Shiva also claims that he invented email. Really??? Please. He's an angry phony. The Zionist remark is rude and crude no matter what side of the issue you're on. 👎 Never liked him.

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No candidate advocates for white Americans. None has a vision of what the US will look like should the petrodollar weaken significantly. None has any concrete, viable, proposals for how to retrieve relations with Beijing or Moscow. None has any proposals on how they would restore law and order to the major cities. None could actually govern in the event of a Deep State sponsored Colour Revolution.

Even the boldest (RFK Jr, Dr Shiva, Cornel West, Vivek) assume that the US somehow retains the capacity to choose its future. And on the subject of choice, none of the candidates have directly addressed the issue of electoral integrity. Trump has made a few noises, but no candidate has suggested what needs to be done to assure a meaningful election.

So far this is an election contested on the sofas of America. No one is being mobilised en masse with the exception of the activists in the pay of the Deep State.

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

Agree with you on Ramaswamy. He will just replace illegal mass immigration from Latin America with "legal" mass immigration from India, like whats been happening in Canada for the last two-three years. Just go to the Canadian subreddit to learn more.

I say "legal" because the only difference between a legal immigrant and an illegal immigrant is a piece of paper issued by some liberal bureaucrat. The end result is the same; mass immigration. So conservatives harping on about how much they love legal immigration in contrast to illegal immigration, are just idiots suffering from delusion.

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