We need Zero immigration, and none from the Third World.

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Trump is mostly a windbag without any substance.

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Only getting immigration from “nice countries” doesn’t mean anything anymore. It’s a mixed up world now and lots of bad actors in Western Europe now too.

I knew Mike Johnson was a problem when he gave an interview saying America “had work to do” on racism.

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Shifting or rather shattering Overton windows is a Trump specialty.

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While I agree with your basic premise, this is just propaganda from the Democrats:

>For instance, tax cuts for corporations and the rich

Trump reduced the WORLD'S HIGHEST CORPORATE TAX. Among countries with a normal economy; it is higher in Saudi Arabia but on the other hand they don't have an income tax and the oil-rich government provides all sort of economic benefits, and then there's a stamp-sized country also. Aside from that, the U.S. had the world's highest corporate tax. That means that U.S. exports became much more costly. So U.S. firms sold less, and could employ fewer people. Likewise it meant that prices were higher for Americans when they bought U.S.-made goods, while imports were cheaper.

Did it hurt you when the record-high corporate tax was lowered?

The Democrats had to pretend to be opposed to anything Trump did, so the claimed lowering a tax that affected all of American society was "a tax cut on the rich." The lying reasoning being that "the rich" own the shares in the companies. (Along with tons of smaller investors, retirement funds and the like, and the employees themselves.) So apparently you must hurt all of society so that you hurt "the rich" as well. Yep - 100% classic social democrat politics.

Note that after all that wailing about "tax cuts for the rich" they didn't bring back the record-high corporate tax once in power.

But I'm sorry. I've written "corporate" twice, and it's such an evil word, so none of the reasoning or the facts here matter. I might as well say "profit," a word that in Hollywood shows and movies is only used by villains. That leftists also want money is irrelevant, call the money "profit" and it's evil.

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Trump-a-Lump is a Trojan Horse of several stripes not good for American people...on the other hand, the other side is far worse...lesser of two evils has pretty much been the story in U.S. as long as I've been following the scene starting in mid 70's----and prolly another 70-odd yrs prior to that---if not more...

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