From what you have written it would seem that California is pioneering a post-American future without any possibility of renewal or regeneration, just more pf the same atomisation, cultural fracture and post-bourgeois capitalism. The lack of cohesion and solidarity amongst whites is a defining, enduring, feature of the situation. It leaves white Californians to experience the paradox of tribalism without actual tribes (at least not for whites)...Schrodinger's identitarianism as it were.

The project of renewal, should it ever get started, will take generations.

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Dec 12, 2023
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Nothing costs more than cheap labor. It undermines wage growth, productivity, innovation and respect for hard work.

Illegal immigration gives the upper middle classes a version of elite life (outsourced domestic labor etc).

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California has become a cesspool. Look what's been done to San Francisco.LA which has very upscale areas the same.. It's heartbreaking.

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As you said, the average Californian is increasingly olive-colored, and some kind of mixed non-white ethnicity could be its future. This is happening across certain parts of the country. I live on the East Coast in the D.C. suburbs which are very similar to CA. The average person here is increasingly olive-skinned which is both due to (1) immigration (New Diversity) but also (2) high rates of interracial marriage. There are very few white/white couples here, almost all whites are married to non-whites. In addition, various non-white New Diversity groups are also intermarrying among themselves, and this occasionally includes blacks as well. All of this is producing an average light-brown ethnicity in stark contrast to a much whiter population if you drive North, with non-mixed whites. A place like Baltimore is more traditionally American in the sense that it has whites/blacks, and the whites are unmixed. Perhaps "real America" is a biracial white/black country and all the New Diversity such as D.C./CA is a separate emerging country unto itself. That's what I've observed in recent years.

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