We need to think about a post-American future as the United States is destined to fragment along various lines; regional, racial, cultural. Pilleater can have his Eurasian paradise in Hawaii or Southern California while I have my all-white ethnostate somewhere else on the continent.

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Without whiteness it will be Africa. Won't it?

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The regime (or its successor) may well push an inclusive form of civic nationalism of one kind or another to misdirect the masses, but the reality of differential forms of race privilege already enacted into civil rights law is guaranteed to undermine the credibility/legitimacy/efficacy of this. In addition, there can be no stable nationalism without common citizenship, common culture and values and a shared condition and future.

Instead of looking to abstract ideas about civics, human rights, multiculturalism etc and applying them a priori we need to look at the existing, real world, trends in fertility, morbidity and mortality rates. In real life white America is weakening fast relative to rival races. It is being replaced, deprioritised and delegitimised. The indifference of privileged whites to 'deaths of despair' and the lack of incentive for the regime to acknowledge the problem is more suggestive than any proposal for a future American nationalism or a pro-white multiculturalism.

The future will inevitably involve struggles over power, priority and resources. At the moment whites remain demobilised and have no collective agency. Until this changes somehow the future will see a reiteration of the recent past, rather than any real progress.

Finally, ethnic groups in decline can expect few allies no matter what ideas they peddle.

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'MAGA’s multi-racial working-class coalition' is a hollow egg. Whites remain second-class citizens within the movement. MAGA is a different way of dipossessing Whites. 'America' stopped existing for Whites when troops were deployed in Little Rock.

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It can be sustained if no one minds the nation becoming Haiti!

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This is not even close to rocket science. Yeah - we invented that, too.

For any nation to be able to sustain itself, those doing the "sustaining" have to be able to envision, and then create that which they are sustaining. Lacking the ability to do either means, of course, that they cannot sustain it. NOTHING in the modern world was envisioned or created by other than white men. Fact.

So, no, America cannot be sustained without "whiteness." Nor can the modern world. If you need proof, just take a quick glance at S Africa.

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Mr. Stark, try a simple thought experiment: Imagine a Hispanic or an Asian next to the American flag. It just doesn't work. There's a dissonance. Only whites look natural next to the US flag, for whatever reason. Notably, when there are MAGA rallies, participants unfurl huge American flags, which scares non-whites (including US-born non-whites) who almost never display American flags. This alone tells you that America is associated with a white identity. If there were a multicultural country with symmetrical pluralism, as you describe, then it wouldn't be America. That's what Scott Greer is saying. He's saying it would be a new country, perhaps with a different name and culture, which is different from the US as people know it.

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> If there were a multicultural country with symmetrical pluralism, as you describe, then it wouldn't be America.

Yeah it would be Brazil or South America in general. Hard to call that kind of multiracial paradigm a win

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"White" now means Eurasianism, which will mean "white" anyway without doubt.

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Only perhaps in California or Hawaii.

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The Whites of the Old Country don't need 'White' enough to switch primary allegiance from their various national ethnicities to 'White'. Non-white violence is slowly changing this, though.

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deletedMar 14
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Asian Aryanism

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That diaspora needs a new home. Let the remaining tribes see if they can run the empire without us.

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Oughta have a national “White Men call-in sick” week. See how the nation performs without any of us.

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