They played themselves.

Here's the world's smallest fiddler, playing on the roof just for them.

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It is a good point that needs repeating: the Left doesn't hate Jews per se, the Left hates all Europeans and their culture and history aka Whiteness. This is something that liberals are always blind to, until it's themselves or their particular tribe that becomes the scapegoat du jour.

Leftism is to Western Civ what Hamas is to Israel, the death cult that dines on resentment and fantasies of revenge, with no ability to build or create, only to destroy.

The campus Left are the spoiled infants of History and they will miss liberal democracy and all its fruits after they finally wreck it.

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For decades Jews have pushed immigration and anti-white propaganda, using non-whites as a weapon to attack their eternal enemy, white Christians. Now it's suddenly flipped on them, and their little black and brown pets are biting the leash hand. Oh well!

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Good analysis. The only 'escape hatch' for Whites is to embrace a tribal politics that makes fine distinctions between 'White' and 'White-presenting when convenient'.

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Israel is an apartheid state. It is not a matter of opinion. The government functions the same way as the apartheid government of South Africa. Opposition to Israel has less to do with anti-White sentiment on the left and more to do with disgust at the racism and inhumanity of the Jewish state. The reckoning was always coming for Israel, and Zionist anger and name-calling is all about the fact that it's coming sooner than expected. Eventually the US will withdraw support like everyone else has, and even impose sanctions until the Israelis are willing to join us in the 21st century.

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ha! and then have to join hamas in the 10th century!

apartheid state, my ass...arabs have more rights in israel than they do in any arab country. also, jews are the majority in their own country...pls find new inanities to regurgitate.

everyone from china to russia to turkey to every arab state is guilty of "racism and inhumanity" but for some odd reason it only becomes a war crime when the Israelis do it...

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Non-Jews are systematically discriminated against by the state of Israel. They live in ghettos, and only a minority become Israeli citizens. This is how Israel wants it because they plan to drive them off their land. Israel is a morally revolting terror state, which thankfully will be forced to reform itself within our lifetimes. Ofc you are welcome to cry about it with all the rest of the boomers on Twitter

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i am not a boomer and have never been on twitter.

arab countries discriminate against all non-muslims, i don't notice you weeping crocodile tears for the christians and jews persecuted in those places.

"Israel is a morally revolting terror state" lol

Israel is the single civilized country in the Arab world and I'm sure if you lived a year there vs a year in Pakistan, Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia that would become obvious—except if you're blinded by hatred.

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The Palestinians being one way or another is no justification for how they have been treated by Israel, which is not a bastion of civilization but of colonialist oppression. It is also an immense foreign policy liability for the US, and was the main reason for the 9/11 attacks.

Israel is an albatross around the neck of the developed world, and every educated person knows it and is sick of it. Sorry but the anti-semitism label isn't going to stick, not here or anywhere. Once the evangelicals are no longer propping up idiot GOP chest-beaters in Congress, Israel will get the South Africa treatment it so richly deserves.

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"colonialist oppression" lol glad to see you can regurgitate other people's propaganda for them. you'll go far in this world!

the only "colonialism" was committed by the British Empire, who (along w the UN) gave up the territory for it to be shared, which the Arabs have yet to consent to. In the 75 years since, they've chosen to wage war thrice (all failures) and then turned to terrorism, including 20 yrs ago when around 100 suicide bombers killed around 1000 innocent people sitting on buses or in restaurants.

Also, as far as I recall, Bin Laden claimed the bee in his bonnet was about US troops on Saudi soil, though I'm sure he hated Jews too.

Also, it is rich crowing about the "developed world" in defense of barbarians who torture children on camera and declaring what every "educated person" knows. I assure you that "every educated person" doesn't share the same belief about any issue, even what day or time it is.

Agree or not, I'm fine either way, but here are some basic facts:

The Palestinians have consistently refused every possible peace deal, have refused to acknowledge the right of Israel to exist, and instead of building a society have built tunnels for terrorism with more money spent on missiles than on food.

Also: If Hamas laid down their arms, they would have peace. If Israel laid down their arms, they would get genocide. It's even in the Hamas charter!

In the fight between civilized people and bloodthirsty barbarians, I will always choose the civilized person, you are free to choose otherwise.

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on the contrary, it does seem that despite some setbacks, all of the planks of national socialism will show themselves to have won the 20th century, even as their original proponents lost quite horribly.

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I'm skeptical that this is a long-term trend. It's like when normie MAGA people boycotted the NFL for like a week. It's their natural home and they'll return to it sooner rather than later. Like you, I don't think this is some 4D chess from an antisemetic conspiracy theory, but I do think the liberal Jew's natural home is far closer to the Coalition of the Fringes than it is with Middle America. Even if there is a temporary case of friendly fire here, it will be outweighed by the cultural apartness that led American Jewry to the cultural Left in the first place. In other words, Cofnas has it right.

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In truth, Israel isn't all that white, in contrast to (non-Israeli) European Jews. Israel's white (Ashkenazi) Jews are currently only about 30%, AND there's widespread miscegenation there, including with Africans as well as Middle Easterners, which is browning the average Israeli. So describing Israel as white is becoming more of a stretch nowadays, even though originally it may have started out that way. Israel has taken the racial path of Latin America, which nowadays is generally not described as white. European Jews are white. So someone needs to look into this racial angle. In today's world, race is the most important issue. If Israel eventually becomes a non-white state, white America and the West will feel less affinity toward it. That's why you're starting to see more comments like "These aren't our people" in terms of support for Israel on the right, e.g. from Tucker Carlson or Vivek Ramaswamy. The subtext is race. I have the rather unusual opinion (which I haven't heard mentioned anywhere) that Jews, who have always been monolithic and united in the past and denied any differences among themselves, will be forced by modern racial identity politics to subdivide into white vs. non-white.

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Nov 9, 2023
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The ADL was founded by wealthy Jews to try to frame a black man for raping and murdering a white girl. Because the actual rapist and murderer was a fellow Jew. They knew he was guilty, but that didn't matter.

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