Nice post! F to the Alt Left. It was over before it started.

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are you a Jew? that would explain the preferential treatment you got on Unz.com for so long

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Oct 1·edited Oct 4Liked by Robert Stark

"Losers" is an anti-social characterization, part of America's protestant religious ideological baggage, that should go. The outcome of a society who believes in winners and losers, is what you see around you. It's one of the ideologies who contributed to the decline.

A citizen (in the ancient sense) cared for the wellbeing of their polis, not their personal gain over it. If they did, they wouldn't be considered "winners" but ostracized as dangerous sociopaths.

As for real Darwinian evolution, it doesn't care either way. If some "loser" breaks Hanania's head in, he'd instantly be a Darwinian winner (doubly so if he procreates), having outlived the "chad-in-his-own-mind" Hanania. Cockroaches will be the ultimate Darwinian winners anyway.

Hanania's case is of one who managed to build a career (thanks to a lot of factors, not mere merit), and feels compelled to adopt a worldview based on how awesome he is and how much he deserves it, and how others are losers while he belongs in the winners club (including worshipping those with power, and trying to get the ear of any mogul that will tolerate him and his haircut. It's not a bad racket, but dignified? No.).

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"California’s race relations are overall affable."

My most ardent objection to all the racial hysteria that dominated the media circa 2014-2022 was the attempt to force racial pathologies that are very specific to the South and certain northern Great Migration cities down the throats of the entire country. The obsession with black v. white and insistence that those historical pathologies applied everywhere and forever drove me fucking mad.

Like, no, they don't apply, and are totally irrelevant in a lot of places in the US. Maybe even the MAJORITY of places. There are tons of northern states bordering Canada and in the intermountain west that are so thoroughly white that every single member of the underclass is white, and always has been. Every garbage man, janitor, criminal in jail, town drunk, field laborer picking crops, every person on welfare -- all white (or at least, the farm laborers were until like the past ten years when South and Central American immigrants finally made their way into even those locations). There's no "white privilege" in a town where every single person at the very bottom of the status hierarchy is white and always has been. In fact in a lot of those places, the handful of black families in town are more likely to be college professors than not, and racism is such a non-issue that they're the most high-status people around, because all the high-class whites seek them out as friends and colleagues to show off how worldly they are and to make sure they have some non-white people in their Facebook photos. That's not a joke, I have literally heard white people arguing and trying to pull clout with each other over who had more black people in their wedding photos.

Then you have the west, where the black-white thing is close to irrelevant because all the real racial tensions, to the extent they exist (which is to say, not much), are totally different. You have the MUCH larger populations of various asian and hispanic groups, who have their own issues with each other, enclaves, and status hierarchies, and tons of mixed marriages, then you have the tribal alliances that are rapidly getting into business development deals with rich whites because they actively trade on all the perks or no-regulation and tax exemption that comes with reservation land, and as far as the ethnic group that you'd be smart to have a healthy dose of fear/respect for based on sheer physical ability to kick your ass, Polynesians easily take the cake on that one. No one in the east or south even can even recognize a Polynesian...they see one and just wonder how a Mexican got so huge.

I recall being on vacation in Vegas in 2017 after Trump got elected, sitting at a poolside party that could not have been a more diverse, multi-ethnic group of people if you had put out a casting call for an upscale beer commercial, with everyone partying and having a fantastic time. And I was idly scrolling my phone and all I saw were headlines of doom about racism in America and white supremacy and the incipient racial meltdown. I was looking around at all these people on vacation having a grand old time, thinking WTF are these NY and DC based reporters even talking about? Maybe put on some music and have a drink.

Anyway, I can't speak to CA because I'm sure some would argue based on Rodney King and other 90s incidents that their race relations are far from affable. But the general attempt of east-coast based media to jam historical pathologies from slavery/Jim Crow/Civil Rights into wider application to the rest of the country should have been strongly and widely rejected everywhere else. I remain totally disappointed that so many people allowed themselves to be cowed and shamed into this, as if that stuff was ever relevant or applicable. Maybe they needed a "racial reckoning" over racism against black people in Detroit or Mississippi. Some person whose family has lived in Wyoming or Maine for 100 years most certainly did not, nor did someone living in Las Vegas or Albuquerque. And all that happened was a bunch of people who were getting along got to enjoy a racial "awakening" and start resenting each other. People in the west and other places should've stood up against it strongly and told the southern and Great Migration city people to deal with their own shit, if they wanted to dwell on the past, and leave them out of it.

Sorry for the rant, your description here triggered me - nice article.

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Sep 29·edited Sep 29Liked by Robert Stark

I pretty much agree, though I would say that an educated rural person with broadband can have much of the culture like music from around the world of urban dwellers, without the downside of being surrounded by dysgenic criminals, and you can be homeowner, and stay out of debt slavery. So you might want to ease up on rural people, we are not all the same. And yes I am as rural as it gets, I have had bears in my yard, see eagles on a regular basis, live in county with no traffic lights, live near trout streams, etc. Yet I also make avant garde music and paper cuts, and have a pretty active following here, you actually can have it all.

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You should interview me. I was already on the Eurabia podcast here, earlier this year. DM me if interested,

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This was a great read, and my respect for you has only increased. What you said here is of key importance:

> I didn’t have some moral reckoning that my old views were bad but rather my views gradually evolved. A person who has a bigoted past must repent in a quasi-religious way. Even people who are secular embrace this Abrahamic morality of putting everyone and every idea into categories of good versus evil. It is much healthier to accept that people evolve and that one’s past phases are part of a necessary process to become a better person. I am inspired by Alan Watts’s way of looking at how we play different roles, like actors, depending upon the circumstances that we are thrust into.

Indeed, much healthier, and much more in service of truth.

May you continue to evolve and achieve much success and meaning.

Much love from a fellow Brahmin and Bohemian.

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if you spend a few weeks in the county jail, at meal time you will sit at the blanco tables. that's a fact. and the mulattos at the black tables and the mexicans at the mexican tables and the arabs at the Muslim table. all the rest is "just conversation".

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Political ideologies and viewpoints are not synonymous with core values. My core values are the same as always with only my expression of these changed politically and socially.

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Really cool article!

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Sep 28Liked by Robert Stark

And you're still young! Who knows what transformations you will experience throughout the rest of your life? People who are in their 20s and 30s shouldn't really be bloggers or pundits. Someone like Richard Hanania and others are just too young. If someone in their 20s and 30s expresses certain views, they're likely to change over time. A person's views mature and solidify in their 40s, 50s, and beyond, and people are rarely the person they started out as.

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Oct 1Liked by Robert Stark

With multiple brands of third-way or radical right/left statist political ideals being pushed, I think we ultimately end up with an unstable political environment when the ultimate solution is liberty for all, i.e. libertarianism. That is the only realistic modus vivendi. Libertarians are often ridiculed as Utopian but watching people fight for various policy tweaks to achieve Goldilocks versions of statism is amusing to this alleged “Utopian”.

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Sep 29Liked by Robert Stark

The upwardly-slit, triangularly shaped eyes of Californian Jewish starlette in picture above are typically found in Northern Germany and Scandinavia. Also in places that experienced Norse settlement like certain parts of Britain and ports in Ireland.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30Liked by Robert Stark

example of upwardly slit-eyed Danish woman at 0:11 here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSCm6zNzlgw

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Sep 29Liked by Robert Stark

Interesting essay and thanks. I would add that "rights" mean nothing if you can't defend them.

I don't know why though any sane person would want to identify with, or aspire to, the elite. They're bat-shit crazy. Walking around Washington, DC, for example, is like visiting an outdoor lunatic asylum-halfway house. Strung-out, violent junkies right next to women with baby strollers. Or women in spandex, lots of women, running past convicted rapists, begging for trouble. Or seeing upon first glance what appears to be a normal man until you notice he has breasts. Or idiots with boom-boxes in business and residential neighborhoods every day for hours at the same spot and nobody can do anything about it because George Floyd. And there is much more.

And they're getting crazier. The only hope is that the destruction they unleash eventually begins to affect them so drastically they come to their senses. But I kind of doubt it. Each successive generation becomes programmed in childhood to accept the madness as normal at each stage in the downward spiral.

Misinformation is now simply what the elites don't want to hear or see. If they do manage to deal with the real world it's through strange contortions, as we are seeing with Ukraine. I doubt if any of them know why we are slaughtering 100s of thousands of men. Somehow they at some point equated Putin with Trump and whatever those two men represent is their waking nightmare. To what lengths they are willing to go to destroy them and what they represent we don't know. But it seems at this point there is no limit.

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Nothing wrong with neo-feudalism, we could use a good dose of high middle ages craft guilds and peaceful Christian villages IMO.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Robert Stark

So much to unpack in this article. I'm not going to waste my time or yours with a lengthy rebuttal but I'll simply make a few points.

1. Race relations in California (or anywhere in America) are most certainly NOT affable. Were you asleep during the BLM riots when they murdered and burned there way through cities? Have you ever spoken to a Native American and asked them what they think about Whites? Do you know that sitting members of Congress are in La Raza?

2. That woman does not look like a Jew and you know it. Walk the streets of Jerusalem, Brooklyn, or Tel Aviv and the only women you'll see who look like thatnare those with the money to afford plastic surgery. They mimic our women because they're the most beautiful in the world.

3. Your politics and philosophy didn't progress. You regressed. What you're holding up as enlightened ideas is exactly what you've been conditioned to believe through decades of constant propaganda. Congratulations, you're a normie.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2Liked by Robert Stark

Great overview, especially as a fellow elder millennial Californian. You also do a great job of explaining why Hanania so rubs me the wrong way... I'm even more polarized on immigration, the economy, and elites.

And yes, the Santa Monica / Malibu School District boundary is such an important consideration in Westside real estate decisions...

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Oct 1Liked by Robert Stark

Re: “Freudian psychology”: Read Frederick Crews’ _Freud: The Making of an Illusion_ to see what a unscientific fraud he was.

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