There are only 3 million or so Afrikaners. Let’s say half of them came here under Trump’s offer. 1.5 million more whites is a drop in the bucket out of a total population of 340 million.
"It is also notable that the refugee status granted by Trump’s executive order only applies to Afrikaners and not other White South Africans, such as those of English extraction."
Why aren't other White South Africans granted asylum by Trump? Are not all Whites equal according to him?
Also hard for me to take Trump's "pro-White" claims seriously when he's not allowing Ukrainians to resettle here, not pushing for much more open borders with Europe (including Russia) and Israel, and is even opposed to importing more white Latin Americans.
I would say that brain-draining white countries isn't necessarily doing those countries any favours (although defending them against aggression from other countries might be.)
For the record, I'm pretty sympathetic to the plight of white south-africans in general and Afrikaaners in particular, but singling them out for asylum status while rejecting any and all *other* claims for asylum is a bit... conspicuously one-sided. I'm not sure it's the politically optimal move.
Trump isn't really a creature of any kind of coherent principle, he just wants to please his base and get high on narcissistic supply. "Ukraine bad, South Africa good, Israel ambiguous" is the MAGA position, so he winds up reflecting that sentiment regardless of what their situations have or haven't in common.
One would think someone like Bannon would be curious about the results of eliminating apartheid in South Africa. If he is uninterested in the results then it stands to reason he must be comfortable with the idea that harming whites is acceptable in order to empower hostile groups, or groups with competing interests.
Therefore, why would any white man in his right mind trust Bannon? He even calls whites racist for looking out for their own survival, let alone interests. It can't be made plainer to me that he's more aligned with Biden and Democrats than he is with what Trump represents. Why is this guy taken seriously?
There's a lot of disturbing implications about whites who engage with Bannon. Either muddled thinking or outright deception.
According to our host: "For instance, Steve Bannon is anti-immigration across the board, including for White South Africans, whom he called “the most racist people on Earth,” while demanding more high paying jobs for US born Blacks and Latinos."
There aren't enough of them to offset the horrible, grifting Indians and wealthy Third Worlder tech types he and Elon have said they'll grant admission to. "Is Trump using Immigration to make America White again?" Sadly, no. We have to do that on our own.
Don’t South Africans deserve to not have white people in their country for once? This will let them be one race uninterrupted and finally they can have back their lives and culture fully.
God, I hope so! If Trump had a lick of sense, he’d be importing every White South African he could get.
There are only 3 million or so Afrikaners. Let’s say half of them came here under Trump’s offer. 1.5 million more whites is a drop in the bucket out of a total population of 340 million.
"It is also notable that the refugee status granted by Trump’s executive order only applies to Afrikaners and not other White South Africans, such as those of English extraction."
Why aren't other White South Africans granted asylum by Trump? Are not all Whites equal according to him?
Also hard for me to take Trump's "pro-White" claims seriously when he's not allowing Ukrainians to resettle here, not pushing for much more open borders with Europe (including Russia) and Israel, and is even opposed to importing more white Latin Americans.
I would say that brain-draining white countries isn't necessarily doing those countries any favours (although defending them against aggression from other countries might be.)
For the record, I'm pretty sympathetic to the plight of white south-africans in general and Afrikaaners in particular, but singling them out for asylum status while rejecting any and all *other* claims for asylum is a bit... conspicuously one-sided. I'm not sure it's the politically optimal move.
Trump isn't really a creature of any kind of coherent principle, he just wants to please his base and get high on narcissistic supply. "Ukraine bad, South Africa good, Israel ambiguous" is the MAGA position, so he winds up reflecting that sentiment regardless of what their situations have or haven't in common.
One would think someone like Bannon would be curious about the results of eliminating apartheid in South Africa. If he is uninterested in the results then it stands to reason he must be comfortable with the idea that harming whites is acceptable in order to empower hostile groups, or groups with competing interests.
Therefore, why would any white man in his right mind trust Bannon? He even calls whites racist for looking out for their own survival, let alone interests. It can't be made plainer to me that he's more aligned with Biden and Democrats than he is with what Trump represents. Why is this guy taken seriously?
There's a lot of disturbing implications about whites who engage with Bannon. Either muddled thinking or outright deception.
Could you be more specific? What don't you understand?
What did Bannon say that made you think that this card carrying white supremacist hates white people?
According to our host: "For instance, Steve Bannon is anti-immigration across the board, including for White South Africans, whom he called “the most racist people on Earth,” while demanding more high paying jobs for US born Blacks and Latinos."
There aren't enough of them to offset the horrible, grifting Indians and wealthy Third Worlder tech types he and Elon have said they'll grant admission to. "Is Trump using Immigration to make America White again?" Sadly, no. We have to do that on our own.
Don’t South Africans deserve to not have white people in their country for once? This will let them be one race uninterrupted and finally they can have back their lives and culture fully.