be of any concern anymore, so snap back to reality
Designer babies will be more prone to looking like anime characters, hence a creation of Eurasian Futurism and the objective goal towards Asiansexuality as the beauty standard under transhumanism.
Are you sure? Anime (neotenous) traits are not as desirable among men as they are women. Ans it’s more difficult to code in genes which only turn on for women and not men
Why would I feel judged? I'm not sure how sexbots come in to this either. Anyway, good luck on your project to make Hapa men desirable. You have a huge uphill battle. On the other hand, Hapa women are literally some of the most sought after in the world.
...I'm scratching my head as to how sexbots solve this problem?
Hapas have high mental illness and inceldom, and don’t look like their white parents
This is why we have the AxA subculture as a means to celebrating the supposed innate queerness of the Eurasian and enjoying a punk rock revolution against liberals and ethnonationalists that hate us. That's why this is a war against the artist and the stupid, as the latter puts limits on themselves when clearly Asiansexuality is the truth.
Liberals do not hate you, and most Hapas are liberals.
I'm a Eurasian Futurist and want anime to become real. I will help other people live their pure and unique racial blocs. That also includes Mullato Futurism and Calisexualism.
Do you support Elon Musk's proposition for genetically engineered catgirls?
I'm only about 79% joking. This might be what our grandchildren discuss as a matter of social policy.
UBI? Meh. UBW is the way.
Universal Basic Waifu
1. That's called "Anime Realism" and it will be brought by transhumanist tech. William Gibson already wanted us to get anime eyes and hair in his 1996 work "Idoru."
2. I'm not joking. AxA is serious like Jet Set Radio Future and Lacan.
3. It's not exactly "UBW." It's common sense held by virtue ethics. Liberals can't say men should judge women as universal beings. We know the quality of admixture European women has gone down. Asian women at least give you everything to live a normal healthy life PLUS an avant-garde one. Therefore, who you are with gives you a subcultural and ideological edge. The age of universalism is over. You just make better art with a Japanese wife, etc.
We are natalists and want Eurasianism.
John Lennon thought that way too...
He was a Eurasian Futurist.
Pilleater, you are such a weirdo ❤️
(I'm 1/3 done with your book)
No comment.
Everyone in Anime is white, even the Japanese people. This is a solved argument, don’t pull any sophistry like “actually they’re cats”
Hence Eurasianism will be labeled "white" but actually admixture Asian and European with anime realist tech.
Hapas are not White and don't look White, they usually look like their Asian parent. And there are far more East Asians in Eurasia than there are White people. So instead of getting some white-looking Volga Tatars you'll end up with an entire continent of Kazakhs or Hazaras if you factor in Indian ancestry
There is no binary between White or Asian. It's Eurasian and it's a third party.
This is about the third category that your semantics does not allowed or wants to.
You are forgetting Anime Realism, Digital Hardcore-breakcore, and the spirit of Jet Set Radio Future.
We are strongly against "The Aryan Woman in The Wheat Field."
Not semantics, just biological reality. West Eurasians and East Eurasians are, pragmatically speaking, different species of humans who separated from each other tens of thousands of years ago.
>You are forgetting Anime Realism, Digital Hardcore-breakcore, and the spirit of Jet Set Radio Future.
I think you should go to the doctor, and have him run some tests on you. Because this is all autistic. Also, breakcore is troon-coded, and "Jet Set Radio Future" is utterly tasteless.
Also, by you mocking Asian Aesethics, I have came to the conclusion you are an Asiansexual in denial.
I feel pity for you.
This is why you don't understand the AxA subculture, is because you are too Philistine to understand what was dominate in 80s, 90s, and 2000s. It is a "biological reality" that Eurasians can continue anti-liberalism and sustain identity as the new whites at the same time. AxA is natalism, not transhumanism.
Ethnonationalism is solipism and white nationalism is antinatalist because it does not want competition, or can not see any rhizome possibilities.
You are also espousing the "mental health" complex that liberals hold. Why do you assume I'm crazy when you are the one that hates Eurasians and that you enjoy boring Christian nationalist music? I think you are in the parasocial relationship.
You have no clue about the history of breakcore. It always has been an Anime-Realist movement. Read my book "Suicidal, Asian, and Promiscuous" as the foundations for Eurasian Futurism and AxA.
The only problem we have are wignats who hate art, like yourself.
The Irish not being white trope until post ww2 is regularly brought up by pro non white immigration advocates. The reality is that all of the exclusionary attitude towards the Irish were because they were Roman Catholic AND English speaking thus having a potential to threaten the WASP cohorts identity.The Republican party kept them out no matter how wealthy they got (Kennedy Sr was prevented from joining)but they did get revenge by acting almost like a 'glue 'holding the party together.
Robert, one more comment on this: Until recently "Hispanic" was an ethnicity that was separate from race, and this is something that was noted in your linked article. However, as of the new Census (2024 guidelines), that's no longer the case. Hispanic is listed as a racial category on par with White, Black and Asian. This change may or may not have impact on the subject of Hispanic assimilation.
This is an interesting topic with some interesting musings. Low status men get pushed out of the gene pool. Right now, the Left has created its racial and sex caste system with white men on the bottom. In its fullest expression, a revenge fantasy sought to be brought to life, White men are gone.
While this is interesting to ponder, we need to rediscover ourselves and put ourselves in a position to dominate. Then we'll do the choosing. As for middle and even lower class Whites, it does our civilization no good to permit them to be put behind inferior sinecures. In addition to our vanguard using the current headwinds to become more powerful than we would be without them, we must also bring up and be of service to our middle and lower echelons. Numbers matter, and we have a duty to our people that has practical benefits of fortifying our position.
May the continent our ancestors settled and turned from a stone age wilderness into this juggernaut be under our dominion forever. For the ashes of our Fathers for the temples of our Gods. Carpe Diem!
"Ok with mass deportations, especially consider that Mexican Americans might be crazy about Hondurans or Venezulans. However, but felt excluded from oprrutunity or chance"
I'm NOT OK with mass deportations! Not in the US, at least.
Make America 1965 again!
The US had no immigration quotas on Latin America before 1965. Are you sure that you actually want to return to that?
I suppose that this might be a desirable goal if you want an Israeli-style white ethnostate here in the US.
I want the North America in general to break apart into smaller, more organic polities. Some of these might be ‘ethnostates,’ and some not. There might be multiracial cities or regions while others will be more homogeneous. If I could wave a magic wand I would reverse Hart-Cellar and restore the United States to 1960 demographics
The United States, Canada, and Mexico, are all largely artificial polities and destined imho to break apart in time.
I prefer an all-white ethnostate while others here with a sexual and aesthetic fetish for Asian females want to create a hybrid race. We want different things here. While there is no hostility personally, we need to reside in different societies.
I don’t want a Castizo anything. If I wanted to reside in such a society I’d move to Chile or Colombia.
Splitting up big states into smaller polities of people with similar agendas is honestly the solution for most problems imo. Also if everyone could achieve the separatist goals they wanted there would be a lot less incentive for people to immigrate.
We could have a very loose continental union with a variety of autonomous regions, city-states, enclaves, and ethnostates. Pilleater can have his Eurasian paradise in Hawaii or Southern California. I can have my white ethnostate in the Rocky Mountain region, upper Midwest, PNW, Northern California. Greater NYC or parts of Florida can experiment with Israeli-Aryanism.
Can we also get Canada to join this union? Because that would be a total win for us!
I could see a confederation with parts of Anglo Canada possibly but French Canada aka Quebec should be autonomous or independent.
Quebec should join the EU! If Cyprus can do it, then so can Quebec!
Canada is going to be full of Indians..
And Chinese. A Singapore North!
FWIW, I like Canada’s merit-based system but I do think that it’s insufficiently sympathetic towards older and working-class people. My own parents were highly skilled (Master’s degrees in Chemistry and Physics) and were able to immigrate to the US in their early 40s. They wanted to do so a decade earlier but couldn’t do so because the US’s doors were still closed to them back then. They couldn’t even try immigrating to the US before their early 30s because the Soviet Union mostly did not allow emigration until the very late 1980s.
Because I generally don't view illegals as being that problematic for the US.
Interesting. Why?
I do want the US to import many more global cognitive elites on top of the immigrants whom he have right now, though. Not as an alternative to them, though.
They're much better than US black descendants of slaves are, on average. And I like Latino cultural vibrancy.
Some Latin American countries are very homicidal but thankfully Latinos in the US are much less so.
For what it's worth, I do like a lot of US blacks. It's the bad apples in their community that are the problem. The ones who are responsible for the chronic shooting and homicide rates in their own communities.
US blacks have a longevity advantage at extremely high ages:
But whenever a lot of US black people get murdered prematurely, often by other blacks, the risk increases that they end up losing at least one potential future US black supercentenarian.
Hell no! Not in large numbers. Do we want to become effing Nicaragua? What’s wrong with some of these ‘dissident right’ spergs!
There is a lot to say on this subject, and I've studied it extensively.
The most authoritative work on race and phenotype in America is Wilmot Robertson's book "The Dispossessed Majority." I highly recommend it. He goes over phenotypes and assimilability in the US in great detail and is pretty accurate. The book can be downloaded as a PDF from
His thesis is that there is a "pigmentation spectrum" that determines whether one is assimilable into white America or not, and it's pretty specific. A combination of darker skin, dark hair and/or dark eyes -- i.e. being "too much on the brunet side" -- distances a person from American assimilability. "American Majority comprises the Nordic, Alpine, Nordic-Alpine and Nordic-Mediterranean elements of the population, as distinguished from the (1) darker Mediterranean and (2) colored elements." Light skin, light hair and/or light eyes are America's Northern-European "nucleus." The greater the distance from this nucleus, the more foreign someone looks, and the less assimilable they are. He says that includes Mediterranean-looking people. So there are very real boundaries that exist in terms of US white assimilability. I was surprised when I read it, I thought people weren't as attuned to small phenotypical differences. but they are.
As you mentioned, DEI and identity politics will also serve to keep groups separated. Some of this is because they're now incentivized to separate themselves.
If someone is alotted special treatment for not being white, why would they want to assimilate in the first place?
DEI is suppressing white births and increasing miscegenation by white women with blacks
JD Vance spoke of being proud of his Scots Irish roots which have now officially ended with his miscegenation with an Indian. This also applies in terms of his wife's Indian ethnicity too.
>>I could see a scenario where the foundation of America’s Right is an alliance of Castizos in law enforcement, the military, and the petite bourgeoisie in alliance with an ethnocentric White elite.
I think this is the most likely outcome for America. Most of the points you make I would agree with.
I think back to the outcome of the Roman Empire in the West. The Spanish and the French ultimately were a type of mix between the Romans and indigenous Celts, but it’s not that simple. It appears that some of the Spanish and French nobility during the Middle Ages were either of Roman ancestry or some variety of Romano-Celtic, but we also must consider the Germanic influence coming from the north during that time. The history of the various noble European dynasties is often a tale of different ethnic groups vying for power within multiracial national territories, wherein for example you see Normans establishing a dynasty in Sicily for hundreds of years and maintaining a distinct ethnic enclave from the lower castes there. But of course there were also many politically motivated intermarriages between the noble families that may have resulted in various degrees of race mixing.
I see all of these things possibly playing out in the future of America. Even now, during the time of Melting Pot multiculturalism, there is still an underlying elitism of castes. We’re just not allowed to acknowledge that it’s there.