Have not listened yet, but this to me seems to be the classic case of thinking 'worse is better', to which the classic responses are 'there is a lot of ruin in a nation' and 'worse is only better when you know you are going to win'.

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I know quite a few brilliant, kind and/or talented people that are never going to pass on their genes because of the insanity of wokeness. It actually kinda ticks me off when people suggest this process is just 'Darwin at work'.

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Did this guy really say at 30:00 that an example of ethnogenesis is Jews marrying Gentile whites? And that this is similar to whites marrying Asians? Whoa. I thought Edward Dutton was smarter than that. European Jews are a European ethnic group on par with Italians, Poles, Hungarians, etc., within the white European race. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand that, but it looks like many people on the right really struggle with the fact that Euro Jews are white (or don't want to acknowledge it). Oh, they'll argue that Spaniards or Italians or Hungarians are white, but not European Jews! Did Mr. Dutton perchance talk about Hungarians (a recent tribe in Europe) containing some Asian admixture, or Spaniards containing some North African admixture? Or did this scientist include all those ethnicities as 'white' while denying this classification to European Jews? I wonder why?

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