When you cut through the smokescreen of DEI, the culture war, and the obsessive media focus on race and racism etc, what's really taking place is a soft civil war between upscale gentry whites (Liberals) and downscale flyover whites (Conservatives).

Upscale gentry whites control the MSM, the Ivy League, Big Tech, the NGOs, most of Wall Street and the federal govt etc and they will never forgive their blood enemies for the crime of 2016 and the Orange Man. They have more money, better credentials, very limited loyalty to the country and its people and history (they are all globalists now) and armed with Social Justice morality and the bloody shirt of 1619 (unless it's the bloody shirt of 1/6), they equate Conservatives with Confederates and believe they have a divine right to vanquish them and reduce them to second-class status.

It doesn't matter how many colorful tokens they have to put up front in their brochures, doesn't matter how many DEI functionaries they have to hire, doesn't matter if it dents the stock market, doesn't matter if a plane or 2 drops from the sky, doesn't even matter if the cities rot and the country is flooded with illegal aliens—this is an existential battle and the Liberal side is willing to pay any price to defeat their despised opponents and make sure they never get near the levers of power again.

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Once you form an underclass it is difficult to reform or rehabilitate it. Widespread, sustained, pauperisation will retard the formation of human capital amongst whites. The consequences of this are incalculable.

The exclusion of young whites from opportunities across the professions and the wider economy will guarantee further immiseration and disempowerment. An entrenched BIPOC managerial class will have a very strong incentive to crush opposition and support for repression will form the price of admission for whites who are allowed to participate in managerial, professional or political life.

The formation of a demoralised, undereducated and socially excluded class of white helots is well underway.

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Excellent, detailed, and thorough analysis of the situation.

Squeezing off credit to small business, and particularly White owned businesses, is going to be an obstacle to the entrepreneurial creation of parallel economic and other institutions. Maybe crypto? It seems we'll need an alternative financial system as well. But this has been clear for some time.

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Great article! I really appreciate the closing paragraphs. Being a "free market" guy I'm perpetually frustrated by the corporate apologists on the right who usurp that moniker. A state created entity with special protection from downside risk isn't free market, but I guess that term has been co-opted just as badly as "liberal" at this point.

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I'm glad you mentioned tech because I personally agree that it's the biggest reverse discriminator. Also, I agree that it's entry level people who are most effected. People who already have it made aren't destroying their own jobs.

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It sure looks like blatant discrimination against white males.

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Like every other "temporary" program we see started, affirmative action became permanent. Racial and gender-based hiring began just as I was coming of age, passed off as necessary to correct past injustices. Here we are 60 years later and affirmative action is stronger than ever, with no end in sight. The Liberals, feminists, and race hustlers won't be happy until every White man is unemployed and homeless. The only way I finally beat the affirmative action scam was to employ myself for the last 30 years of my working life.

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It is becoming more critical that people of good will, capacity and ambition work in small business, including starting and funding those efforts. Larger corporations are beholden to corrupt politicians and bankrupt ideologies.

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They missed the point.

Given the companies they list, they are hiring Asian foreigners over Americans.

Doubling the number of black managers is a pathetic goal. If they have 2 black managers out of hundreds, hiring 2 more is trivial.

Sometimes I wonder if the focus on hiring foreign “people of color” is to exclude historically oppressed Americans (descendants of slaves)… who just most likely happen to have British surnames.

"Yes, you are right about tech workers, but why do so many Indians and Chinese have to be imported ? The huge influx of Hispanics is to fill data entry clerk jobs and bank clerks, and lower wages."

No student debt so they can get away with being paid less.

Dependent on employer for sponsorship towards permanent residence status --> put up with more abuse.

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I self identify as Roman, making me Þe smallest minority.

Give me þose sweet jobs please.

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DUH! No wonder we are failing.

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Excellent research, thank you for assembling this useful data

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Also extends to non-profits.

Here's an example of where woke took over a *checks notes* bicycle non-profit.


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