People would have to be pretty unworldly not to notice that the predominantly liberal Jews of North America are utterly unlike the Jews of Israel. The performative, fairly shallow, Zionism of the former reflects ethnosectarian and political conditions specific to the US and Canada, while the Zionism of the latter is imbued with harsher, more vigorous, qualities generated by war and by the long history of the
Jews of the Islamic world. Moreover, American Zionism is essentially about managing relationships between the regime and organised Jewry rather than anything to do with Israel.
The present situation is dynamic. In the West the vast majority of Jews will share the fate of whites (replacement immigration and deprioritisation under the pretense of civil rights) and their views will reflect that. Pragmatists will work with this, while misfits and ideologues clutch their pearls and squeal about hypocrisy.
The geopolitics of Zionism are also changing. The US/Israel alliance began in the late 60s (safter the conclusion of the 6 Day War) because the US sought to bring the Israelis into the US camp. The future of the relationship is likely to depend upon the fate of the petrodollar and the success (or failure) of Eurasian economic integration.
Whites face a future involving networked tribalism on a planetary scale, speciation, ethnogenesis and increasing rivalry from other races. I'd expect that some white sub-groups will find the experience of Diaspora Jews useful, while others will feel the same way about Israel.
Finally, Israel itself is a blend of distinct ethno-cultural strands (some undeniably white, others not) united (to a degree) by a shared religion and nationality. We may well see something similar develop in the West with white tribes co-existing with white-adjacent and white-compatible fellow minorities. I'd argue that we need a pragmatic and realistic assessment of all of this, rather than an emotional/moralistic one.
"People would have to be pretty unworldly not to notice that the predominantly liberal Jews of North America are utterly unlike the Jews of Israel."
me: Uh, I call BS. jews in israel say "Palestinians are dogs, they are scum, they destroy israel" out of one side of their mouths. Then out of the other side of their mouths, those same jews will say "Europeans should welcome these Palestinian refugees". Jews in the west are anti White and anti European....jews in israel are anti White and anti European. Both are the enemies of White gentiles.
-Jew Earl Raab: "The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country."
-Charles Silberman: American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief one firmly rooted in history that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. (hence the Jewish push for open borders in Europe and the Anglosphere).
-JEW Ben Wattenberg
The non-Europeanization of America is heartening news of an almost transcendental (spiritual) quality.
-Jonathan Weisman, Author and New York Times writer wrote "The Jew flourishes when borders come down, when boundaries blur, when walls are destroyed, not erect ed."
-American Jewish Professor Noel Ignatiev: "The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race. Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue in U.S. society, whether domestic or foreign"...."Make no mistake about it, we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed but destroyed."
-Jewess Susan Sontag: "The white race is the cancer of human history" (note, she doesn't mean Jews here).
-Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement. He said,
Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years we were in exile there. We will never forgive Europe s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity
-Speaking at a Jewish Community Center s world conference in Jerusalem last week, Pinto, a Senior Fellow and a board member of the London-based Institute for Jewish Policy Research, described how European Jewry, remembering its own postwar refugee status, is on the forefront of welcoming the influx of largely Muslim migrants and refugees one of the greatest wagers of the coming decade. (So, if Muslim immigrants are so great, why doesn't he want them coming to israel?)
-Zoltan Radnoti, the newly elected chairman of the rabbinical board of the Mazsihisz umbrella group of Hungarian Jewish communities, was then quoted as saying, I help the refugees with fear that I am helping send danger to other Jews in Europe. I know some of the refugees may have fired on our [Israeli] soldiers. Others would have done so in a heartbeat. I know. But I am duty bound to help. (notice zoltan the "altruist" wouldn't support these migrants moving to israel).
-The JTA quoted Ron van der Wieken, chairman of the Central Jewish Organization of the Netherlands, as saying that while he was aware that some Middle Eastern refugees harbor very negative feelings toward Jews Jews cannot withdraw support from those in need and fleeing serious violence, and urged Holland to devise a charitable refugee policy. (How about israel have such a charitable policy for non jewish immigrants to israel ron?)
-Jew Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Co-president of the European Greens European Free Alliance group in the European Parliament: "We, the Greens [Green Party] have to make sure to get as many immigrants as possible into Germany. If they are in Germany, we must fight for their right to vote. When we reach that, we will have a share of the vote, we need to change this republic.
I'm happy with any amount of pragmatism that results in 2.1 replacement non-dysgenic fertility, but I suspect that the most pragmatic route for getting there involves catering to some flavour of nationalism.
I share Robert's disdain for alt-righters that pretend to concern for Palestinian welfare as a purely tactical rhetorical weapon against short-term jewish influence (which is waning regardless for demographic reasons.) As annoying as Greenblatt et al can be I find it pretty infuriating.
Fully agree but IMHO there is no resolution of fertility that is not downstream of fortifying family formation for the masses and that is not on the cards. I like to think that once tribes re-emerge the more forward thinking of those will be pro-natal but I think that the fertility crisis will get worse before it gets better.
Practically the entirety of public debate is infuriating...which is the point. Emotion is essential for misdirecting attention from the basics of relativities of agency, power and prestige for whites in a rapidly browning West.
_"I think that the fertility crisis will get worse before it gets better"_
It's a scary thought, but you're probably right. You can see some faint flickers of recovery in places like Sweden and Hungary, but it's pretty tentative, and too late to prevent a likely collapse of the health and pensions systems of most of the OECD.
(There's the outside chance that Sinclair's anti-ageing research could soften the landing, but given the recent performance of the biotech sector I'm not gonna bet the farm.)
"but it's pretty tentative, and too late to prevent a likely collapse of the health and pensions systems of most of the OECD."
me: That is utter bs. Neither japan nor korea are inviting infinity foreigners to come live on the dole to "sustain the health and pension systems". Both japan and korea are 99% ethnically homogenous, and neither have collapsing healthcare or pension systems.
"against short-term jewish influence (which is waning regardless for demographic reasons.) "
me: Wrong. Jews breed like rats. Look at the hasids....having something like 6 to 8 kids per couple on average. Even higher than much of sub saharan africa.
"Jews breed like rats" is a fairly charming turn of phrase, but I'll just point out that the (ultra-orthodox/hasidic) segments of the jewish community that boast high fertility rates are not terribly prominent in terms of business ownership, political clout or media management. (They also overwhelmingly vote for the GOP and other right-wing/conservative parties.) Liberal jews have terrible fertility and ~70% outmarriage rates, so they're essentially going to cease existing before the century is out.
More shylock drivel/disinfo. Most of the far left wing jews I look up in hollywood and wallstreet average 3 or more kids. Hardly "ceasing to exist". Your hasbara bs is tiresome.
(It's interesting to note the author explicitly equates assimilation with extinction. I mean, he's not exactly wrong, but obviously any prominent gentile making the same point about whites in general would be tarred and feathered.)
I don’t think Hispanic immigration to America is a good analogy for the so called Palestinian right of return. It’s more analogous to a migration of a huge number of Africans, 3/4 of whom would support a 10/7 style attack on white people.
Israel also has affirmative action for Arabs in the educational system, for whatever it’s worth.
"I don’t think Hispanic immigration to America is a good analogy for the so called Palestinian right of return. It’s more analogous to a migration of a huge number of Africans, 3/4 of whom would support a 10/7 style attack on white people."
me: and the fact that you jews want Europe and the Anglosphere to take in infinity african migrants is just further proof of your disdain/hatred of White gentiles. No?
Anyway I don’t see any evidence that most Jews want the Anglosphere to take in infinite numbers of African migrants. I don’t want that. I think that’s a ridiculous position. I’m sure very few Israelis want that and I would wager most American Jews don’t either. That’s a very fringe far-left position. Those who hold it tend to also want Israel to take in tons of Palestinians.
the jew says "Hardworking collar Mexican immigrants are good for America. Somalis would not be."
me: Would hardworking mexican immigrants be good for Israel? Would you be ok with hardworking mexican immigrants becoming the majority of the population in significant territorial areas of israel?
If lots of hardworking Mestizo Mexicans converted to Judaism they would be 100% allowed to move to Israel. Why would I have a problem with that? Israel accepted lots of working class Mizrahim, Russian goys, and even flew in lots of Ethiopians (nominally Jewish but ethnically Ethiopian, really Judaizers) on planes.
With the rise of polygenic embryo selection we’ll have more and more capacity to accept low IQ immigrants. And with low TFR in the US, also more and more room and more of a need to.
"With the rise of polygenic embryo selection we’ll have more and more capacity to accept low IQ immigrants. And with low TFR in the US, also more and more room and more of a need to."
Why are you jews so obsessed with inviting millions of non White migrants to the west?
You and your people are like a broken record with your anti White replacement immigration agenda:
-Jew Earl Raab: "The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country."
-Charles Silberman: American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief one firmly rooted in history that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. (hence the Jewish push for open borders in Europe and the Anglosphere).
-JEW Ben Wattenberg
The non-Europeanization of America is heartening news of an almost transcendental (spiritual) quality.
-Jonathan Weisman, Author and New York Times writer wrote "The Jew flourishes when borders come down, when boundaries blur, when walls are destroyed, not erect ed."
-American Jewish Professor Noel Ignatiev: "The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race. Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue in U.S. society, whether domestic or foreign"...."Make no mistake about it, we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed but destroyed."
-Jewess Susan Sontag: "The white race is the cancer of human history" (note, she doesn't mean Jews here).
-Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement. He said,
Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years we were in exile there. We will never forgive Europe s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity
-Speaking at a Jewish Community Center s world conference in Jerusalem last week, Pinto, a Senior Fellow and a board member of the London-based Institute for Jewish Policy Research, described how European Jewry, remembering its own postwar refugee status, is on the forefront of welcoming the influx of largely Muslim migrants and refugees one of the greatest wagers of the coming decade. (So, if Muslim immigrants are so great, why doesn't he want them coming to israel?)
-Zoltan Radnoti, the newly elected chairman of the rabbinical board of the Mazsihisz umbrella group of Hungarian Jewish communities, was then quoted as saying, I help the refugees with fear that I am helping send danger to other Jews in Europe. I know some of the refugees may have fired on our [Israeli] soldiers. Others would have done so in a heartbeat. I know. But I am duty bound to help. (notice zoltan the "altruist" wouldn't support these migrants moving to israel).
-The JTA quoted Ron van der Wieken, chairman of the Central Jewish Organization of the Netherlands, as saying that while he was aware that some Middle Eastern refugees harbor very negative feelings toward Jews Jews cannot withdraw support from those in need and fleeing serious violence, and urged Holland to devise a charitable refugee policy. (How about israel have such a charitable policy for non jewish immigrants to israel ron?)
-Jew Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Co-president of the European Greens European Free Alliance group in the European Parliament: "We, the Greens [Green Party] have to make sure to get as many immigrants as possible into Germany. If they are in Germany, we must fight for their right to vote. When we reach that, we will have a share of the vote, we need to change this republic.
-Poland's chief rabbi, Michael Schudrich, said the incident is "outrageous and concerning. We cannot help but remember how Jews were burnt in effigy in the 1930s and today by Hamas."
"This is just one more example showing how the hatred for migrants comes from the same place as the classic hatred for Jews," Schudrich said. (Don't jews have their own country now? If jews in poland are so scared, why don't they move to israel?)
-Josef Schuster, chairman of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, has condemned Pegida as an immensely dangerous movement that consists of neo-Nazis, parties from the far right and citizens who think that they can finally let out their racism and xenophobia.
The Pegida-movement definitely doesn t serve the interests of Germany s Jewish community, he wrote to the Forward in an email. They want to exclude the Muslims and foreigners [from] German society. Somebody who roots against one minority is also able to root against other minorities (Again, jews support replacement level immigration in Europe because they think it is beneficial for jews. To hell with the Europeans and their needs and interests apparently).
You are the cherry picker. You point out to one inconsequential jew in france - a total and complete outlier when it comes to the majority of western jewry, and then pretend he represents most jews.
Actually, most jews support the White genocide agenda for Europe and the Anglosphere because they believe it's "good for the jews".
LEADING ROLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Jew Earl Raab: "The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country."
-Charles Silberman: American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief one firmly rooted in history that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. (hence the Jewish push for open borders in Europe and the Anglosphere).
-JEW Ben Wattenberg
The non-Europeanization of America is heartening news of an almost transcendental (spiritual) quality.
-Jonathan Weisman, Author and New York Times writer wrote "The Jew flourishes when borders come down, when boundaries blur, when walls are destroyed, not erect ed."
-American Jewish Professor Noel Ignatiev: "The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race. Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue in U.S. society, whether domestic or foreign"...."Make no mistake about it, we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed but destroyed."
-Jewess Susan Sontag: "The white race is the cancer of human history" (note, she doesn't mean Jews here).
-Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement. He said,
Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years we were in exile there. We will never forgive Europe s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity
-Speaking at a Jewish Community Center s world conference in Jerusalem last week, Pinto, a Senior Fellow and a board member of the London-based Institute for Jewish Policy Research, described how European Jewry, remembering its own postwar refugee status, is on the forefront of welcoming the influx of largely Muslim migrants and refugees one of the greatest wagers of the coming decade. (So, if Muslim immigrants are so great, why doesn't he want them coming to israel?)
-Zoltan Radnoti, the newly elected chairman of the rabbinical board of the Mazsihisz umbrella group of Hungarian Jewish communities, was then quoted as saying, I help the refugees with fear that I am helping send danger to other Jews in Europe. I know some of the refugees may have fired on our [Israeli] soldiers. Others would have done so in a heartbeat. I know. But I am duty bound to help. (notice zoltan the "altruist" wouldn't support these migrants moving to israel).
-The JTA quoted Ron van der Wieken, chairman of the Central Jewish Organization of the Netherlands, as saying that while he was aware that some Middle Eastern refugees harbor very negative feelings toward Jews Jews cannot withdraw support from those in need and fleeing serious violence, and urged Holland to devise a charitable refugee policy. (How about israel have such a charitable policy for non jewish immigrants to israel ron?)
-Jew Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Co-president of the European Greens European Free Alliance group in the European Parliament: "We, the Greens [Green Party] have to make sure to get as many immigrants as possible into Germany. If they are in Germany, we must fight for their right to vote. When we reach that, we will have a share of the vote, we need to change this republic.
-Poland's chief rabbi, Michael Schudrich, said the incident is "outrageous and concerning. We cannot help but remember how Jews were burnt in effigy in the 1930s and today by Hamas."
"This is just one more example showing how the hatred for migrants comes from the same place as the classic hatred for Jews," Schudrich said. (Don't jews have their own country now? If jews in poland are so scared, why don't they move to israel?)
-Josef Schuster, chairman of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, has condemned Pegida as an immensely dangerous movement that consists of neo-Nazis, parties from the far right and citizens who think that they can finally let out their racism and xenophobia.
The Pegida-movement definitely doesn t serve the interests of Germany s Jewish community, he wrote to the Forward in an email. They want to exclude the Muslims and foreigners [from] German society. Somebody who roots against one minority is also able to root against other minorities (Again, jews support replacement level immigration in Europe because they think it is beneficial for jews. To hell with the Europeans and their needs and interests apparently).
-Yakov Hadas-Handelsman, Israel s ambassador to Germany, voiced the same fear. Their actions racially, religiously, socially, economically or otherwise justified, he told the Forward, are directed today against one group, and tomorrow against another.
Since the Second World War, Germany has been a place of democracy, pluralism and freedom, Hadas-Handelsman noted. These values should be treasured . Those who incite racism and anti-Semitism use the democratic rules of the game to hurt democracy. (In other words, germans better support open borders, otherwise, they are xenophobes, and nazis).
- We, as Jews, our voices are being heard, said Adi Liraz, who immigrated to Germany from Israel in 2003, and has been participating in protests against Pegida in Berlin. We are in a privileged place in which we can practice our religion and it is accepted by the German society. That is not the case for Muslims living here. So we want to use our privilege and the fact that we are heard to improve the situation for the Muslims.
Liraz said Pegida is using German Jews for its own racist purposes. She is part of Salaam-Schalom, a Berlin-based inter-cultural dialogue group whose members include Jews, Muslims, Christians and atheists. Salaam-Schalom is one of the groups that have helped organize anti-Pegida protests in Berlin.
As someone who lives in Germany, I don t want to live in a racist society. I want to live in a society which accepts different people from different cultural backgrounds, Liraz said. I don t think any person has the right to say you belong here or you don t belong here. (yeah, but this ethnocentric, hypocritical jewish witch has no problem with israel only taking in jewish migrants. Jewish ethnocentric double standards are literally jaw dropping in their chutzpa).
"Herald Sun
September 27, 2000
Multiculturalism not for Israel Leibler
By John Masanauskas
Melbourne Jewish leader Isi Leibler, a staunch defender of Australian multiculturalism, says the policy has no place in Israel.
This is a country which was set up and created as a Jewish country for the Jews, he told a Jerusalem newspaper.
Mr. Leibler has previously said that multiculturalism in Australia was something that we are all proud being part and parcel of.
The founder of Jetset Travel moved to Israel two years ago as chairman of the World Jewish Congress. He recently published an essay arguing that Zionism, or Jewish nationalism, was under threat in Israel by post-Zionists .
A post-Zionist is someone who actually looks positively towards the end of the Jewish people in ethnocentric terms, as a national group, and no longer sees the Jewish people as one united people, he told the Jerusalem Post.
Mr. Leibler said post-Zionists were pushing a universalist agenda in schools aimed at eliminating Jewish nationalism and creating a multicultural state.
But Mr. Leibler, 65, has the opposite view of multiculturalism in Australia.
During the Pauline Hanson debate in 1993, he warned that multiculturalism was under threat by extremists.
There is a need to sit together and establish a way in which Australians can recapture that spirit of multiculturalism which I think we are all proud being part and parcel of, and which is really under threat, Mr. Leibler said."
You, jew, are either ignorant of the truth, or you are a liar. So which is it?
4-5 million mestizo Catholics no. Proportionally that’s the equivalent of the US taking Mexico’s entire population. That’s too much. No one wants the US to take that.
Israel allows anyone with a Jewish grandparent and their spouses and children to get citizenship. If you convert to Judaism that also counts. Do you think the US should allow anyone with a White grandparent or anyone who converts to Christianity to become a citizen?
Mestizo Christians immigrating to the US would be more equivalent to Mestizo Jews immigrating to Israel than to Mestizo Christians immigrating to Israel. By the way hundreds of thousands of Russian goys moved to Israel without converting.
I definitely don’t dislike white Americans or white Christians. WTF. But like, Sebastian Jensen is half Mexican. You have a problem with him?
Israel has like 10M people. Having 5M Mexicans move there overnight would be bad. Same deal for US with population 330M accepting 165M Mexicans. Mexico doesn’t even have 130M people so literally no one wants something impossible, yes.
That being said, given that America has a mich much lower tfr and population density, and that like Mexico it’s a Christian country that speaks a European language, and Americans learn Spanish in school, it does make more sense for Mexicans to move to the US than to move to Israel. However it makes more sense for Ethiopian Jews to move to Israel than to the US.
Anyway if you’re so concerned about IQ you should focus on polygenic embryo selection. Gains there dwarf everything.
"Anyway if you’re so concerned about IQ you should focus on polygenic embryo selection. Gains there dwarf everything"
Right back at your shlomo.
So how about israel bring in 5 million mexican mestizos over the next 10 years, and 2 million ethiopians. Then you jews can use polygenic embryo selection to make their kids smart. Right jew?
So, won't those mexican mestizos and ethiopians be "good for israel"?
Hey, these are your arguments shlomo. Time to be consistent!
Again, that's too much. Maybe 1-2M is fine, which would be the same % of the Israeli population that 30-60M would be for the US. A triple digit number of millions of Mexican Mestizos would be bad for the US too, too much of a shock.
Would hardworking mexican immigrants be good for Israel? Would you be ok with hardworking mexican immigrants becoming the majority of the population in significant territorial areas of israel?
Why should they have to convert? You jews have been whining for hundreds of years for the Spaniards making jews convert. You jews think you should be able to live anywhere in the world without converting. So why shouldn't mexican catholics be permitted to immigrate in large numbers to israel without converting?
Again, do you and do you think other jews would be OK with large areas of israel becoming majority mexican immigrant, or majority nigerian immigrant?
If "liberal zionists" are hypocritices because their double standard about wokism so even the anti-woke-anti-zionist crowd is since they get annoyed by da jooz, but they say nothing about all the other minorities getting advantage of wokism as well.
Moreover, all this "Israel is losing popularity among the American public so things are going to change AHAHAHHAHA get over with that kike" sound extremely naive and guilible.
Second, because all the dissonant rightoid rebellion against "jooz power" is just a pathetc giant LARPING closed in a echo chamber wich the only function is to keep the sperg vote in line in order to get Trump elected. Same film watched in 2016, and guess what? After Trump was elected Zionist power was never so powerful like during his administration, and the only minion who believed in the fucking anti-kikes meme got sentenced to death with Trump assent.
Just a matter of time and if the organge guy will be re-elected you will see the Star of David proudly waving together with the Dixie one again. And all those minions like Candace Owens, Jackson Hinkle, Lucas Gage will all get thrown in a trash bin like poor Dickie Spencer after Charlottesville.
"Second, because all the dissonant rightoid rebellion against "jooz power" is just a pathetc giant LARPING closed in a echo chamber wich the only function is to keep the sperg vote in line in order to get Trump elected. "
me: no, you clueless judeo lefttard. I am alt right, and I think trump is a stooge for jews. If the alt right was so hopeless, why do jewish groups like the ADL work 24/7 to try to stop alt right types from reaching a wider White gentile audience? It's because you jews are afraid. You are petrified of not being able to compete with the arguments of the dissident right. Bragging about censoring your opponents isn't "winning" the hearts and minds. It is a cowardly jew way of preventing the truth from getting out.
I'm not a jew you retard. I'm just a smart person who's not so terminally online like you faggot Incel who's incapable of fucking even with your daddy's goats on the filty mountain ranch you live. It's not ADL wich his obsessed with you "King Edward I" (probably your name is Bubba Gerald or some other stupid redneck name), Its you who need to get obsessed with ADL to prove you are not a little useless pawn in the arse of the entire human race.
Go away and don't dare to bother me anymore, you fucking handicapped.
You are the living proof banning sterilization was wrong.
For someone who is allegedly not ethnically jewish....for someone who SHOULD support his own people and the indigenous people of his continent.....for someone who has allegedly studied economics, it is truly shocking how little you understand about what is destroying and will completely destroy Europe and the indigenous peoples of that continent.
Read and learn, spaghetti dick:
Jews in the west are overwhelmingly in support of open immigration and multiculti for europe and the anglosphere but NOT for israel. Why? It was stated precisely by jew Charles Silberman when he said American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief one firmly rooted in history that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. Thus, jews push for multiculti, open immigration and diversity in every nation they are a minority in and have power to effect change (ie europe and the anglosphere). They do this for their own selfish interests, even though it comes at the expense of the white gentiles. Similarly, Jew Earl Raab said: "The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country. Similarly, Ben Wattenberg wrote in 1984: If you believe, as the author does, that the American drama is being played out toward a purpose, then the non-Europeanization of America is heartening news of an almost transcendental quality. Jonathan Weisman, Author and New York Times writer wrote "The Jew flourishes when borders come down, when boundaries blur, when walls are destroyed, not erect ed." If you don't read the book Culture of Critique" by Kevin Macdonald, and watch the video "goy guide to world history part 4" on youtube, sorry, but you will NEVER truly see what is going on.
Big European and American businesses push for open borders because they want a larger market and they want cheaper labor . The head of Daimler Benz even said that Schengen (borderless europe) is "needed" because otherwise Daimler has to deal with border delays and higher labor costs, etc.
Leftist politicians in the west want open borders for the world's ultra poor because the ultra poor overwhelmingly vote left for lots of "free" government handouts, goodies, and benefits. Thus, if the third worlders invade the west, the left wing parties of the west will always stay in power.
Ethnic migrant activists want open borders because they want to become the majority in the countries they have migrated to. With majority status comes power. Thus, it is self serving for these foreigners to cry racism at every opportunity to grow in power and then open the doors to more of their tribe immigrating to Europe and the anglosphere....which will increase their power even more.
So it is multiple groups pushing for the same agenda .
There is not one single cause. All are greedy, self serving jerks, pushing for the destruction of european peoples. They are like vultures just feeding off of a weakened european body.
Is there any evidence that Jews support open borders for Europe? Look at Eric Zemmour. Jews in Britain and France vote for right-wing parties. Jews generally don’t want tons of Muslim migrants in Europe.
You can cherry pick 10 Jews who want one thing. Who cares though? I’m also not sure how tons of Muslim migrants in Europe are good for Jews. Jews don’t want pro Hamas demonstrations.
Embryo selection is good. We need embryo selection legal everywhere.
"Jews generally don’t want tons of Muslim migrants in Europe."
The jew lies. I don't....
-Jew Earl Raab: "The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country."
-Charles Silberman: American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief one firmly rooted in history that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. (hence the Jewish push for open borders in Europe and the Anglosphere).
-JEW Ben Wattenberg
The non-Europeanization of America is heartening news of an almost transcendental (spiritual) quality.
-Jonathan Weisman, Author and New York Times writer wrote "The Jew flourishes when borders come down, when boundaries blur, when walls are destroyed, not erect ed."
-American Jewish Professor Noel Ignatiev: "The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race. Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue in U.S. society, whether domestic or foreign"...."Make no mistake about it, we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed but destroyed."
-Jewess Susan Sontag: "The white race is the cancer of human history" (note, she doesn't mean Jews here).
-Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement. He said,
Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years we were in exile there. We will never forgive Europe s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity
-Speaking at a Jewish Community Center s world conference in Jerusalem last week, Pinto, a Senior Fellow and a board member of the London-based Institute for Jewish Policy Research, described how European Jewry, remembering its own postwar refugee status, is on the forefront of welcoming the influx of largely Muslim migrants and refugees one of the greatest wagers of the coming decade. (So, if Muslim immigrants are so great, why doesn't he want them coming to israel?)
-Zoltan Radnoti, the newly elected chairman of the rabbinical board of the Mazsihisz umbrella group of Hungarian Jewish communities, was then quoted as saying, I help the refugees with fear that I am helping send danger to other Jews in Europe. I know some of the refugees may have fired on our [Israeli] soldiers. Others would have done so in a heartbeat. I know. But I am duty bound to help. (notice zoltan the "altruist" wouldn't support these migrants moving to israel).
-The JTA quoted Ron van der Wieken, chairman of the Central Jewish Organization of the Netherlands, as saying that while he was aware that some Middle Eastern refugees harbor very negative feelings toward Jews Jews cannot withdraw support from those in need and fleeing serious violence, and urged Holland to devise a charitable refugee policy. (How about israel have such a charitable policy for non jewish immigrants to israel ron?)
-Jew Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Co-president of the European Greens European Free Alliance group in the European Parliament: "We, the Greens [Green Party] have to make sure to get as many immigrants as possible into Germany. If they are in Germany, we must fight for their right to vote. When we reach that, we will have a share of the vote, we need to change this republic.
-Poland's chief rabbi, Michael Schudrich, said the incident is "outrageous and concerning. We cannot help but remember how Jews were burnt in effigy in the 1930s and today by Hamas."
"This is just one more example showing how the hatred for migrants comes from the same place as the classic hatred for Jews," Schudrich said. (Don't jews have their own country now? If jews in poland are so scared, why don't they move to israel?)
-Josef Schuster, chairman of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, has condemned Pegida as an immensely dangerous movement that consists of neo-Nazis, parties from the far right and citizens who think that they can finally let out their racism and xenophobia.
The Pegida-movement definitely doesn t serve the interests of Germany s Jewish community, he wrote to the Forward in an email. They want to exclude the Muslims and foreigners [from] German society. Somebody who roots against one minority is also able to root against other minorities (Again, jews support replacement level immigration in Europe because they think it is beneficial for jews. To hell with the Europeans and their needs and interests apparently).
-Yakov Hadas-Handelsman, Israel s ambassador to Germany, voiced the same fear. Their actions racially, religiously, socially, economically or otherwise justified, he told the Forward, are directed today against one group, and tomorrow against another.
Since the Second World War, Germany has been a place of democracy, pluralism and freedom, Hadas-Handelsman noted. These values should be treasured . Those who incite racism and anti-Semitism use the democratic rules of the game to hurt democracy. (In other words, germans better support open borders, otherwise, they are xenophobes, and nazis).
- We, as Jews, our voices are being heard, said Adi Liraz, who immigrated to Germany from Israel in 2003, and has been participating in protests against Pegida in Berlin. We are in a privileged place in which we can practice our religion and it is accepted by the German society. That is not the case for Muslims living here. So we want to use our privilege and the fact that we are heard to improve the situation for the Muslims.
Liraz said Pegida is using German Jews for its own racist purposes. She is part of Salaam-Schalom, a Berlin-based inter-cultural dialogue group whose members include Jews, Muslims, Christians and atheists. Salaam-Schalom is one of the groups that have helped organize anti-Pegida protests in Berlin.
As someone who lives in Germany, I don t want to live in a racist society. I want to live in a society which accepts different people from different cultural backgrounds, Liraz said. I don t think any person has the right to say you belong here or you don t belong here. (yeah, but this ethnocentric, hypocritical jewish witch has no problem with israel only taking in jewish migrants. Jewish ethnocentric double standards are literally jaw dropping in their chutzpa).
"Herald Sun
September 27, 2000
Multiculturalism not for Israel Leibler
By John Masanauskas
Melbourne Jewish leader Isi Leibler, a staunch defender of Australian multiculturalism, says the policy has no place in Israel.
This is a country which was set up and created as a Jewish country for the Jews, he told a Jerusalem newspaper.
Mr. Leibler has previously said that multiculturalism in Australia was something that we are all proud being part and parcel of.
The founder of Jetset Travel moved to Israel two years ago as chairman of the World Jewish Congress. He recently published an essay arguing that Zionism, or Jewish nationalism, was under threat in Israel by post-Zionists .
A post-Zionist is someone who actually looks positively towards the end of the Jewish people in ethnocentric terms, as a national group, and no longer sees the Jewish people as one united people, he told the Jerusalem Post.
Mr. Leibler said post-Zionists were pushing a universalist agenda in schools aimed at eliminating Jewish nationalism and creating a multicultural state.
But Mr. Leibler, 65, has the opposite view of multiculturalism in Australia.
During the Pauline Hanson debate in 1993, he warned that multiculturalism was under threat by extremists.
There is a need to sit together and establish a way in which Australians can recapture that spirit of multiculturalism which I think we are all proud being part and parcel of, and which is really under threat, Mr. Leibler said."
"It's not ADL wich his obsessed with you "King Edward I"
me: Uh, clearly the jewish adl, the jewish splc, and the world jewish congress ARE obsessed with silencing pro White advocates and those critical of jewish power. That is why pro White advocates are banned from raising money on paypal...they are banned from using credit cards for donations, they are banned from every mainstream web platform, and they are even banned from using airbnb.
This is all because of jewish ngos like the adl and wjc are obsessed with stopping pro White advocacy, and they are obsessed with stopping people from discussing jewish power. Duh.
Some streamlining may benefit this piece as it is a bit contorted and it's difficult to understand what's the point being conveyed.
If it's that Israelis can be seen as a largely different group of interest than New York Jews, and hence opposing the former due to animosity against the latter totally misses the mark, then duh, we knew beforehand that New York Jews see their Israeli cousins as a bunch of yokels.
Still, as is hinted at in the first part of the essay, leftist and third-worldist antiWhite stances have been basically brewed by Jews, those located in America and in the wider West, throughout the post-War era. There would have been no contemporary woke, and no 60s counter-culture for that matter, without Jews.
The link between Jew diasporas and Israel which you omit to mention is that New York Jews see Israel as a last resort for protection in case things head south again for them in Gentile nations. A sort of psychological redoubt they feel they have the need to defend at all costs.
So I don't think the New York Jewish pro-Palestinian stances that you make us aware of inside your essay are anything but the usual tripe of rich people signaling support for retarded causes just to show off their own privilege of being shielded from any of the ill-fated consequences naturally stemming from those imbecilic causes (this is archetypal behaviour of the high classes, e.g. see I am sure that instead, deep inside they would feel lost, exposed, vulnerable if anything were to happen to Israel.
On another note, me wonders why do you cling so much to your Jewish ancestry which you wrote represents only 1/16 of your ancestry. I mean, it's an objectively negligible proportion: yes the big lithuanian rabbi wrote the infamous book on the hot topic, but still given the crap these people has been heaping upon the rest of the White men since hey have existed as a diaspora, I wouldn't identify so keenly with that part of my heritage if I were you.
A lot of dissidents are so alienated from Western institutions that they almost cease to be Westerners.</blockquote>
me: There is no "west" that serves the interests of White gentiles anymore. There are only European and Anglosphere nations that are doing "What's best for the jews", and that, according to you jews, is replacing White gentiles with infinity non White migrants. What pro White advocate would ever support any one of these zog infested ruling classes/nations? Why be loyal to a society that wants your people replaced and eliminated? Don't be dumb, jew. Any White gentile that supports or fights for any "western nation" is a moron. Until the anti White jewish ruling class and their shabbos goy puppets are gone....and until pro White advocates rule the nations of Europe and the Anglosphere...there is no "west" worth fighting for.
<blockquote>There are legit criticisms of Israel, including humanitarian, but the problem with the dissident right adopting anti-Zionism, is that it operates under an anti-nationalist framework.</blockquote>
me: Wrong jew. You can be a pro White advocate that wants ethnostates for Europe and the Anglosphere, and also supports ethnostates for other peoples (nigerians, congolese, japanese, mexicans, peruvians, koreans, etc)....but still be against cowardly bullies carpet bombing tens of thousands of unarmed and innocent women and children. I literally know of no single White nationalist that would support murdering tens of thousands of non White innocent civilians the way you jews are doing to the Palestinians today. Supporting identity politics for all peoples, and being opposed to blowing civilians up and driving over their bodies with tractors are only mutually exclusive things in the mind of a hasbara jew like you trying to fool non jews.
<blockquote>Under the surface of this resentment, the dissident right has an element of admiration for Israel’s will to survive and to be ruthless to secure its long term demographic future, in contrast with European nations that pander to foreigners who show contempt in turn.
me: LOL. No jew. Our resentment is that you jews demand us White gentiles destroy our demographic future because it's "good for the jews", yet you jews demand the complete opposite for israel (demographic security for jews). We don't admire you, as you said in the beginning, we think you are hypocritical, backstabbing rats that should never have been permitted to live among us, because you will always push a "what's good for the jews" agenda, regardless of how it harms us and our children. Don't pat yourself on the back too soon there shlomo.
<blockquote>Calling out the hypocrisy of pro-Israel Jewish organizations and individuals is fine without going full Jew obsessed 14/88 nutjob</blockquote>
me: LOL. The arrogant jew telling the lowly goyim what they can/cannot do....what they can/cannot think. Listen you arrogant jerk, you are not chosen. Nobody chose you above all the other people on earth. The rabbis made up the whole ethnocult thing. We will do what we want, whether or not you fragile jews have a problem with it or not.
In a nutshell, your joke of an essay here is truly repulsive, and a blatant attempt to serve jewish interests. Don't even try to pretend you or your people are friends of White gentiles or pro White advocates. You aren't. You are a slimy, backstabbing, subversive, cowardly, dishonest JEW that has the morality of a viper, and the honor of a cockroach. On the whole, you are truly a disgusting tribe, devoid of integrity or truth. A wise man once said "I hate that the 99% of jews make the 1% look bad". In my experience, those numbers are likely accurate.
As a group, you jews never care about consistency or fairness. You just care about what's "good for the jews". Your twisted, supremacist ethnocult "religion" teaches you that non jews MUST serve your interests, and they too must do what's "good for the jews". No need for consistency or fairness....all that matters is what's "good for the jews".
The whole first two thirds of your essay explains how jews are completely hypocritical....on immigration...on identity politics....on nationalism....on censorship....
Yet, at the very end, you demand that White gentiles be consistent? Really? Why? Why should non jews be consistent if jews aren't? Isn't this just one more jewish hypocrisy shlomo?
If jews think it's "good for the jews" if White gentile interests are crushed, why can't White gentiles similarly think it's "good for White gentiles" if jewish interests are crushed? Turnabout is fair play.
<blockquote>Sweden and Ireland, which both have hardly any Jews, have establishments that are pro-Palestinian while pursuing suicidal policies for their national demographic interests</blockquote>
me: You are either ignorant, jew, or a lying jew, or possibly both.
In addition, the way jewish ngos work now is that they go in at the EU level in brussels and demand open borders/White genocide for member states. See the example of both Hungary and Poland, where the shabbos goys of the EU are demanding those states take in non White migrants or else be severely punished. For centuries jews have been subverting via finding the power levers and using those to push their agendas. The EU of today is no different than jews buying kings/royalty in centuries past.
<blockquote>Humza Yousaf, has strong ties to the Palestinian cause and is viciously anti-White.</blockquote>
me: yeah, and if any White gentiles in Scotland or elsewhere dare to speak the truth about this anti White rat, jews will demand that those people be punished under draconian speech laws. If jews and jewish ngos weren't operating in the UK, exactly how long do you think this brown rat would hold up to scrutiny if free expression and free speech were allowed? If jewish censors didn't dominate the speech codes landscape in the UK, this brown rat never would have become pm.
<blockquote>From a Jewish perspective, being told you are a colonizer in the Middle East but also that you don’t fully belong in the West is going to create some neurosis. Ashkenazi Jews, at least</blockquote>
me: Yes, you jews are psychopaths due to your extremist religion and the extremist culture it has created. In addition, DNA evidence shows that the male line of ashkenazis is middle eastern, but <b>the female line of ashkenazis is White gentile European</b>. This means that jews are half European White gentile......YET virtually every ashkenutty jew I have ever met has been an anti White pos that would relish if all Europeans and their descendants were exterminated. Weird huh? Hating half of your genome and wanting is wiped out forever. Certainly that WOULD create some kind of twisted neurosis!!! Imagine being half black and half east asian and wanting all east asians to be wiped out forever. Certainly that would make for one confused individual. <b> One last thing. Since the maternal line of ashkenazis is White gentile European, that means, according to traditional jewish custom, ashkenazis aren't even "real jews" as the female line isn't semitic/jewish/middle eastern.</b> So yes, ashkenutties have multiple reasons to be confused, disturbed, and psychotic. I agree.
<blockquote>The perverse nature of left-wing anti-Zionism is that Whites are somehow responsible for Palestinian “genocide,” </blockquote>
me: Yes, because left wingnut jews can never blame JEWS for jewish wrongdoing because they don't hate jews. But left wing jews HATE White gentiles, so instead of blaming jews for the mass murder of Palestinian civilians, they blame White people for it. Just more jewish anti White bs. Same old story. I saw similar goy-blaming multiple times when the jews glenn greenwald and max blumenthal were on jimmy dore's show. Instead of blaming JEWish AIPAC, and jewish israel firsters for the US middle east policy, they put all the blame on the MIC. While the MIC is undoubtedly involved in warmongering and war profiteering, AIPAC heavily influences WHO the US sees as "threats" and WHO it treats as pariahs. For greenwald and blumenthal to downplay AIPAC, and the JEW neocons and their involvement is preposterous and completely immoral and dishonest.
<blockquote>and Jews being perceived as White, changing demographics with a non-White America favoring the Palestinians</blockquote>
me: Yet still, YOU JEWS will endlessly push for every White country on earth to turn more brown. You jews have been so propagandized by your rabbis and elites that White people are the "scariest people on earth" that you simply can not, or will not stop pushing your White genocide and anti White agendas. That is why ALL you jews must be expelled from every western nation. The survival of the peoples of Europe depends on it. It you jews should be able to continue as a distinct ethnic group on earth, why shouldn't the Irish, Scots, Swedes, Poles, Italians, Spaniards, French, Germans, Russians, and all the others? After all, fair is fair.
<blockquote>Perhaps the age of Zionist hypocrisy will eventually be a thing of the past, and they will become just another group of rightwing ethno-nationalists, willing to join other rightwing nationalists properly on the global stage.</blockquote>
me: Nope. That will never happen. Jews hate White gentiles and want us wiped out/blended out of existence. Jews will never side with White gentile nationalists in Europe and elsewhere. I'd put lots and lots of money on that bet. They could pay lip service to it....but it would just be a ruse, they will never put their full force behind it the way they put their full force behind jewish interests. Jews LOVE genocide. Their sick, extremist religion completely endorses it. You have heard of the Amaleks, haven't you, jew? According to the torah, the jewish sky ghost demanded the jews exterminate (genocide) every last man, woman and child of the Amaleks for daring to go against the jews.
<blockquote>1 Samuel 15:3 Now go and attack the Amalekites and devote to destruction all that belongs to them. Do not spare them, but put to death men and women, children and infants, oxen and sheep, camels and donkeys.'"</blockquote>
You jews have labelled countless peoples you have come into contact with as "amaleks"....or deserving of complete genocide. The fact that you jews have been whining for almost 100 years for allegedly 33% of the jews supposedly being "victims" of "genocide" is sooooo rich considering you jews believe genocide is a "good thing" as long as it serves jewish interests or gets jews "revenge". Countless jews today clearly believe all White gentiles are "Amaleks" and deserving of being wiped out because of things that a minority of White gentiles allegedly did 100, 200, or even 500 years ago. A fine example of a typical jew:
<blockquote>Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement. He said,
Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years we were in exile there. We will never forgive Europe s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity </blockquote>
<blockquote>with Musk agreeing to crack down on pro-Palestinian activism while going softer on pro-White type stuff</blockquote>
me: BS. You can't be a pro White advocate without addressing the jq. Jews are the ones at the forefront of demanding that White gentile identity politics be crushed. Kevin MacDonald, Lucas Gage, me, and countless others have been temporarily banned or permabanned by shabbos musk for daring to be pro White and for discussing jewish involvement in the replacement immigration and anti White agenda in the west.
<blockquote>Ideally, Trump should have pressured Israel to rein in the anti-Whiteness amongst diaspora organizations.</blockquote>
me: Too little, too late jew. Until jews start heavy action on repatriation of the tens of millions of non White migrants in Europe and the Anglosphere back to their homelands....until jews start boosting identity politics for White gentiles in Europe and the Anglosphere (like they do for all other groups).....until jews realize that they cannot live among non jews without pushing their supremacist ethnocult belief that the goyim MUST serve jewish interests, thus being together will never work out, so all jews should move to israel permanently.....until all that happens, it is way too little, way too late jew. Your people have done too much damage for there to be a redemption. Unless you can undo all the harm you have won't be enough.
<blockquote>While a lot of White identitarians are both Islamophobic and antisemitic, the pro-Palestinian side is aligned with Islamists and Third Worldism, which includes opposition to Whiteness</blockquote>
me: Yes, because you jews dominate hollywood and the msm. So gullible non Whites buy the jewish anti White worldview. Some non Whites have slipped through the cracks and began to see the light...Kanye West, Tommy Sotomayor, Rick Sanchez, Michael Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and others. Trust me jew, if pro White advocates like me dominated the msm and hollywood, non Whites wouldn't be blaming Whitey for all the world's problems....they would be blaming people like (((larry fink))), (((les wexner))), (((sergey brin))), (((larry page))), the (((adl))), (((aipac))), (((epstein/mossad))), (((soros))), and (((countless others))). The White gentiles and others that get the blame would be the shabbos goy traitors that have prostituted themselves for shekels.
<blockquote>For the most part, I advocate for neutrality, just letting the two political sides go at it while keeping the moral high ground on non-intervention.</blockquote>
me: Only brain dead White gentiles would take guidance from a tribally minded jew like you. YOU are out to serve JEWISH interests, not White gentile interests, you subversive, backstabbing filth.
<blockquote>Despite being pro-Israel, the mainstream Right is now just discovering this double standard narrative. (ie, jewish double standards about identity politics, immigration, nationalism, etc)</blockquote>
me: You sound scared, JEW. Why are you so terrified of non jews pointing out jews and their anti White double standards? Don't you think people should know the truth?
<blockquote>Ben Shapiro has been gatekeeping other conservatives</blockquote>
me: Exactly...he is just another hypocritical jew who pushes identity politics for jews, but doesn't want White gentiles to engage in identity politics.
<blockquote>This critique goes beyond Jewish liberals in the diaspora, with a lot of Alt-Right types viewing Israel as a mortal enemy of those of White European descent</blockquote>
me: Jews are the mortal enemies of White gentiles everywhere....whether they are jews in the diaspora, or jews in israel makes no difference. A jew is a jew. All jews without exception should be expelled from the west, permanently. Jews now have their own country...they should all go there, and leave all gentiles of the world alone instead of endlessly whining about how everyone hates them for no reason. Jews subvert wherever they go, pushing their hosts to serve jewish interests regardless of how those interests conflict with the interests of their hosts. This has and will always be the problem with jews living among non jews. That is why they should only live among other jews in israel. Their ethnocult extremist religion inculcates fear of the other, hatred of the other, and the demand that the other serve jews and their interests. It is a recipe for conflict.
<blockquote>If someone staunchly supports Israeli nationalism but is okay with White people being dispossessed in the West, it is understandable that they will get accused of being anti-Western
me: So, JEW, you clearly understand why we White gentiles are angry. Why not just change your jewish anti White behavior, rather than pushing your hasbara jewish bs?
<blockquote>Not to mention that most of the White gentile elite are on board with policies, like mass immigration, and are quick to throw ordinary Whites under the bus.</blockquote>
me: Yeah, maybe because you jews dominate the msm, and the judenpresse and jewish ngos will literally destroy anyone that gets out of line with the jewish White genocide and jewish anti White agenda. Just look at what jewish terrorists did to kanye west, whoopie goldberg, rick sanchez, the president of harvard, and president of penn when they dared to get out of line. In addition, jews have been getting dirt on White gentiles for a long time in order to get them in line with the jewish anti White agenda. You know, the way epstein/mossad did to countless people! Jews love to terrorize non jews....and then they whine like little girls when non jews dare to fight back. It's your sick ethnocult that demands jews make non jews serve jewish interests. It's your sick ethnocult that demands jews terrorize non jews:
What the Alt-Right gets wrong is that Jewish people who supported BLM generally don’t care for Netanyahu, and </blockquote>
me: What YOU get wrong jew, is that we don't care. Jews, whether left wing, or right wing are against White gentiles pushing for our interests in our nations. Thus, jews are the enemies of White gentiles. Until YOU jews support White identity politics the way you support jewish/hispanic/black, etc identity politics in the west, all we will consider you is enemies. Capisce, shlomo?
<blockquote>The Alt-Right will use anti-racist activist, Tim Wise</blockquote>
me: jew tim wise isn't an "anti racist activist", he is just another jewish anti White scumball that grifts off of gullible non Whites and brain-dead White gentile lefttards. He's a complete hypocrite on race.
<blockquote>While George Soros is often given as an example of a Jewish oligarch who funds the Great Replacement, it is important to point out that Soros also funds anti-Israel causes.</blockquote>
me: So? When has soros funded open borders for israel? When has soros funded groups trying to prevent identity politics for jews in israel and abroad? When has soros tried to destroy the jewish ADL and other jewish ngos that are absolutely against quote-unquote "open societies" and free speech? I'll help you here. The answer is never!
I'm not Jewish, I'm a Protestant Christian, and I'm making the same point as you — although in a less adversarial frame. There's no reason critics of Jews should be held to a higher moral standard than Jews themselves, and nonJews have every reason to point out the gap between Israel's rhetoric and actions.
Palestine and Palestinians have nothing to do with America First. Neither does Israel. If someone invokes Israel and its concerns they are trying to link Zionism with America First. George Washington said, "Anyone who believes two nations can have identical interests is delusional". Israel is our greatest liability, and apparently we will let it plummet us to the bottom of the sea with Bibi and Trump "in control".
Thought provoking article - thank you Robert. When you use the enemy's verbiage, you legitimize their ideology. Say antiwhite. That's what they are, whether they call themselves "woke" or "anti-racist". What you called hypocrisy is just their consistent antiwhiteism, no?
The civilised world is becoming increasingly multicultural. Ethnonationalism will have no place in 2100, and Israel in its current form will have to accept multiculturalism and pluralism or become a Rightoid pariah state. No doubt Israel supporters will shift rightward as Israel goes in a similar direction, allowing more steam to be released by tactfully talking about "anti-whiteness" to get the Western rubes on board. In the long term, it's not going to work; the direction Israel is going in is towards religious fundamentalism, blood and soil nationalism, and ethnic cleansing. This can provide Western Rightoids a way to live vicariously through Israel as it commits these crimes—since they can't commit these actions against Muslims in the West—but it will also make them look like ghouls.
Have they not? They’ve accepted hundreds of thousands of goyish Russians, Judaizers from Ethiopia, and Jews from all sorts of places with all sorts of skin tones and IQ levels. They give free citizenship to people who are 1/4 Jewish, their spouses, and children!
They have yet to take the ultimate step in embracing their multicultural future: include all Palestinians in one state with full citizenship and voting rights. It's about time Israel joined the rest of us here in the 21st century.
"They have yet to take the ultimate step in embracing their multicultural future: include all Palestinians in one state with full citizenship and voting rights. It's about time Israel joined the rest of us here in the 21st century."
me: luketard clearly knows nothing about jewish supremacy or the jewish ethnocult "religion". What you are saying luke will NEVER happen. Their ethnocult religion would never permit it. Multiculti and open borders is only for the White goys that the jews hate:
-Jew Earl Raab: "The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country."
-Charles Silberman: American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief one firmly rooted in history that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. (hence the Jewish push for open borders in Europe and the Anglosphere).
-JEW Ben Wattenberg
The non-Europeanization of America is heartening news of an almost transcendental (spiritual) quality.
-Jonathan Weisman, Author and New York Times writer wrote "The Jew flourishes when borders come down, when boundaries blur, when walls are destroyed, not erect ed."
-American Jewish Professor Noel Ignatiev: "The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race. Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue in U.S. society, whether domestic or foreign"...."Make no mistake about it, we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed but destroyed."
-Jewess Susan Sontag: "The white race is the cancer of human history" (note, she doesn't mean Jews here).
-Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement. He said,
Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years we were in exile there. We will never forgive Europe s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity
-Speaking at a Jewish Community Center s world conference in Jerusalem last week, Pinto, a Senior Fellow and a board member of the London-based Institute for Jewish Policy Research, described how European Jewry, remembering its own postwar refugee status, is on the forefront of welcoming the influx of largely Muslim migrants and refugees one of the greatest wagers of the coming decade. (So, if Muslim immigrants are so great, why doesn't he want them coming to israel?)
-Zoltan Radnoti, the newly elected chairman of the rabbinical board of the Mazsihisz umbrella group of Hungarian Jewish communities, was then quoted as saying, I help the refugees with fear that I am helping send danger to other Jews in Europe. I know some of the refugees may have fired on our [Israeli] soldiers. Others would have done so in a heartbeat. I know. But I am duty bound to help. (notice zoltan the "altruist" wouldn't support these migrants moving to israel).
The Palestinians don't want that at least not right now. Anyway, to get a one state solution it would take some decades to implement, as clearly Gaza's Arabs are not ready for liberal democracy. I guess it will become more viable toward the end of the century as Jews keep outbreeding Arabs.
I'm pretty sure the Palestinians would jump at the chance of a one-state solution if the Israelis were idiotic enough to offer one, which they won't (given the high risk of an Arab majority translating into another Shoah.)
The internal demographic tensions of Israel make long-term projections rather dicey, IMO- a lot of their birthrate advantage comes from ultra-orthodox Hasidim who are essentially economic parasites and will bankrupt the state if the situation continues much longer. Something has to give.
Polls show otherwise. They don't even want a binational state, just a Palestinian state.
Haredim are a mix of Hasidim and non-Hasidic "Lithuanians". Despite their terrible secular education and that they are short due to malnourishment, they still outscore secular Jews on PISA. This is just HBD. They are overwhelmingly Ashkenazi. So that's good news. But that's right, the Haredi subsidy system is unsustainable. Post-10/7 there has been a strong push to integrate Haredim. Something is giving. But anyway, these people definitely have the genetic potential to contribute quite a bit.
Palestinians have rejected every offer of a two-state solution that didn't involve right-to-return and control of Jerusalem, which is really just a one-state solution in disguise. Last I checked the majority-preferred solution was "Palestine is Arab from the river to the sea", and you can guess what that means.
I'd like to see the citations for Haredim (oops) outscoring secular ashkenazim on PISA? Their representatives in the Likud haven't been noted for their bright ideas, as I understand it.
That's right, Palis don't want anything other than one Palestinian state.
Likud doesn't represent Haredim but rather mostly working-class Mizrahim. I would guess Haredi politicians are not THAT clever, because the cleverest Haredim become rabbis rather than politicians. I mean, Lapid is one of the most prominent secular Ashkenazi politicians and he is not too bright.
luke, you are clearly a typical moronic judeo lefttard.
I can't believe how ridiculous this statement is:
"The civilised world is becoming increasingly multicultural. Ethnonationalism will have no place in 2100, and Israel in its current form will have to accept multiculturalism and pluralism or become a Rightoid pariah state."
me: Do you even travel? Try going to japan, korea, thailand, mexico, peru, or just about every other non White nation on earth. None of these countries are opening their borders to mass migration. None are pushing the judeo multi culti agenda. In 200 years, japan will still be 95%+ ethnic japanese....korea will still be over 95% ethnically korean, and so forth. They WON'T be "pariah states" as you hysterically claim.
You are a braindead goy, just regurgitating the goy slop the jewish corporate propaganda that has been fed to you your entire life.
People would have to be pretty unworldly not to notice that the predominantly liberal Jews of North America are utterly unlike the Jews of Israel. The performative, fairly shallow, Zionism of the former reflects ethnosectarian and political conditions specific to the US and Canada, while the Zionism of the latter is imbued with harsher, more vigorous, qualities generated by war and by the long history of the
Jews of the Islamic world. Moreover, American Zionism is essentially about managing relationships between the regime and organised Jewry rather than anything to do with Israel.
The present situation is dynamic. In the West the vast majority of Jews will share the fate of whites (replacement immigration and deprioritisation under the pretense of civil rights) and their views will reflect that. Pragmatists will work with this, while misfits and ideologues clutch their pearls and squeal about hypocrisy.
The geopolitics of Zionism are also changing. The US/Israel alliance began in the late 60s (safter the conclusion of the 6 Day War) because the US sought to bring the Israelis into the US camp. The future of the relationship is likely to depend upon the fate of the petrodollar and the success (or failure) of Eurasian economic integration.
Whites face a future involving networked tribalism on a planetary scale, speciation, ethnogenesis and increasing rivalry from other races. I'd expect that some white sub-groups will find the experience of Diaspora Jews useful, while others will feel the same way about Israel.
Finally, Israel itself is a blend of distinct ethno-cultural strands (some undeniably white, others not) united (to a degree) by a shared religion and nationality. We may well see something similar develop in the West with white tribes co-existing with white-adjacent and white-compatible fellow minorities. I'd argue that we need a pragmatic and realistic assessment of all of this, rather than an emotional/moralistic one.
"People would have to be pretty unworldly not to notice that the predominantly liberal Jews of North America are utterly unlike the Jews of Israel."
me: Uh, I call BS. jews in israel say "Palestinians are dogs, they are scum, they destroy israel" out of one side of their mouths. Then out of the other side of their mouths, those same jews will say "Europeans should welcome these Palestinian refugees". Jews in the west are anti White and anti European....jews in israel are anti White and anti European. Both are the enemies of White gentiles.
-Jew Earl Raab: "The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country."
-Charles Silberman: American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief one firmly rooted in history that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. (hence the Jewish push for open borders in Europe and the Anglosphere).
-JEW Ben Wattenberg
The non-Europeanization of America is heartening news of an almost transcendental (spiritual) quality.
-Jonathan Weisman, Author and New York Times writer wrote "The Jew flourishes when borders come down, when boundaries blur, when walls are destroyed, not erect ed."
-American Jewish Professor Noel Ignatiev: "The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race. Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue in U.S. society, whether domestic or foreign"...."Make no mistake about it, we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed but destroyed."
-Jewess Susan Sontag: "The white race is the cancer of human history" (note, she doesn't mean Jews here).
-Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement. He said,
Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years we were in exile there. We will never forgive Europe s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity
-Speaking at a Jewish Community Center s world conference in Jerusalem last week, Pinto, a Senior Fellow and a board member of the London-based Institute for Jewish Policy Research, described how European Jewry, remembering its own postwar refugee status, is on the forefront of welcoming the influx of largely Muslim migrants and refugees one of the greatest wagers of the coming decade. (So, if Muslim immigrants are so great, why doesn't he want them coming to israel?)
-Zoltan Radnoti, the newly elected chairman of the rabbinical board of the Mazsihisz umbrella group of Hungarian Jewish communities, was then quoted as saying, I help the refugees with fear that I am helping send danger to other Jews in Europe. I know some of the refugees may have fired on our [Israeli] soldiers. Others would have done so in a heartbeat. I know. But I am duty bound to help. (notice zoltan the "altruist" wouldn't support these migrants moving to israel).
-The JTA quoted Ron van der Wieken, chairman of the Central Jewish Organization of the Netherlands, as saying that while he was aware that some Middle Eastern refugees harbor very negative feelings toward Jews Jews cannot withdraw support from those in need and fleeing serious violence, and urged Holland to devise a charitable refugee policy. (How about israel have such a charitable policy for non jewish immigrants to israel ron?)
-Jew Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Co-president of the European Greens European Free Alliance group in the European Parliament: "We, the Greens [Green Party] have to make sure to get as many immigrants as possible into Germany. If they are in Germany, we must fight for their right to vote. When we reach that, we will have a share of the vote, we need to change this republic.
Literally none of these people live in Green Line Israel and one lives in a West Bank settlement.
So? They are all anti White, ethnic jews.
I'm happy with any amount of pragmatism that results in 2.1 replacement non-dysgenic fertility, but I suspect that the most pragmatic route for getting there involves catering to some flavour of nationalism.
I share Robert's disdain for alt-righters that pretend to concern for Palestinian welfare as a purely tactical rhetorical weapon against short-term jewish influence (which is waning regardless for demographic reasons.) As annoying as Greenblatt et al can be I find it pretty infuriating.
Fully agree but IMHO there is no resolution of fertility that is not downstream of fortifying family formation for the masses and that is not on the cards. I like to think that once tribes re-emerge the more forward thinking of those will be pro-natal but I think that the fertility crisis will get worse before it gets better.
Practically the entirety of public debate is infuriating...which is the point. Emotion is essential for misdirecting attention from the basics of relativities of agency, power and prestige for whites in a rapidly browning West.
_"I think that the fertility crisis will get worse before it gets better"_
It's a scary thought, but you're probably right. You can see some faint flickers of recovery in places like Sweden and Hungary, but it's pretty tentative, and too late to prevent a likely collapse of the health and pensions systems of most of the OECD.
(There's the outside chance that Sinclair's anti-ageing research could soften the landing, but given the recent performance of the biotech sector I'm not gonna bet the farm.)
"but it's pretty tentative, and too late to prevent a likely collapse of the health and pensions systems of most of the OECD."
me: That is utter bs. Neither japan nor korea are inviting infinity foreigners to come live on the dole to "sustain the health and pension systems". Both japan and korea are 99% ethnically homogenous, and neither have collapsing healthcare or pension systems.
Where did I suggest that Japan or Korea should do so?
Oh, my bad, you only suggest replacement level foreign immigration for White gentiles. I forgot.
Where did I suggest replacement migration for any country?
"against short-term jewish influence (which is waning regardless for demographic reasons.) "
me: Wrong. Jews breed like rats. Look at the hasids....having something like 6 to 8 kids per couple on average. Even higher than much of sub saharan africa.
"Jews breed like rats" is a fairly charming turn of phrase, but I'll just point out that the (ultra-orthodox/hasidic) segments of the jewish community that boast high fertility rates are not terribly prominent in terms of business ownership, political clout or media management. (They also overwhelmingly vote for the GOP and other right-wing/conservative parties.) Liberal jews have terrible fertility and ~70% outmarriage rates, so they're essentially going to cease existing before the century is out.
More shylock drivel/disinfo. Most of the far left wing jews I look up in hollywood and wallstreet average 3 or more kids. Hardly "ceasing to exist". Your hasbara bs is tiresome.
Hey, don't take my word for it:
(It's interesting to note the author explicitly equates assimilation with extinction. I mean, he's not exactly wrong, but obviously any prominent gentile making the same point about whites in general would be tarred and feathered.)
I don’t think Hispanic immigration to America is a good analogy for the so called Palestinian right of return. It’s more analogous to a migration of a huge number of Africans, 3/4 of whom would support a 10/7 style attack on white people.
Israel also has affirmative action for Arabs in the educational system, for whatever it’s worth.
"I don’t think Hispanic immigration to America is a good analogy for the so called Palestinian right of return. It’s more analogous to a migration of a huge number of Africans, 3/4 of whom would support a 10/7 style attack on white people."
me: and the fact that you jews want Europe and the Anglosphere to take in infinity african migrants is just further proof of your disdain/hatred of White gentiles. No?
Anyway I don’t see any evidence that most Jews want the Anglosphere to take in infinite numbers of African migrants. I don’t want that. I think that’s a ridiculous position. I’m sure very few Israelis want that and I would wager most American Jews don’t either. That’s a very fringe far-left position. Those who hold it tend to also want Israel to take in tons of Palestinians.
I definitely don’t want Europe and the Anglosphere to take in infinity African migrants. I definitely don’t have disdain or hatred for white gentiles.
Hardworking collar Mexican immigrants are good for America. Somalis would not be.
the jew says "Hardworking collar Mexican immigrants are good for America. Somalis would not be."
me: Would hardworking mexican immigrants be good for Israel? Would you be ok with hardworking mexican immigrants becoming the majority of the population in significant territorial areas of israel?
If lots of hardworking Mestizo Mexicans converted to Judaism they would be 100% allowed to move to Israel. Why would I have a problem with that? Israel accepted lots of working class Mizrahim, Russian goys, and even flew in lots of Ethiopians (nominally Jewish but ethnically Ethiopian, really Judaizers) on planes.
With the rise of polygenic embryo selection we’ll have more and more capacity to accept low IQ immigrants. And with low TFR in the US, also more and more room and more of a need to.
the jew says
"With the rise of polygenic embryo selection we’ll have more and more capacity to accept low IQ immigrants. And with low TFR in the US, also more and more room and more of a need to."
Why are you jews so obsessed with inviting millions of non White migrants to the west?
You and your people are like a broken record with your anti White replacement immigration agenda:
-Jew Earl Raab: "The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country."
-Charles Silberman: American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief one firmly rooted in history that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. (hence the Jewish push for open borders in Europe and the Anglosphere).
-JEW Ben Wattenberg
The non-Europeanization of America is heartening news of an almost transcendental (spiritual) quality.
-Jonathan Weisman, Author and New York Times writer wrote "The Jew flourishes when borders come down, when boundaries blur, when walls are destroyed, not erect ed."
-American Jewish Professor Noel Ignatiev: "The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race. Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue in U.S. society, whether domestic or foreign"...."Make no mistake about it, we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed but destroyed."
-Jewess Susan Sontag: "The white race is the cancer of human history" (note, she doesn't mean Jews here).
-Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement. He said,
Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years we were in exile there. We will never forgive Europe s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity
-Speaking at a Jewish Community Center s world conference in Jerusalem last week, Pinto, a Senior Fellow and a board member of the London-based Institute for Jewish Policy Research, described how European Jewry, remembering its own postwar refugee status, is on the forefront of welcoming the influx of largely Muslim migrants and refugees one of the greatest wagers of the coming decade. (So, if Muslim immigrants are so great, why doesn't he want them coming to israel?)
-Zoltan Radnoti, the newly elected chairman of the rabbinical board of the Mazsihisz umbrella group of Hungarian Jewish communities, was then quoted as saying, I help the refugees with fear that I am helping send danger to other Jews in Europe. I know some of the refugees may have fired on our [Israeli] soldiers. Others would have done so in a heartbeat. I know. But I am duty bound to help. (notice zoltan the "altruist" wouldn't support these migrants moving to israel).
-The JTA quoted Ron van der Wieken, chairman of the Central Jewish Organization of the Netherlands, as saying that while he was aware that some Middle Eastern refugees harbor very negative feelings toward Jews Jews cannot withdraw support from those in need and fleeing serious violence, and urged Holland to devise a charitable refugee policy. (How about israel have such a charitable policy for non jewish immigrants to israel ron?)
-Jew Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Co-president of the European Greens European Free Alliance group in the European Parliament: "We, the Greens [Green Party] have to make sure to get as many immigrants as possible into Germany. If they are in Germany, we must fight for their right to vote. When we reach that, we will have a share of the vote, we need to change this republic.
-Poland's chief rabbi, Michael Schudrich, said the incident is "outrageous and concerning. We cannot help but remember how Jews were burnt in effigy in the 1930s and today by Hamas."
"This is just one more example showing how the hatred for migrants comes from the same place as the classic hatred for Jews," Schudrich said. (Don't jews have their own country now? If jews in poland are so scared, why don't they move to israel?)
-Josef Schuster, chairman of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, has condemned Pegida as an immensely dangerous movement that consists of neo-Nazis, parties from the far right and citizens who think that they can finally let out their racism and xenophobia.
The Pegida-movement definitely doesn t serve the interests of Germany s Jewish community, he wrote to the Forward in an email. They want to exclude the Muslims and foreigners [from] German society. Somebody who roots against one minority is also able to root against other minorities (Again, jews support replacement level immigration in Europe because they think it is beneficial for jews. To hell with the Europeans and their needs and interests apparently).
This is cherry picking. Jews are the biggest supporters of mass Muslim migration to Europe? I don’t support it.
Look at Eric Zemmour. He’s more influential than all of those people combined. He’s a Jew.
You are the cherry picker. You point out to one inconsequential jew in france - a total and complete outlier when it comes to the majority of western jewry, and then pretend he represents most jews.
Actually, most jews support the White genocide agenda for Europe and the Anglosphere because they believe it's "good for the jews".
LEADING ROLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Jew Earl Raab: "The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country."
-Charles Silberman: American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief one firmly rooted in history that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. (hence the Jewish push for open borders in Europe and the Anglosphere).
-JEW Ben Wattenberg
The non-Europeanization of America is heartening news of an almost transcendental (spiritual) quality.
-Jonathan Weisman, Author and New York Times writer wrote "The Jew flourishes when borders come down, when boundaries blur, when walls are destroyed, not erect ed."
-American Jewish Professor Noel Ignatiev: "The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race. Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue in U.S. society, whether domestic or foreign"...."Make no mistake about it, we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed but destroyed."
-Jewess Susan Sontag: "The white race is the cancer of human history" (note, she doesn't mean Jews here).
-Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement. He said,
Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years we were in exile there. We will never forgive Europe s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity
-Speaking at a Jewish Community Center s world conference in Jerusalem last week, Pinto, a Senior Fellow and a board member of the London-based Institute for Jewish Policy Research, described how European Jewry, remembering its own postwar refugee status, is on the forefront of welcoming the influx of largely Muslim migrants and refugees one of the greatest wagers of the coming decade. (So, if Muslim immigrants are so great, why doesn't he want them coming to israel?)
-Zoltan Radnoti, the newly elected chairman of the rabbinical board of the Mazsihisz umbrella group of Hungarian Jewish communities, was then quoted as saying, I help the refugees with fear that I am helping send danger to other Jews in Europe. I know some of the refugees may have fired on our [Israeli] soldiers. Others would have done so in a heartbeat. I know. But I am duty bound to help. (notice zoltan the "altruist" wouldn't support these migrants moving to israel).
-The JTA quoted Ron van der Wieken, chairman of the Central Jewish Organization of the Netherlands, as saying that while he was aware that some Middle Eastern refugees harbor very negative feelings toward Jews Jews cannot withdraw support from those in need and fleeing serious violence, and urged Holland to devise a charitable refugee policy. (How about israel have such a charitable policy for non jewish immigrants to israel ron?)
-Jew Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Co-president of the European Greens European Free Alliance group in the European Parliament: "We, the Greens [Green Party] have to make sure to get as many immigrants as possible into Germany. If they are in Germany, we must fight for their right to vote. When we reach that, we will have a share of the vote, we need to change this republic.
-Poland's chief rabbi, Michael Schudrich, said the incident is "outrageous and concerning. We cannot help but remember how Jews were burnt in effigy in the 1930s and today by Hamas."
"This is just one more example showing how the hatred for migrants comes from the same place as the classic hatred for Jews," Schudrich said. (Don't jews have their own country now? If jews in poland are so scared, why don't they move to israel?)
-Josef Schuster, chairman of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, has condemned Pegida as an immensely dangerous movement that consists of neo-Nazis, parties from the far right and citizens who think that they can finally let out their racism and xenophobia.
The Pegida-movement definitely doesn t serve the interests of Germany s Jewish community, he wrote to the Forward in an email. They want to exclude the Muslims and foreigners [from] German society. Somebody who roots against one minority is also able to root against other minorities (Again, jews support replacement level immigration in Europe because they think it is beneficial for jews. To hell with the Europeans and their needs and interests apparently).
-Yakov Hadas-Handelsman, Israel s ambassador to Germany, voiced the same fear. Their actions racially, religiously, socially, economically or otherwise justified, he told the Forward, are directed today against one group, and tomorrow against another.
Since the Second World War, Germany has been a place of democracy, pluralism and freedom, Hadas-Handelsman noted. These values should be treasured . Those who incite racism and anti-Semitism use the democratic rules of the game to hurt democracy. (In other words, germans better support open borders, otherwise, they are xenophobes, and nazis).
- We, as Jews, our voices are being heard, said Adi Liraz, who immigrated to Germany from Israel in 2003, and has been participating in protests against Pegida in Berlin. We are in a privileged place in which we can practice our religion and it is accepted by the German society. That is not the case for Muslims living here. So we want to use our privilege and the fact that we are heard to improve the situation for the Muslims.
Liraz said Pegida is using German Jews for its own racist purposes. She is part of Salaam-Schalom, a Berlin-based inter-cultural dialogue group whose members include Jews, Muslims, Christians and atheists. Salaam-Schalom is one of the groups that have helped organize anti-Pegida protests in Berlin.
As someone who lives in Germany, I don t want to live in a racist society. I want to live in a society which accepts different people from different cultural backgrounds, Liraz said. I don t think any person has the right to say you belong here or you don t belong here. (yeah, but this ethnocentric, hypocritical jewish witch has no problem with israel only taking in jewish migrants. Jewish ethnocentric double standards are literally jaw dropping in their chutzpa).
"Herald Sun
September 27, 2000
Multiculturalism not for Israel Leibler
By John Masanauskas
Melbourne Jewish leader Isi Leibler, a staunch defender of Australian multiculturalism, says the policy has no place in Israel.
This is a country which was set up and created as a Jewish country for the Jews, he told a Jerusalem newspaper.
Mr. Leibler has previously said that multiculturalism in Australia was something that we are all proud being part and parcel of.
The founder of Jetset Travel moved to Israel two years ago as chairman of the World Jewish Congress. He recently published an essay arguing that Zionism, or Jewish nationalism, was under threat in Israel by post-Zionists .
A post-Zionist is someone who actually looks positively towards the end of the Jewish people in ethnocentric terms, as a national group, and no longer sees the Jewish people as one united people, he told the Jerusalem Post.
Mr. Leibler said post-Zionists were pushing a universalist agenda in schools aimed at eliminating Jewish nationalism and creating a multicultural state.
But Mr. Leibler, 65, has the opposite view of multiculturalism in Australia.
During the Pauline Hanson debate in 1993, he warned that multiculturalism was under threat by extremists.
There is a need to sit together and establish a way in which Australians can recapture that spirit of multiculturalism which I think we are all proud being part and parcel of, and which is really under threat, Mr. Leibler said."
You, jew, are either ignorant of the truth, or you are a liar. So which is it?
4-5 million mestizo Catholics no. Proportionally that’s the equivalent of the US taking Mexico’s entire population. That’s too much. No one wants the US to take that.
Israel allows anyone with a Jewish grandparent and their spouses and children to get citizenship. If you convert to Judaism that also counts. Do you think the US should allow anyone with a White grandparent or anyone who converts to Christianity to become a citizen?
Mestizo Christians immigrating to the US would be more equivalent to Mestizo Jews immigrating to Israel than to Mestizo Christians immigrating to Israel. By the way hundreds of thousands of Russian goys moved to Israel without converting.
I definitely don’t dislike white Americans or white Christians. WTF. But like, Sebastian Jensen is half Mexican. You have a problem with him?
first the jew says "hardworking mestizo mexicans are good for america"...
....then the jew says "4-5 million mestizo Catholics no" when asked about mexican goys moving to israel.
So, if mestizo goys are "good for america", why wouldn't they be "good for israel"?
Fess up jew, is this you?
Israel has like 10M people. Having 5M Mexicans move there overnight would be bad. Same deal for US with population 330M accepting 165M Mexicans. Mexico doesn’t even have 130M people so literally no one wants something impossible, yes.
That being said, given that America has a mich much lower tfr and population density, and that like Mexico it’s a Christian country that speaks a European language, and Americans learn Spanish in school, it does make more sense for Mexicans to move to the US than to move to Israel. However it makes more sense for Ethiopian Jews to move to Israel than to the US.
Anyway if you’re so concerned about IQ you should focus on polygenic embryo selection. Gains there dwarf everything.
"Anyway if you’re so concerned about IQ you should focus on polygenic embryo selection. Gains there dwarf everything"
Right back at your shlomo.
So how about israel bring in 5 million mexican mestizos over the next 10 years, and 2 million ethiopians. Then you jews can use polygenic embryo selection to make their kids smart. Right jew?
So, won't those mexican mestizos and ethiopians be "good for israel"?
Hey, these are your arguments shlomo. Time to be consistent!
"Having 5M Mexicans move there overnight would be bad"
ME: Ok then, let's have 5 million mestizo mexicans more there over the next 10 years.
Would they be "good for israel"?
Would your fellow jews want that?
Again, that's too much. Maybe 1-2M is fine, which would be the same % of the Israeli population that 30-60M would be for the US. A triple digit number of millions of Mexican Mestizos would be bad for the US too, too much of a shock.
jew says
"No one wants the US to take that."
me: Nobody? That is pretty broad there shlomo. Where is your evidence that nobody wants 1/3 of the US to be mestizo?
I asked:
Would hardworking mexican immigrants be good for Israel? Would you be ok with hardworking mexican immigrants becoming the majority of the population in significant territorial areas of israel?
Why should they have to convert? You jews have been whining for hundreds of years for the Spaniards making jews convert. You jews think you should be able to live anywhere in the world without converting. So why shouldn't mexican catholics be permitted to immigrate in large numbers to israel without converting?
Again, do you and do you think other jews would be OK with large areas of israel becoming majority mexican immigrant, or majority nigerian immigrant?
Further proof that we have a subversive government just like you in the west do.
Well, I know some right-wing Israelis who support affirmative action for Arabs on the grounds that it lowers their fertility rate.
If "liberal zionists" are hypocritices because their double standard about wokism so even the anti-woke-anti-zionist crowd is since they get annoyed by da jooz, but they say nothing about all the other minorities getting advantage of wokism as well.
Moreover, all this "Israel is losing popularity among the American public so things are going to change AHAHAHHAHA get over with that kike" sound extremely naive and guilible.
First, because it's untrue the public is against Israel:
Second, because all the dissonant rightoid rebellion against "jooz power" is just a pathetc giant LARPING closed in a echo chamber wich the only function is to keep the sperg vote in line in order to get Trump elected. Same film watched in 2016, and guess what? After Trump was elected Zionist power was never so powerful like during his administration, and the only minion who believed in the fucking anti-kikes meme got sentenced to death with Trump assent.
Just a matter of time and if the organge guy will be re-elected you will see the Star of David proudly waving together with the Dixie one again. And all those minions like Candace Owens, Jackson Hinkle, Lucas Gage will all get thrown in a trash bin like poor Dickie Spencer after Charlottesville.
"Second, because all the dissonant rightoid rebellion against "jooz power" is just a pathetc giant LARPING closed in a echo chamber wich the only function is to keep the sperg vote in line in order to get Trump elected. "
me: no, you clueless judeo lefttard. I am alt right, and I think trump is a stooge for jews. If the alt right was so hopeless, why do jewish groups like the ADL work 24/7 to try to stop alt right types from reaching a wider White gentile audience? It's because you jews are afraid. You are petrified of not being able to compete with the arguments of the dissident right. Bragging about censoring your opponents isn't "winning" the hearts and minds. It is a cowardly jew way of preventing the truth from getting out.
I'm not a jew you retard. I'm just a smart person who's not so terminally online like you faggot Incel who's incapable of fucking even with your daddy's goats on the filty mountain ranch you live. It's not ADL wich his obsessed with you "King Edward I" (probably your name is Bubba Gerald or some other stupid redneck name), Its you who need to get obsessed with ADL to prove you are not a little useless pawn in the arse of the entire human race.
Go away and don't dare to bother me anymore, you fucking handicapped.
You are the living proof banning sterilization was wrong.
For someone who is allegedly not ethnically jewish....for someone who SHOULD support his own people and the indigenous people of his continent.....for someone who has allegedly studied economics, it is truly shocking how little you understand about what is destroying and will completely destroy Europe and the indigenous peoples of that continent.
Read and learn, spaghetti dick:
Jews in the west are overwhelmingly in support of open immigration and multiculti for europe and the anglosphere but NOT for israel. Why? It was stated precisely by jew Charles Silberman when he said American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief one firmly rooted in history that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. Thus, jews push for multiculti, open immigration and diversity in every nation they are a minority in and have power to effect change (ie europe and the anglosphere). They do this for their own selfish interests, even though it comes at the expense of the white gentiles. Similarly, Jew Earl Raab said: "The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country. Similarly, Ben Wattenberg wrote in 1984: If you believe, as the author does, that the American drama is being played out toward a purpose, then the non-Europeanization of America is heartening news of an almost transcendental quality. Jonathan Weisman, Author and New York Times writer wrote "The Jew flourishes when borders come down, when boundaries blur, when walls are destroyed, not erect ed." If you don't read the book Culture of Critique" by Kevin Macdonald, and watch the video "goy guide to world history part 4" on youtube, sorry, but you will NEVER truly see what is going on.
Big European and American businesses push for open borders because they want a larger market and they want cheaper labor . The head of Daimler Benz even said that Schengen (borderless europe) is "needed" because otherwise Daimler has to deal with border delays and higher labor costs, etc.
Leftist politicians in the west want open borders for the world's ultra poor because the ultra poor overwhelmingly vote left for lots of "free" government handouts, goodies, and benefits. Thus, if the third worlders invade the west, the left wing parties of the west will always stay in power.
Ethnic migrant activists want open borders because they want to become the majority in the countries they have migrated to. With majority status comes power. Thus, it is self serving for these foreigners to cry racism at every opportunity to grow in power and then open the doors to more of their tribe immigrating to Europe and the anglosphere....which will increase their power even more.
So it is multiple groups pushing for the same agenda .
There is not one single cause. All are greedy, self serving jerks, pushing for the destruction of european peoples. They are like vultures just feeding off of a weakened european body.
Is there any evidence that Jews support open borders for Europe? Look at Eric Zemmour. Jews in Britain and France vote for right-wing parties. Jews generally don’t want tons of Muslim migrants in Europe.
You can cherry pick 10 Jews who want one thing. Who cares though? I’m also not sure how tons of Muslim migrants in Europe are good for Jews. Jews don’t want pro Hamas demonstrations.
Embryo selection is good. We need embryo selection legal everywhere.
the jew says
"Jews generally don’t want tons of Muslim migrants in Europe."
The jew lies. I don't....
-Jew Earl Raab: "The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country."
-Charles Silberman: American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief one firmly rooted in history that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. (hence the Jewish push for open borders in Europe and the Anglosphere).
-JEW Ben Wattenberg
The non-Europeanization of America is heartening news of an almost transcendental (spiritual) quality.
-Jonathan Weisman, Author and New York Times writer wrote "The Jew flourishes when borders come down, when boundaries blur, when walls are destroyed, not erect ed."
-American Jewish Professor Noel Ignatiev: "The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race. Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue in U.S. society, whether domestic or foreign"...."Make no mistake about it, we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed but destroyed."
-Jewess Susan Sontag: "The white race is the cancer of human history" (note, she doesn't mean Jews here).
-Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement. He said,
Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years we were in exile there. We will never forgive Europe s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity
-Speaking at a Jewish Community Center s world conference in Jerusalem last week, Pinto, a Senior Fellow and a board member of the London-based Institute for Jewish Policy Research, described how European Jewry, remembering its own postwar refugee status, is on the forefront of welcoming the influx of largely Muslim migrants and refugees one of the greatest wagers of the coming decade. (So, if Muslim immigrants are so great, why doesn't he want them coming to israel?)
-Zoltan Radnoti, the newly elected chairman of the rabbinical board of the Mazsihisz umbrella group of Hungarian Jewish communities, was then quoted as saying, I help the refugees with fear that I am helping send danger to other Jews in Europe. I know some of the refugees may have fired on our [Israeli] soldiers. Others would have done so in a heartbeat. I know. But I am duty bound to help. (notice zoltan the "altruist" wouldn't support these migrants moving to israel).
-The JTA quoted Ron van der Wieken, chairman of the Central Jewish Organization of the Netherlands, as saying that while he was aware that some Middle Eastern refugees harbor very negative feelings toward Jews Jews cannot withdraw support from those in need and fleeing serious violence, and urged Holland to devise a charitable refugee policy. (How about israel have such a charitable policy for non jewish immigrants to israel ron?)
-Jew Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Co-president of the European Greens European Free Alliance group in the European Parliament: "We, the Greens [Green Party] have to make sure to get as many immigrants as possible into Germany. If they are in Germany, we must fight for their right to vote. When we reach that, we will have a share of the vote, we need to change this republic.
-Poland's chief rabbi, Michael Schudrich, said the incident is "outrageous and concerning. We cannot help but remember how Jews were burnt in effigy in the 1930s and today by Hamas."
"This is just one more example showing how the hatred for migrants comes from the same place as the classic hatred for Jews," Schudrich said. (Don't jews have their own country now? If jews in poland are so scared, why don't they move to israel?)
-Josef Schuster, chairman of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, has condemned Pegida as an immensely dangerous movement that consists of neo-Nazis, parties from the far right and citizens who think that they can finally let out their racism and xenophobia.
The Pegida-movement definitely doesn t serve the interests of Germany s Jewish community, he wrote to the Forward in an email. They want to exclude the Muslims and foreigners [from] German society. Somebody who roots against one minority is also able to root against other minorities (Again, jews support replacement level immigration in Europe because they think it is beneficial for jews. To hell with the Europeans and their needs and interests apparently).
-Yakov Hadas-Handelsman, Israel s ambassador to Germany, voiced the same fear. Their actions racially, religiously, socially, economically or otherwise justified, he told the Forward, are directed today against one group, and tomorrow against another.
Since the Second World War, Germany has been a place of democracy, pluralism and freedom, Hadas-Handelsman noted. These values should be treasured . Those who incite racism and anti-Semitism use the democratic rules of the game to hurt democracy. (In other words, germans better support open borders, otherwise, they are xenophobes, and nazis).
- We, as Jews, our voices are being heard, said Adi Liraz, who immigrated to Germany from Israel in 2003, and has been participating in protests against Pegida in Berlin. We are in a privileged place in which we can practice our religion and it is accepted by the German society. That is not the case for Muslims living here. So we want to use our privilege and the fact that we are heard to improve the situation for the Muslims.
Liraz said Pegida is using German Jews for its own racist purposes. She is part of Salaam-Schalom, a Berlin-based inter-cultural dialogue group whose members include Jews, Muslims, Christians and atheists. Salaam-Schalom is one of the groups that have helped organize anti-Pegida protests in Berlin.
As someone who lives in Germany, I don t want to live in a racist society. I want to live in a society which accepts different people from different cultural backgrounds, Liraz said. I don t think any person has the right to say you belong here or you don t belong here. (yeah, but this ethnocentric, hypocritical jewish witch has no problem with israel only taking in jewish migrants. Jewish ethnocentric double standards are literally jaw dropping in their chutzpa).
"Herald Sun
September 27, 2000
Multiculturalism not for Israel Leibler
By John Masanauskas
Melbourne Jewish leader Isi Leibler, a staunch defender of Australian multiculturalism, says the policy has no place in Israel.
This is a country which was set up and created as a Jewish country for the Jews, he told a Jerusalem newspaper.
Mr. Leibler has previously said that multiculturalism in Australia was something that we are all proud being part and parcel of.
The founder of Jetset Travel moved to Israel two years ago as chairman of the World Jewish Congress. He recently published an essay arguing that Zionism, or Jewish nationalism, was under threat in Israel by post-Zionists .
A post-Zionist is someone who actually looks positively towards the end of the Jewish people in ethnocentric terms, as a national group, and no longer sees the Jewish people as one united people, he told the Jerusalem Post.
Mr. Leibler said post-Zionists were pushing a universalist agenda in schools aimed at eliminating Jewish nationalism and creating a multicultural state.
But Mr. Leibler, 65, has the opposite view of multiculturalism in Australia.
During the Pauline Hanson debate in 1993, he warned that multiculturalism was under threat by extremists.
There is a need to sit together and establish a way in which Australians can recapture that spirit of multiculturalism which I think we are all proud being part and parcel of, and which is really under threat, Mr. Leibler said."
(((robertoberg))) says
"It's not ADL wich his obsessed with you "King Edward I"
me: Uh, clearly the jewish adl, the jewish splc, and the world jewish congress ARE obsessed with silencing pro White advocates and those critical of jewish power. That is why pro White advocates are banned from raising money on paypal...they are banned from using credit cards for donations, they are banned from every mainstream web platform, and they are even banned from using airbnb.
This is all because of jewish ngos like the adl and wjc are obsessed with stopping pro White advocacy, and they are obsessed with stopping people from discussing jewish power. Duh.
LOL. Yeah I should just probably ignore this guy.
Imagine if Israel had 100K armed Mexican mestizo converts and IDF training near its southern border with Gaza. They could have saved lives on 10/7.
No shlomo, I'm talking about 4 or 5 million mexican mestizo catholics immigrating to israel.
Would that be ok with you jews?
Some streamlining may benefit this piece as it is a bit contorted and it's difficult to understand what's the point being conveyed.
If it's that Israelis can be seen as a largely different group of interest than New York Jews, and hence opposing the former due to animosity against the latter totally misses the mark, then duh, we knew beforehand that New York Jews see their Israeli cousins as a bunch of yokels.
Still, as is hinted at in the first part of the essay, leftist and third-worldist antiWhite stances have been basically brewed by Jews, those located in America and in the wider West, throughout the post-War era. There would have been no contemporary woke, and no 60s counter-culture for that matter, without Jews.
The link between Jew diasporas and Israel which you omit to mention is that New York Jews see Israel as a last resort for protection in case things head south again for them in Gentile nations. A sort of psychological redoubt they feel they have the need to defend at all costs.
So I don't think the New York Jewish pro-Palestinian stances that you make us aware of inside your essay are anything but the usual tripe of rich people signaling support for retarded causes just to show off their own privilege of being shielded from any of the ill-fated consequences naturally stemming from those imbecilic causes (this is archetypal behaviour of the high classes, e.g. see I am sure that instead, deep inside they would feel lost, exposed, vulnerable if anything were to happen to Israel.
On another note, me wonders why do you cling so much to your Jewish ancestry which you wrote represents only 1/16 of your ancestry. I mean, it's an objectively negligible proportion: yes the big lithuanian rabbi wrote the infamous book on the hot topic, but still given the crap these people has been heaping upon the rest of the White men since hey have existed as a diaspora, I wouldn't identify so keenly with that part of my heritage if I were you.
part 3
A lot of dissidents are so alienated from Western institutions that they almost cease to be Westerners.</blockquote>
me: There is no "west" that serves the interests of White gentiles anymore. There are only European and Anglosphere nations that are doing "What's best for the jews", and that, according to you jews, is replacing White gentiles with infinity non White migrants. What pro White advocate would ever support any one of these zog infested ruling classes/nations? Why be loyal to a society that wants your people replaced and eliminated? Don't be dumb, jew. Any White gentile that supports or fights for any "western nation" is a moron. Until the anti White jewish ruling class and their shabbos goy puppets are gone....and until pro White advocates rule the nations of Europe and the Anglosphere...there is no "west" worth fighting for.
<blockquote>There are legit criticisms of Israel, including humanitarian, but the problem with the dissident right adopting anti-Zionism, is that it operates under an anti-nationalist framework.</blockquote>
me: Wrong jew. You can be a pro White advocate that wants ethnostates for Europe and the Anglosphere, and also supports ethnostates for other peoples (nigerians, congolese, japanese, mexicans, peruvians, koreans, etc)....but still be against cowardly bullies carpet bombing tens of thousands of unarmed and innocent women and children. I literally know of no single White nationalist that would support murdering tens of thousands of non White innocent civilians the way you jews are doing to the Palestinians today. Supporting identity politics for all peoples, and being opposed to blowing civilians up and driving over their bodies with tractors are only mutually exclusive things in the mind of a hasbara jew like you trying to fool non jews.
<blockquote>Under the surface of this resentment, the dissident right has an element of admiration for Israel’s will to survive and to be ruthless to secure its long term demographic future, in contrast with European nations that pander to foreigners who show contempt in turn.
me: LOL. No jew. Our resentment is that you jews demand us White gentiles destroy our demographic future because it's "good for the jews", yet you jews demand the complete opposite for israel (demographic security for jews). We don't admire you, as you said in the beginning, we think you are hypocritical, backstabbing rats that should never have been permitted to live among us, because you will always push a "what's good for the jews" agenda, regardless of how it harms us and our children. Don't pat yourself on the back too soon there shlomo.
<blockquote>Calling out the hypocrisy of pro-Israel Jewish organizations and individuals is fine without going full Jew obsessed 14/88 nutjob</blockquote>
me: LOL. The arrogant jew telling the lowly goyim what they can/cannot do....what they can/cannot think. Listen you arrogant jerk, you are not chosen. Nobody chose you above all the other people on earth. The rabbis made up the whole ethnocult thing. We will do what we want, whether or not you fragile jews have a problem with it or not.
In a nutshell, your joke of an essay here is truly repulsive, and a blatant attempt to serve jewish interests. Don't even try to pretend you or your people are friends of White gentiles or pro White advocates. You aren't. You are a slimy, backstabbing, subversive, cowardly, dishonest JEW that has the morality of a viper, and the honor of a cockroach. On the whole, you are truly a disgusting tribe, devoid of integrity or truth. A wise man once said "I hate that the 99% of jews make the 1% look bad". In my experience, those numbers are likely accurate.
As a group, you jews never care about consistency or fairness. You just care about what's "good for the jews". Your twisted, supremacist ethnocult "religion" teaches you that non jews MUST serve your interests, and they too must do what's "good for the jews". No need for consistency or fairness....all that matters is what's "good for the jews".
The whole first two thirds of your essay explains how jews are completely hypocritical....on immigration...on identity politics....on nationalism....on censorship....
Yet, at the very end, you demand that White gentiles be consistent? Really? Why? Why should non jews be consistent if jews aren't? Isn't this just one more jewish hypocrisy shlomo?
If jews think it's "good for the jews" if White gentile interests are crushed, why can't White gentiles similarly think it's "good for White gentiles" if jewish interests are crushed? Turnabout is fair play.
part 2
<blockquote>Sweden and Ireland, which both have hardly any Jews, have establishments that are pro-Palestinian while pursuing suicidal policies for their national demographic interests</blockquote>
me: You are either ignorant, jew, or a lying jew, or possibly both.
<b>jews in ireland pushing open borders:</b>
<b>jewish open borders pusher in sweden:</b>
In addition, the way jewish ngos work now is that they go in at the EU level in brussels and demand open borders/White genocide for member states. See the example of both Hungary and Poland, where the shabbos goys of the EU are demanding those states take in non White migrants or else be severely punished. For centuries jews have been subverting via finding the power levers and using those to push their agendas. The EU of today is no different than jews buying kings/royalty in centuries past.
<blockquote>Humza Yousaf, has strong ties to the Palestinian cause and is viciously anti-White.</blockquote>
me: yeah, and if any White gentiles in Scotland or elsewhere dare to speak the truth about this anti White rat, jews will demand that those people be punished under draconian speech laws. If jews and jewish ngos weren't operating in the UK, exactly how long do you think this brown rat would hold up to scrutiny if free expression and free speech were allowed? If jewish censors didn't dominate the speech codes landscape in the UK, this brown rat never would have become pm.
<blockquote>From a Jewish perspective, being told you are a colonizer in the Middle East but also that you don’t fully belong in the West is going to create some neurosis. Ashkenazi Jews, at least</blockquote>
me: Yes, you jews are psychopaths due to your extremist religion and the extremist culture it has created. In addition, DNA evidence shows that the male line of ashkenazis is middle eastern, but <b>the female line of ashkenazis is White gentile European</b>. This means that jews are half European White gentile......YET virtually every ashkenutty jew I have ever met has been an anti White pos that would relish if all Europeans and their descendants were exterminated. Weird huh? Hating half of your genome and wanting is wiped out forever. Certainly that WOULD create some kind of twisted neurosis!!! Imagine being half black and half east asian and wanting all east asians to be wiped out forever. Certainly that would make for one confused individual. <b> One last thing. Since the maternal line of ashkenazis is White gentile European, that means, according to traditional jewish custom, ashkenazis aren't even "real jews" as the female line isn't semitic/jewish/middle eastern.</b> So yes, ashkenutties have multiple reasons to be confused, disturbed, and psychotic. I agree.
<blockquote>The perverse nature of left-wing anti-Zionism is that Whites are somehow responsible for Palestinian “genocide,” </blockquote>
me: Yes, because left wingnut jews can never blame JEWS for jewish wrongdoing because they don't hate jews. But left wing jews HATE White gentiles, so instead of blaming jews for the mass murder of Palestinian civilians, they blame White people for it. Just more jewish anti White bs. Same old story. I saw similar goy-blaming multiple times when the jews glenn greenwald and max blumenthal were on jimmy dore's show. Instead of blaming JEWish AIPAC, and jewish israel firsters for the US middle east policy, they put all the blame on the MIC. While the MIC is undoubtedly involved in warmongering and war profiteering, AIPAC heavily influences WHO the US sees as "threats" and WHO it treats as pariahs. For greenwald and blumenthal to downplay AIPAC, and the JEW neocons and their involvement is preposterous and completely immoral and dishonest.
<blockquote>and Jews being perceived as White, changing demographics with a non-White America favoring the Palestinians</blockquote>
me: Yet still, YOU JEWS will endlessly push for every White country on earth to turn more brown. You jews have been so propagandized by your rabbis and elites that White people are the "scariest people on earth" that you simply can not, or will not stop pushing your White genocide and anti White agendas. That is why ALL you jews must be expelled from every western nation. The survival of the peoples of Europe depends on it. It you jews should be able to continue as a distinct ethnic group on earth, why shouldn't the Irish, Scots, Swedes, Poles, Italians, Spaniards, French, Germans, Russians, and all the others? After all, fair is fair.
<blockquote>Perhaps the age of Zionist hypocrisy will eventually be a thing of the past, and they will become just another group of rightwing ethno-nationalists, willing to join other rightwing nationalists properly on the global stage.</blockquote>
me: Nope. That will never happen. Jews hate White gentiles and want us wiped out/blended out of existence. Jews will never side with White gentile nationalists in Europe and elsewhere. I'd put lots and lots of money on that bet. They could pay lip service to it....but it would just be a ruse, they will never put their full force behind it the way they put their full force behind jewish interests. Jews LOVE genocide. Their sick, extremist religion completely endorses it. You have heard of the Amaleks, haven't you, jew? According to the torah, the jewish sky ghost demanded the jews exterminate (genocide) every last man, woman and child of the Amaleks for daring to go against the jews.
<blockquote>1 Samuel 15:3 Now go and attack the Amalekites and devote to destruction all that belongs to them. Do not spare them, but put to death men and women, children and infants, oxen and sheep, camels and donkeys.'"</blockquote>
You jews have labelled countless peoples you have come into contact with as "amaleks"....or deserving of complete genocide. The fact that you jews have been whining for almost 100 years for allegedly 33% of the jews supposedly being "victims" of "genocide" is sooooo rich considering you jews believe genocide is a "good thing" as long as it serves jewish interests or gets jews "revenge". Countless jews today clearly believe all White gentiles are "Amaleks" and deserving of being wiped out because of things that a minority of White gentiles allegedly did 100, 200, or even 500 years ago. A fine example of a typical jew:
<blockquote>Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement. He said,
Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years we were in exile there. We will never forgive Europe s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity </blockquote>
<blockquote>with Musk agreeing to crack down on pro-Palestinian activism while going softer on pro-White type stuff</blockquote>
me: BS. You can't be a pro White advocate without addressing the jq. Jews are the ones at the forefront of demanding that White gentile identity politics be crushed. Kevin MacDonald, Lucas Gage, me, and countless others have been temporarily banned or permabanned by shabbos musk for daring to be pro White and for discussing jewish involvement in the replacement immigration and anti White agenda in the west.
<blockquote>Ideally, Trump should have pressured Israel to rein in the anti-Whiteness amongst diaspora organizations.</blockquote>
me: Too little, too late jew. Until jews start heavy action on repatriation of the tens of millions of non White migrants in Europe and the Anglosphere back to their homelands....until jews start boosting identity politics for White gentiles in Europe and the Anglosphere (like they do for all other groups).....until jews realize that they cannot live among non jews without pushing their supremacist ethnocult belief that the goyim MUST serve jewish interests, thus being together will never work out, so all jews should move to israel permanently.....until all that happens, it is way too little, way too late jew. Your people have done too much damage for there to be a redemption. Unless you can undo all the harm you have won't be enough.
<blockquote>While a lot of White identitarians are both Islamophobic and antisemitic, the pro-Palestinian side is aligned with Islamists and Third Worldism, which includes opposition to Whiteness</blockquote>
me: Yes, because you jews dominate hollywood and the msm. So gullible non Whites buy the jewish anti White worldview. Some non Whites have slipped through the cracks and began to see the light...Kanye West, Tommy Sotomayor, Rick Sanchez, Michael Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and others. Trust me jew, if pro White advocates like me dominated the msm and hollywood, non Whites wouldn't be blaming Whitey for all the world's problems....they would be blaming people like (((larry fink))), (((les wexner))), (((sergey brin))), (((larry page))), the (((adl))), (((aipac))), (((epstein/mossad))), (((soros))), and (((countless others))). The White gentiles and others that get the blame would be the shabbos goy traitors that have prostituted themselves for shekels.
<blockquote>For the most part, I advocate for neutrality, just letting the two political sides go at it while keeping the moral high ground on non-intervention.</blockquote>
me: Only brain dead White gentiles would take guidance from a tribally minded jew like you. YOU are out to serve JEWISH interests, not White gentile interests, you subversive, backstabbing filth.
part 1
<blockquote>Despite being pro-Israel, the mainstream Right is now just discovering this double standard narrative. (ie, jewish double standards about identity politics, immigration, nationalism, etc)</blockquote>
me: You sound scared, JEW. Why are you so terrified of non jews pointing out jews and their anti White double standards? Don't you think people should know the truth?
<blockquote>Ben Shapiro has been gatekeeping other conservatives</blockquote>
me: Exactly...he is just another hypocritical jew who pushes identity politics for jews, but doesn't want White gentiles to engage in identity politics.
<blockquote>This critique goes beyond Jewish liberals in the diaspora, with a lot of Alt-Right types viewing Israel as a mortal enemy of those of White European descent</blockquote>
me: Jews are the mortal enemies of White gentiles everywhere....whether they are jews in the diaspora, or jews in israel makes no difference. A jew is a jew. All jews without exception should be expelled from the west, permanently. Jews now have their own country...they should all go there, and leave all gentiles of the world alone instead of endlessly whining about how everyone hates them for no reason. Jews subvert wherever they go, pushing their hosts to serve jewish interests regardless of how those interests conflict with the interests of their hosts. This has and will always be the problem with jews living among non jews. That is why they should only live among other jews in israel. Their ethnocult extremist religion inculcates fear of the other, hatred of the other, and the demand that the other serve jews and their interests. It is a recipe for conflict.
<blockquote>If someone staunchly supports Israeli nationalism but is okay with White people being dispossessed in the West, it is understandable that they will get accused of being anti-Western
me: So, JEW, you clearly understand why we White gentiles are angry. Why not just change your jewish anti White behavior, rather than pushing your hasbara jewish bs?
<blockquote>Not to mention that most of the White gentile elite are on board with policies, like mass immigration, and are quick to throw ordinary Whites under the bus.</blockquote>
me: Yeah, maybe because you jews dominate the msm, and the judenpresse and jewish ngos will literally destroy anyone that gets out of line with the jewish White genocide and jewish anti White agenda. Just look at what jewish terrorists did to kanye west, whoopie goldberg, rick sanchez, the president of harvard, and president of penn when they dared to get out of line. In addition, jews have been getting dirt on White gentiles for a long time in order to get them in line with the jewish anti White agenda. You know, the way epstein/mossad did to countless people! Jews love to terrorize non jews....and then they whine like little girls when non jews dare to fight back. It's your sick ethnocult that demands jews make non jews serve jewish interests. It's your sick ethnocult that demands jews terrorize non jews:
What the Alt-Right gets wrong is that Jewish people who supported BLM generally don’t care for Netanyahu, and </blockquote>
me: What YOU get wrong jew, is that we don't care. Jews, whether left wing, or right wing are against White gentiles pushing for our interests in our nations. Thus, jews are the enemies of White gentiles. Until YOU jews support White identity politics the way you support jewish/hispanic/black, etc identity politics in the west, all we will consider you is enemies. Capisce, shlomo?
<blockquote>The Alt-Right will use anti-racist activist, Tim Wise</blockquote>
me: jew tim wise isn't an "anti racist activist", he is just another jewish anti White scumball that grifts off of gullible non Whites and brain-dead White gentile lefttards. He's a complete hypocrite on race.
<blockquote>While George Soros is often given as an example of a Jewish oligarch who funds the Great Replacement, it is important to point out that Soros also funds anti-Israel causes.</blockquote>
me: So? When has soros funded open borders for israel? When has soros funded groups trying to prevent identity politics for jews in israel and abroad? When has soros tried to destroy the jewish ADL and other jewish ngos that are absolutely against quote-unquote "open societies" and free speech? I'll help you here. The answer is never!
At bare minimum it's fun to ridicule people who fail to live up to their own rhetoric.
jewish hypocrites like you never live up to your own rhetoric. So why do non jews have to?
You think you're chosen or something?
"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
—Saul Alinsky
LOL. So, you admit that you jews and jews like (((robert stark))) are the enemies of White gentiles!
The mask slips....
I'm not Jewish, I'm a Protestant Christian, and I'm making the same point as you — although in a less adversarial frame. There's no reason critics of Jews should be held to a higher moral standard than Jews themselves, and nonJews have every reason to point out the gap between Israel's rhetoric and actions.
My apologies. I agree with you.
No worries, nothing to apologize about, have a nice day, all good.
Palestine and Palestinians have nothing to do with America First. Neither does Israel. If someone invokes Israel and its concerns they are trying to link Zionism with America First. George Washington said, "Anyone who believes two nations can have identical interests is delusional". Israel is our greatest liability, and apparently we will let it plummet us to the bottom of the sea with Bibi and Trump "in control".
Thought provoking article - thank you Robert. When you use the enemy's verbiage, you legitimize their ideology. Say antiwhite. That's what they are, whether they call themselves "woke" or "anti-racist". What you called hypocrisy is just their consistent antiwhiteism, no?
"thought provoking" my butt. (((robert stark))) is just doing the usual jewy hasbara jewsplaining bs.
Let israel and his people rot. That is what they want for White gentiles after all.
very good writing, although I do not agree with all of it
The civilised world is becoming increasingly multicultural. Ethnonationalism will have no place in 2100, and Israel in its current form will have to accept multiculturalism and pluralism or become a Rightoid pariah state. No doubt Israel supporters will shift rightward as Israel goes in a similar direction, allowing more steam to be released by tactfully talking about "anti-whiteness" to get the Western rubes on board. In the long term, it's not going to work; the direction Israel is going in is towards religious fundamentalism, blood and soil nationalism, and ethnic cleansing. This can provide Western Rightoids a way to live vicariously through Israel as it commits these crimes—since they can't commit these actions against Muslims in the West—but it will also make them look like ghouls.
Have they not? They’ve accepted hundreds of thousands of goyish Russians, Judaizers from Ethiopia, and Jews from all sorts of places with all sorts of skin tones and IQ levels. They give free citizenship to people who are 1/4 Jewish, their spouses, and children!
They have yet to take the ultimate step in embracing their multicultural future: include all Palestinians in one state with full citizenship and voting rights. It's about time Israel joined the rest of us here in the 21st century.
luketard says
"They have yet to take the ultimate step in embracing their multicultural future: include all Palestinians in one state with full citizenship and voting rights. It's about time Israel joined the rest of us here in the 21st century."
me: luketard clearly knows nothing about jewish supremacy or the jewish ethnocult "religion". What you are saying luke will NEVER happen. Their ethnocult religion would never permit it. Multiculti and open borders is only for the White goys that the jews hate:
-Jew Earl Raab: "The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country."
-Charles Silberman: American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief one firmly rooted in history that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. (hence the Jewish push for open borders in Europe and the Anglosphere).
-JEW Ben Wattenberg
The non-Europeanization of America is heartening news of an almost transcendental (spiritual) quality.
-Jonathan Weisman, Author and New York Times writer wrote "The Jew flourishes when borders come down, when boundaries blur, when walls are destroyed, not erect ed."
-American Jewish Professor Noel Ignatiev: "The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race. Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue in U.S. society, whether domestic or foreign"...."Make no mistake about it, we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed but destroyed."
-Jewess Susan Sontag: "The white race is the cancer of human history" (note, she doesn't mean Jews here).
-Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement. He said,
Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years we were in exile there. We will never forgive Europe s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity
-Speaking at a Jewish Community Center s world conference in Jerusalem last week, Pinto, a Senior Fellow and a board member of the London-based Institute for Jewish Policy Research, described how European Jewry, remembering its own postwar refugee status, is on the forefront of welcoming the influx of largely Muslim migrants and refugees one of the greatest wagers of the coming decade. (So, if Muslim immigrants are so great, why doesn't he want them coming to israel?)
-Zoltan Radnoti, the newly elected chairman of the rabbinical board of the Mazsihisz umbrella group of Hungarian Jewish communities, was then quoted as saying, I help the refugees with fear that I am helping send danger to other Jews in Europe. I know some of the refugees may have fired on our [Israeli] soldiers. Others would have done so in a heartbeat. I know. But I am duty bound to help. (notice zoltan the "altruist" wouldn't support these migrants moving to israel).
You know Noel Ignatiev was a hardcore anti-Zionist?
I know he was hardcore anti White. That is what matters to me.
The Palestinians don't want that at least not right now. Anyway, to get a one state solution it would take some decades to implement, as clearly Gaza's Arabs are not ready for liberal democracy. I guess it will become more viable toward the end of the century as Jews keep outbreeding Arabs.
I'm pretty sure the Palestinians would jump at the chance of a one-state solution if the Israelis were idiotic enough to offer one, which they won't (given the high risk of an Arab majority translating into another Shoah.)
The internal demographic tensions of Israel make long-term projections rather dicey, IMO- a lot of their birthrate advantage comes from ultra-orthodox Hasidim who are essentially economic parasites and will bankrupt the state if the situation continues much longer. Something has to give.
Polls show otherwise. They don't even want a binational state, just a Palestinian state.
Haredim are a mix of Hasidim and non-Hasidic "Lithuanians". Despite their terrible secular education and that they are short due to malnourishment, they still outscore secular Jews on PISA. This is just HBD. They are overwhelmingly Ashkenazi. So that's good news. But that's right, the Haredi subsidy system is unsustainable. Post-10/7 there has been a strong push to integrate Haredim. Something is giving. But anyway, these people definitely have the genetic potential to contribute quite a bit.
Very good article.
Palestinians have rejected every offer of a two-state solution that didn't involve right-to-return and control of Jerusalem, which is really just a one-state solution in disguise. Last I checked the majority-preferred solution was "Palestine is Arab from the river to the sea", and you can guess what that means.
I'd like to see the citations for Haredim (oops) outscoring secular ashkenazim on PISA? Their representatives in the Likud haven't been noted for their bright ideas, as I understand it.
That's right, Palis don't want anything other than one Palestinian state.
Likud doesn't represent Haredim but rather mostly working-class Mizrahim. I would guess Haredi politicians are not THAT clever, because the cleverest Haredim become rabbis rather than politicians. I mean, Lapid is one of the most prominent secular Ashkenazi politicians and he is not too bright.
luke, you are clearly a typical moronic judeo lefttard.
I can't believe how ridiculous this statement is:
"The civilised world is becoming increasingly multicultural. Ethnonationalism will have no place in 2100, and Israel in its current form will have to accept multiculturalism and pluralism or become a Rightoid pariah state."
me: Do you even travel? Try going to japan, korea, thailand, mexico, peru, or just about every other non White nation on earth. None of these countries are opening their borders to mass migration. None are pushing the judeo multi culti agenda. In 200 years, japan will still be 95%+ ethnic japanese....korea will still be over 95% ethnically korean, and so forth. They WON'T be "pariah states" as you hysterically claim.
You are a braindead goy, just regurgitating the goy slop the jewish corporate propaganda that has been fed to you your entire life.