Jun 6·edited Jun 6Liked by Robert Stark

One correction, Tucker Carlson is not a populist, neither in practice, nor by his own admission ("I'm not a populist. I'm an elitist. I just believe in impressive elites.").

His proposition to ban/limit AI would be instituted from the top-down, and no decision-making power would have to be shifted to the populace in order to achieve it.

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Jun 6Liked by Robert Stark

If you think Emilia Romagna is a distributist country and not a leftist cleptocracy, you are derangedly misinformed...

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Really interesting article.

I've written a similar article on a similar ideology; Georgism.


Would like to know your thoughts on it.

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thanks. interviewed a guest about Georgism ( https://starktruthradio.com/?p=9829 ) Georgists have some very interesting ideas but how do you address the potential of eroding property rights?

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As a Catholic I'm a big supporter of Distributism and Catholic Social Teaching in general, but I never really knew how it could be updated for a 21st Century Society. Thanks for this informative article.

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Well written. The USA pursued distributism for its whole existence until the late 1970s* and didn't wholly abandon it until circa year 2000, it had capital flow inhibitors between states until they were mostly and de facto undone between the late 1970s and mid 80s ( they were fully and de jure undone in the 1990s) and we had variability in regulation between states and in some era even to a lesser extent at the local level, this prevented the industrial and financial concentrations we have to day, the hub-and-spokes and all the rest of it. Just doing some re-decentralization would accomplish a whole lot of distributism

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