Kudos to you. What an interesting hodgepodge of views

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He’s basically an ‘antiracist’ classical liberal who views people primarily as individuals while minimizing obvious differences between groups we all easily recognize on a daily basis.

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Racial gaps should be accepted as a fact of life but should primarily be relevant whenever health or personal safety is on the line. People should be more wary of being followed by young black men than by old Asian women. This includes cops, BTW. And I want my neurosurgeons to be smart and competent even if most of them will be Ashkenazi Jewish, Asian, or white gentile.

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We need restored freedom of association, i.e. the right to discriminate without coercive federal laws forcing integration.

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I see value in having protected classes and even in expanding them since I don’t think that it would be very fair to deny service even to members of this group unless they are an active risk to someone in the immediate vicinity:


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Does he favor maintaining current Civil Rights policies along with the massive bureaucracy and managerial state that enforces such policies? I would assume he does?

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You’re not asking me, but personally, I think that civil rights law deserves both a trim and an expansion. It deserves a trim by scrapping the disparate impact doctrine but deserves an expansion by making autism, ADHD, and mental illness (including pedophilia) protected classes of some sort. (No, this does not mean allowing pedophiles to become teachers. But it would mean allowing them to win lawsuits against companies that refuse to hire them for, say, a computer programmer position that does not involve much, if any, contact with children, especially if they don’t have any crimes against actual children on their criminal record.)

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@Robert Lindsay does this interview sound similar to your proposal for liberal race realism?

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Good god, where do you find people like this?

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