I was an RFK voter... leans too left on some things, i leaned right... but the man is honest, has integrity, vast knowledge of 20th century history to date, current day insight into hoax plandemics,, free speech abuse by the rad left.... an environmentalist - he's won 500+ cases against polluting corps/utlities. and he'll put a good dent into the swamp.

If you listen and watch (youtube), you'll see a leader. Kennedy family has leadership qualities - not always the right policies - other than they wanted the American society to thrive. Bobby does as well - he's not a WEF minion like brandon... He's a real American, like most centrist dems. Can't do old joe for 4 more, TDS virus affecting too many, RFK jr might be the answer.

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I'll probably vote Trump this year, but RFK Jr. is definitely a courageous man with conviction in his beliefs.

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August 2020 RFK jr speech in Berlin

He's against fascist corporate/public alliances, big guv mandates, etc


He started childrens health defense ~20 years ago.

When boomer were young, we had a polio shot and maybe small pox. Mothers had measle parties to get the neighborhood get the disease and be done with it - immune for life after natural infection.

Kids today; 76 total shots, 18 different vaxxes. Battles big oharma and fedguv agencies for FOIA requests and litigation. The man probably desrves my vote - socialist leanings aside.

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I'd be curious to know what RFK Jr thinks about Derek Chavin. How does he fit into the privileged white man world?s What was his role and did he deserve being stabbed 22 times and left to rot.

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Same old same old. They are all awful when it comes to race. Whites just can't touch it in the Age of Kneeling Nancy.

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Jr. ENDORSED HRC and said, "...she'd make a great president." What else do you really need to know?

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A Kennedy is a Kennedy, is a Kennedy.


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