White Dudes for Kamala: Wokeness Normalizing White Identity
The Woke are more right than Mainstream Conservatives
Source: @davidhogg111 on X
The White dudes and White women for Kamala affinity groups on Zoom are an interesting phenomenon sparked by wokeness. Talking points for White Dudes for Kamala include “As White men, we recognize all too clearly the culture of toxic entitlement surrounding Donald Trump,” “We need to be honest with ourselves and each other about the role we’ve played in our nation’s history - good and bad,” and “We have a strong, positive role to play in America’s shared future, and it begins with all of us cutting through the MAGA crap and reminding the dark forces who have co-opted American symbols what America actually means.”
Source: @mtracey on X
Source: @GuntherEagleman on X
Conservative responses to the White affinity groups for Kamala range from “Dems are the real racists” to these groups are bad because they are putting Whites in a subservient position. However, there has been an ironic embrace of White Guys for Kamala from some Alt-Right types.
What is remarkable is that liberals and leftists are granting Whites agency and treating Whiteness as something that can be used for positive ends rather than just an object of derision. Perhaps Democrat elites are starting to realize that the only way to defeat MAGA is to give Whites, and particularly White men an explicit role in politics and America’s future. For instance, Kamala Harris was pressured to select a White male running mate.
Source: @IDoTheThinking on X
The woke claim that maintaining Whiteness as the default is White Supremacy. However, that is also bad for Whites because it denies them agency and an explicit identity, especially as they face becoming a minority. Who would have thought the Woke would be right about something crucial and that it would be the Left that would break the taboo on White identity politics?
Exactly right. The identity-obsessed Left is actually amenable to white identity politics. As whites descend to minority status, it's going to be increasingly hard to talk of some nebulous "white default majority" and the Left will have to extend its identity rhetoric to whites as well. What's more, it may not even have a big problem with that. Scott Greer had a column decrying this development because white identity is currently portrayed in a negative light only ("negative white identity" as he called it) but it's only a matter of time before white identity becomes a neutral, objective concept similar to all other identities.
Their offer is like giving your little brother a controller that isn't plugged in so he feels like he's playing the game with you too