Interesting but it ignores the wider dynamics established at the planetary level. The future of race relations will be determined by changes in the relativities of power and wealth globally, as well as increasing capacity to engineer the genome.

Whites in California are adjusting to ethnic change but in the longer term appeals to reason, fair play or equity are useless. Non-whites will protect their DEI caste privileges. Assymetrical multiculturalism is already established in law. There are no efforts to overturn it and the capacity of whites to secure safety and opportunity at a collective level are eroding.

Whites can expect disparate outcomes. Elite Whites will get the same deal as their Latin American peers: gated communities. Non-elite whites will split between those with the skills or capital to maintain some kind of middle class life as a minority. Socially marginal whites will be pushed into the biomass.

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I am just commenting on the headline, the rest in a waste of time. The "right" wants the future based on laws and that needs decent folks. The left wants whatever it wants that day. Order or disorder, you choose.

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Ever notice those who call everyone else racist are in fact the only ones who are actually obsessed with race?

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There are two basic thought questions that need to be explored with absolute dispassionate scrutiny.

How would the United States have developed if it never indulged in slavery?

How would the African continent have faired if there never was slavery?

These are obviously thought questions but should be explored, nevertheless.

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A great many more West African slaves were sold in South America, Central America and the Caribbean than in North America and slavery persisted elsewhere around the world, including within Africa, long after it was made illegal in the US.

Many different races have been enslaved in many different countries through human history. Furthermore slave and slave owner were often the same race. In fact even in the US more than a few free black men owned slaves commercially, some of them very wealthy with large slave holdings.

The US outlawed the West African slave trade more than half a century before the US Civil War even started and was in fact one of the first countries in the world to make slavery illegal, with Britain and France doing so somewhat earlier. Subsequently Britain, France and the US (particularly Britain) committed naval resources to a largely failed attempt to stop the West African slave trade to South America. The historically pervasive scourge of human slavery is much broader than you seem to be suggesting and actually has relatively little to do with the US.

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