This illustrates the problem. The parasitic wealthy elites who create most of our social policies, such as mass immigration and ‘progressive’ policies on crime, have the financial and social means to insulate themselves and their children from the direct consequences of their policies. It is the middle and most especially, native-born poor and working classes who suffer the most in all kinds of ways. We need to make elites suffer more.

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Let's call it what it is: White Erasure.

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All of this is contingent on the energy intensive digital money machine continuing to thrive. If there is some sort of permanent decline, and the economy is much more difficult for most people, I suspect you will see communities breaking more along racial lines as living in a high trust more homogenous community will become more important.

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Robert Stark reports his observations from the streets of LA in the style of a true class- and race-conscious flaneur.

But I concur with many here in thinking I'd rather see 100% White urban street scenes in these places

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To make it simple, the future as I see it here on the East Coast is White, Colored, and Black. Apart from Blacks, the distinction is between White and Diversity/Colored (of any kind), which is similar to "Coloureds" in South Africa. Diversity includes brown, Asian, multiracial, a certain number of blacks, and some liberal or ethnic whites who feel comfortable in more ethnic environments. All the people in the Diversity/Colored category are in a melting pot and mixing with each other, producing a Colored somewhat caramel-colored international phenotype. They also share the same cultural and political outlook. I would even go so far as to say that Hispanics, East Asians, South Asians, some more liberal or ethnic whites, and some liberal blacks will all mix into this Colored phenotype, which will nonetheless remain distinct from unmixed conservative Whites and Blacks. This is what I see in the Washington D.C. area.

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Interesting but it leaves me wanting much more on how people feel, live, act out. So far enclaves are just another iteration of assortation by class in a dynamic real estate market. True enclaves would require enduring relationships, exchanges born of loyalty between a narrow spectrum of people however defined.

The mating habits of Californians are fascinating but what are the real life anxieties, the formally unacknowledged taboos that everyone is aware of, the rules of the game?

What do nubile upwardly mobile members of the Global Majority really make of the whites they replace? Do half-breeds eligible for DEI have any discernible loyalty or sympathy for paleface cousins, the untouchables in the DEI caste system?

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A very interesting contrast. Don't think I've ever been to Torrance proper. The Del Amo mall was where Bad Santa was filmed (standing in for a mall in Phoenix).

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One of my favorite topics, esoteric race observations and analysis. Besides You, Steve, and this guy I recently came across; https://inelegantviceroy.stechlinsee.ch/2024/04/06/twitter-volume-iii-part-iii-the-ruling-class-megapost-or-protocols-of-the-elders-of-taipei-jan-2023-dec-2023/ , there's just not much place else to find this type of analysis.

Your conclusion that pure enclavism is probably not going to happen, but more a mix of class based mixing, looks right. I am anti-woke, and I think white identitarianism shouldn't be taboo or negatively stigmatized, but agree that there is some virtue in multi-culturalism. We just need to manage the negatives of it better; mainly through better enforcement of deporting and shaming people that don't respect or appreciate the country and it's values. From someone that has lived in SF Bay Area, Virginia, Santa Barbara and LA/OC (SoCal), SoCal has much more diversity and integrated communities. People generally seem to be happier there too.

I live in an upper middle class neighborhood in the Bay Area with many multi racial families. Hardly any couples that are both white. Thinking in a Charles Murray/Steve Sailer context, what truly unites us is invisible and unbeknownst to us all. We all probably have nearly perfect credit scores and are all 110+ and within a SD of IQ points.

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Fascinating, thanks. Where do La Cañada Flintridge and coastal Orange County fit into all this?

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