That slithering half-Chinese Graham Wood journo happens to know personally both Alamariu and Richard Spencer since their youth. He ended up pouring lots and lots of mud and smear upon them with his columns on the Atlantic https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theatlantic.com%2Fmagazine%2Farchive%2F2023%2F09%2Fbronze-age-pervert-costin-alamariu%2F674762%2F

Very weak ad-hominem arguments against Alamariu being some kind of delusional never-grown-up Peter Pan type

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Very nice review. Thanks.

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Congratulations for having this article featured on front page at unz.com today

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EthnicConcession.com is the UC Berkeley paper against affirmative action and proof that diversity/inclusion is a massive myth

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"capitalism selects against aristocratic values and traits" Um, what? The main supporters of racialism, nationalism and tought right-wing values have always been business owners. Business is competition, within a company and between them. As George Orwell said, "For all the talk about the workers, the fascists derive most of their support from the upper classes." All over Europe it was the same with the support for the movements of former veterans who opposed the communists. As Hitler said, "We must not deprive Germany of the benefits that come from competition. The NSDAP, two months after it took power, restricted membership to business leaders, officers, professors and the like, and would accept from lower jobs only those who could prove themselves. That is why businesses have been targeted the most by the socialist media in the West, always scrutinizing, attacking anything they do or say, with the state only favoring those who go along with their leftist values. This was done for generations until they managed to change the composition in the top of businesses they way they had change the schools, which used to be dominated by conservative teachers. So that now you will say, "look how bad business owners are," and come up with theories about that which never touch on the real cause. In their natural form businesses improve society and themselves through competition, the one fact that has always brought society forward - as also seen in the competition for breeding.

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Capitalism is about monopoly and squeezing profit at all costs.

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You’re also quite mistaken about fascism and national socialism, whose main base of support were farmers and the lower middle-classes. The wealthy industrialists in Germany only supported Hitler as they feared a communist alternative, not because they enthusiastically supported National Socialism.

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Name one ceo or prominent capitalist anywhere in The Western World who is pro-white, supports immigration restrictionism, and favors treating the white working classes decently and humanely, and not replacing them wholesale with browns, blacks, and yellows? There are absolutely, none! Zero!

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Gide was never a Communist, rather a fellow traveler turned anti-Stalinist after a visit to the USSR in mid 30's. I wrote a history paper about this a long time ago.

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Good review but ultimately BAPism is a political and social dead end down the well-trodden path of libertarianism and the Manosphere.

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The piece mentions BAP realising that the cruelty of the sexual market is unavoidable and cannot really be eliminated, but just managed through eugenics. That's a good point, and also the critique against Communism on how that ideology does not really address the incel problem, which is downstream from the fact that few have plenty of mating opportunities and the many have considerably less of them, ie the aforementioned cruelty of the sexual market.

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Incelism didn’t seem to exist in the USSR, China, Cuba, etc.

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BAP and the guy using his dumbbells line (I presume it's his line) are both pencil-necked, anyone ever been involved in manly sports could spot that. Bodybuilding and weight lifting for the sake of it is such a pose. Other than that, the Jew here makes some interesting and quite cerebral observations https://www.versobooks.com/en-gb/blogs/news/3428-against-exercise-by-mark-greif

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Alamariu's vision (the use of selective breeding to develop a new ruling caste) could quite easily get taken up by a post-Longhouse successor regime that requires excellence at the top while aiming for debilitation and passivity for the masses. A new caste system would, to a degree, partially resemble Spartan conditions in that the helots would be managed as a dysgenic biomass of illiterates and near illiterates, soaked in drugs and entertained by digital technology. The better classes would aim for achievement and excellence. Eugenics for me, dysgenics for thee.

The preconditions for this are already assembled. Modern mass society is dumbing people down and degrading physical and aesthetic standards for most. Yet elites still crave excellence for themselves, though they do so with a degree of bad conscience because of the prevailing one size fits all morality.

You can glimpse what is to come in the best parts of California where slim, good looking rich people, pursue the good life in enclaves separated from the re-proletarianized middle classes and the poor.

Vitalism lends itself to the sort of triagic social policies preferred by a Sado-Malthusian regime. Ironically, the dissident right is doing the Jungian 'shadow work' for Leviathan, to enable the regime (or its successors) to eventually thrive: the opportunities/potentials being developed by the dissident right may very well become taken up by the regime in one form or another, just as big business instrumentalized the counter-culture of the 60s.

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Where are these ‘good-looking rich people’? Other than entertainment people I don’t see many.

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