The 101 arc around Calabasas and Westlake Village certainly had a... type... back in the day.

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And it will only get worse from here. (Gen-Xer commenting) Soon the hot actresses from when you're in your 20s will start dying.

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Yeah I was commenting above how Kurt Cobain's death hit me as a Gen Xer. I am pretty elitest when it comes to music and usually don't follow musicians on major labels, but he was a real musician and voice of our generation, such a stupid loss.

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May she RIP. :( Her death is very very, sad. :(

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Yeah she came across as genuine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGbC1gsnGT0

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Gen X geezers! When did that happen 😮? Signed The Methuselah from 1949.

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Millennials have lived an extended adolescence due to the constant crisis the western world has lived under since the end of history was ended in 2001. None of us have processed we're headed to middle age. Now stars from our own age cohort are beginning to die off its incredibly difficult to cope with.

The other jarring effect of this aging is that the older sexy women you fapped to as a teenager/20-something who might have been in their 30's then are heading towards 60 now.

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What you said about celebrity's who are right around your age rings true. I am a cynical avant garde musician, but Kurt Cobain's death hit me hard because we were the same age. My dad loved Bob Dylan and part of it was they were born in the same year. I think it's that feeling of them coming from your birth cohort and to the extent something as abstract as a generation has a shared zeitgeist, they share yours.

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> Her parents were Jewish immigrants, her father from Germany and her mother from Odesa, Ukraine.

"Jewish": her mother is from Ukraine, so this actress looked Ukrainian if anything, look at the small potato nose.

These millennial actresses looked better than the current crop (to us) because of the makeup and hairstyles, which were better 20/25 years ago. Makeup was more delicate and subtle, less tacky than is now, hairdos were simpler and more natural, though I like bangs now coming back in style.

But then again a Zoomer could look at this actress the way she was in 2004, and think of her what we thought back in the day of '70s and '80s woman fashion and the way they presented themselves, of which at least I speak for myself I had quite a low opinion

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