Whites are screwed culturally, demographically, politically, no matter what scenario ensues. The last thing we need are more Chinese or Indians of any kind! The future outside wealthy enclaves is Lake or Humboldt Counties; Stagnation, poverty, decline.

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New Mexico is not very instructive in this case, as the extremely low population density prevents the kind of mixing/ethnic conflict found in a place like California. The native population is small and largely confined to reservations, and notably absent are any large numbers of other groups (black) as in California. The one place where any of this mixing does occur is Albuquerque, which is a notable basket case.

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Crime and is a huge challenge. The Newport treasure island murders of a tourist was shocking.

Homeless I’m not seeing a lot of change yet, it’s still horrible. A recent homeless fire in LA’s Chinatown burned down an apartment building.

Coastal commission changing? Gut feeling is the chance is low.

And if the extreme rent control measure passes, you will see a deterioration of rentals. The backer is a perfect example of legal corruption in California.

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A very satisfying article, very meaty, though in future it would be helpful for differentiation if each scenario received a catchy name: HapaTech Ascendancy, Global Lebanon, Mestizo Futurism, Castizo Dystopia, AngloMexifornia whatever.

My one serious quibble is that the article assumes that Californians get to decide what happens next. This is unlikely. The US is the world's largest debtor. The largest creditors are the Japanese and Chinese. America's creditors presumably have their own preferences, as would the Mexicans. Migration, industry policy and finance all involve foreign actors and America will have no choice but to play off competing external influences against one another. How much agency Californian whites will have relative to the cartels, the multinationals, foreign governments and immigrants is unclear.

Only a few certainties are obvious. The mass middle class is a thing of tbe past. The bulk of whites will live in conditions of economic insecurity, with a large minority living in poverty. The key struggle for the former will be to maintain access to opportunity: quality education, jobs, entrepreneurship, social capital etc. Their behaviour and culture will be heavily policed to ensure that they offer no offense to the newly empowered DEI coalition upon which the regime relies. The key struggle for the latter will be survival and physical safety. Poor whites cannot expect goodwill or solidarity from fellow whites under any circumstances.

California has too many resources to be left alone to sink into anything like South Africa. It is a prize, but which coalition of elites will maintain their ascendancy will be determined by the next crisis. California may function as a giant redoubt for plutocrats and the highly skilled from all over tbe world or simply a plantation with a mixture of high tech and entertainment managed by a comprador oligarchy.

One thing is undeniable. The old politics is counterproductive. Conservatism is a joke on every level and has nothing to offer anyone in a heavily regulated racialised mixed economy. Progressivism offers opportunities for those who seek to advertise their hostillty to fellow whites. Identity poiitics for whites is already criminalised and is likely to be criminalised still further. Whites will have to adapt to a politics of supplication, bargaining from a position of declining strength.

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