The Intersection of Spirituality & Sexuality
A New Political Philosophy to Address Spirituality and Sex
Colin Wilson
English author, Colin Wilson, believed that sex was close to the religious impulse, and described the libido as rocket fuel to escape the body's confines and soar toward higher consciousness. In Origins of the Sexual Impulse, Wilson said “Sexual activity is driven by the same aims and motives as reading poetry or listening to music: to escape the limitations imposed by the need for particularity in the consciousness.” For instance, one can enjoy fantasizing about sex while not about food to quelle hunger, which shows how much of sexuality is consciousness rather than physical. After all, consciousness is what connects us to the Divine, and certain New Thought thinkers believed that consciousness is God.
Colin Wilson’s book, The Misfits: A Study of Sexual Outsiders, adds a spiritual twist to evolutionary theorist, Charlotte Bach’s, controversial theory that sexual deviants, as well as Trans people, may be more evolutionarily evolved than normal people. Wilson explores how a notorious sexual deviant, like the Marquis De Sade, by pushing sex to the ultimate limit was a seeker of that intense peek experience or a radical expansion of consciousness. This went beyond hedonism, as one who pursues their deepest sexual desires is living to their true self, according to their biology, which has a metaphysical component. While De Sade was a materialist who rejected God, occultist Aleister Crowley was like De Sade but with a spiritual dimension. Regardless, one’s deepest or darkest Sexual fantasies are a gateway to one’s soul, both the dark and light elements.
The Marquis De Sade
The actor Russell Brand, who is into mysticism and spirituality, though now a Christian, but was also into hedonism, drugs, and promiscuous sex, is not necessarily a contradiction, as they both involve seeking out a heightened experience. Ben Shapiro is the counterpart to that archetype, in that he is a nerd who rejects hedonism but does not strike me as that spiritual, though he supports Judeo-Christian values more for societal stability. However, I often feel conflicted as to the spiritual components of creating intensity in consciousness via sexuality or whether lust is a distraction from becoming closer to the Divine. I had a mystical experience while swimming in June Lake in the Eastern Sierras, in which I felt the Divine presence as pure euphoria and love in the form of sunlight emanating from behind a mountain. Later at night, I hung out at Mammoth Village, where I lusted over some very attractive young upper class coded blonde females, and I felt that my lust distracted me from the Divine presence I had experienced earlier.
Robert Stark after his Mystical Experience at June Lake, California
When I had my mystical experience, I experienced a higher vibration, closer to the Divine source, which felt similar to how people describe Near Death Experiences, and sex was the last thing on my mind. I embrace a Neoplatonic belief that everything emanates from God but that there are these layers where certain things are closer to God or have higher vibrations. I reject the Abrahamic view of putting everything into categories of morally good versus evil, which applies to the conventional Christian view on sexual sin.
There is a practical case that regulating sexuality, such as imposing monogamy, is good for societal stability. However, religion has been more effective at regulating sexuality than secular evolutionary arguments. While I am not necessarily a nihilist and consider sexual morality to have a spiritual biological component, it is also a product of socialization and power structures. For instance, anthropologists will consider why the taboo against having sex in public is universal to the majority of human cultures yet is non-existent among other primates.
Sex is the most attuned instinct to biology and evolutionary imperatives, and this also applies to visceral gut reactions against certain sex acts. Different approaches to sexual morality might work for different people depending on their genetics, with some people genetically wired to be prudes while others are wired to push sexual boundries. Colin Wilson believed that the silent rhythms of the DNA code, are both reflected in the sexual act committed with transcendent consciousness, hinting that sex is driven by an almost spiritual HBD.
One could make a case for biologically grounded reasons for opposing large age gaps, such as disgust mechanisms or that an older partner might be less fertile. However, I desire to see middle aged men go down on college aged women because I am of that mystic archetype who seeks out the peak experience. Since my moral system is heavily based on aesthetics, I consider a young attractive woman fellating an ugly older man to be grotesque. The distinction is the former is an act of worship while the latter is defilement. I also believe that there is a spiritual genetic component to sexual contamination, which has parallels to Hindu intercaste relations.
Golden naiskos with Dionysus, 2nd cent. BC.
Most ancient pagan religions possessed certain sexual elements, especially the ancient Greek cult of Dionysus, in which rites involved worshipers stripping down nude, getting drunk on wine, and then fornicating to achieve a spiritual high. There is some contemporary parallel to this with tantric sex cults or cult leaders exploiting spirituality to have sex with their followers.
Religion’s stances on romantic love range from the Bahai faith believing that romantic love is directly from God and that it brings people closer to God while Buddhists and Hindus believe that Kama, or sensuous love, is an obstacle to achieving enlightenment. Among Christians, Catholics are more likely to treat sex as worldly while Protestants consider sex between a husband and wife to be a spiritual bond. This could explain why moral hysteria, such as about age gaps, is worse in Protestant nations.
Linking spirituality with romanticism and aesthetic beauty, an idea with ancient origins was later embraced by the 19th-century European Romanticist movement. However, many religions have tried to suppress the link between sexuality and romance with spirituality, as they feared it would be used as an excuse for decadence and hedonism. Spiritual can mean close to the Divine, but it can also just mean anything that feels otherworldly or ethereal. For instance, some might consider having an intensely euphoric orgasm to be a spiritual experience.
source: @Cernovich on X
The idea that when two people have sex their souls merge may sound cheesy. Regardless, hyper promiscuity is spiritually harmful if one believes that sex is sacred. After all, reproduction is what connects us with our ancestors and our descendants. Sex is that primal life force and what drives us to go on and to create, whether one channels that into family, creativity, politics, or asceticism.
Traditional monogamy where everyone marries their match in looks or status might be better for societal stability and limits female hypergamy. However, a more socially conservative society might end up being very depressing in that a lower status male might only have intimacy with his ugly wife and never once get to even see an attractive woman naked. Certain people are so beautiful that just seeing their naked bodies is an otherworldly experience.
My proposed arrangement in which lower status people orally pleasure people way above their league, such as an incel on a Stacy, a poor man on a wealthy woman, or an older man on a much younger woman, may come across as a perverted fetish to some and seem far from Godly. However, granting lower status people access to extreme beauty would radically expand their consciousness, and have a gnostic component in revealing the hidden sexuality of higher people to lower people. Not to mention that there is a spiritual component to intimacy and I can’t think of a more intimate scenario.
This arrangement would also be a way to embrace a genetically superior person’s spiritual essence or life force, by ingesting their DNA, almost alchemically. This relates to how some early Gnostic sects consumed semen and menstrual blood as a spiritual ritual, and as a way to escape this realm. Aleister Crowley expanded upon this with his concept of sex magic, in which sex acts and sexual fluids, can have a mystical component. This also relates to semen retention, as far as the belief that semen is a spiritual force.
While there is a spiritual component to sex, finding spirituality through celibacy or asceticism is also valid. The Dharmic, Hindu or Buddhist, view is that asceticism or celibacy is a way to detach from the material to become closer to the spiritual realm. I consider the Catholic Church’s celibate priesthood to be dysgenic and prefer the Buddhist model where monks are only celibate temporarily.
Many people blamed the Catholic Church sex abuse scandal on celibacy, viewing it as outdated with no value in modern society. Another basic normie response was that the Priests were just phonies who hypocritically hid behind religion as a cover for their depravity. However, even if the offending Catholic Priests were in the wrong legally, ethically, and morally, many of them were likely spiritually sincere or were in an internal spiritual battle. This is because lifelong celibacy is a form of alchemy that can bring one closer to God but also has the potential to screw someone up psychologically, or a spiritual arrested development where one gets stuck in this state of lust and can’t spiritually evolve. Not to mention that the Jungian shadow self being suppressed explains why many religious people can end up sexually depraved.
However, there is something noble about pursuing asceticism so intensely that one becomes totally detached from the values of ordinary people and modern society’s rites of passage, such as Tinder hookup culture, corporate office politics, and consumerism, which are spiritually corrosive. In defense of the Catholic priests, a married Protestant pastor will likely be more worldly, not necessarily because the act of him being intimate with his wife makes him less Godly, but rather that sex and marriage will cause him to be more concerned for status and materialism. Certainly, sex as a motivator to attain status suppresses spiritual authenticity.
My observation of incels is that they become more depraved, perverted and porn brained, yet in other ways are on a higher spiritual and romantic level than normies. For instance, I remember when Bronze Age Pervert was on the Red Scare podcast, he said there is something noble yet tragic about incels who endlessly contemplate upon the idealized purity of young love. The gooning meme is the idea that through masturbation and meditating upon one’s sexual fantasies, one can reach a trance like heightened state. While I am not saying that incels should give up on finding romantic partners, incels should adopt mysticism or spirituality rather than seething in despair or being addicted to porn, which would be a radical transformation in their archetype to a priestly caste, hence the Wizard meme.
Lili Elbe, one of the earliest replicants of Gender-Affirming-Surgery in Weimer Germany
There was this cult of the hermaphrodite in Weimar Germany, which Alt-Right types tend to blame on Jewish and leftwing subversion. However, this hermaphrodite craze was partly inspired by Carl Jung’s theory that males have an inner feminine or Anima. The French author, Théophile Gautier, who was a romanticist, wrote a romance novel, Mademoiselle de Maupin, “Romantic Agony.” The novel pontificates that Eve was created from Adam’s soul, implying that the original Divine being was a hermaphrodite. Gautier, likely inspired by Jung, sought an erotic union with that ideal inner feminine beauty or Anima.
The fictional Mademoiselle de Maupin, from Six Drawings Illustrating Théophile Gautier's Romance Mademoiselle de Maupin
Carl Jung believed that a shift in gender identity was due to a radical change in consciousness. Thus there is some case that Trans people are more Faustian because they seek an expansion in consciousness, such as experiencing sex as the opposite sex. This is a point that Colin Wilson, who was certainly no lefty, made in Sexual Outsiders. Not to mention that Trans people are disproportionately autistic, and both Trans and autistic people can be of that shaman or third gender archetype. While a lot of this approach to the fluidity of gender is rooted in early pagan traditions, the current Trans phenomenon serves liberalism and consumerist identity and de-sexualizes people, rather than helping man seek spiritual union with the Anima.
Anima and Animus
Source: Centre of Applied Jungian Studies
While the concept of a soulmate or spiritualized romance sounds very blue pilled from a red pill masculinist or black pill incel perspective, the idea of spiritual HBD adds a new angle to it. For instance, there is a genetic code behind everyone’s ideal romantic partner or soulmate. However, that romantic and spiritual reaction, which is caused by a convergence of hormones and genetics, could be one’s Anima. Thus one’s romantic interest is the muse rather than the Anima itself, and you are truly in love with your Anima, which may help incels and others who are lonely cope better. One can experience that spiritual force through romantic feelings that come from music, natural beauty, aesthetics, or from within, without being in a relationship. Perhaps we can even use AI to manifest the Anima?
Robot Waifu as the Anima
source: @RoninMeta on X
The ethereal element of a romance or crush in adolescence is intensified by hormones which have a spiritual element. Thus it would be interesting for people to ingest certain hormones, as a spiritual science or alchemy, to attain that intense romantic high that one feels in youth. A person’s hormone receptors are triggered by certain aesthetic traits or the physiognomy of a romantic interest, which are created by that person’s genetics. Even when I was a teenager, I felt a certain sadness when I found out that a crush had no siblings, because that element of dysgenics became worse when tied to a romantic angle. While mating based on economic materialism or social status may just be the Darwinian selection process, it corrupts the spiritual component of beauty. Regardless, we must identify and analyze certain genetic traits that cause people to get crushes on them, and perhaps use that for eugenics. We must also break down that pure romantic essence scientifically and alchemize it, almost as a form of theurgy.
The pagans had the gods represent the various aspects of the psyche. Dionysus was only one aspect, and a very important one. But, there was also Apollo who would be his opposite. There's the idea that the Greek gods were actually based on real people, with stories combining more than one human into a god, who had lived in prehistoric times. The retelling of the stories by poets, artists, minstrels or Dionysian choir would therefore be based on centuries of human experience condensed into a particular god, or, as Jung would put it, archetype.
These people were also living in a time before Christianity separated spirit from the flesh. Humans, even the Greeks, could not comprehend any spiritual concept without a god or a daimon associated with it and a story to describe the feeling brought about by the manifestation of the god. You wouldn't read a book to make the god or daimon manifest him or her self. You had to mimic an aspect of, or make some kind of offering to, the god in order for the god to manifest or for a sybil (usually high on drugs) to pronounce and priests to interpret.
The point is, it, the Dionysian release, wasn't done in order to make people equal which is what I'm sensing in your preoccupation with incels, or whoever is supposed to do what to each other. The ancients wouldn't imagine that anyone has a right to do or have anything at all. They didn't have the concept of human rights and would have thought it absurd.
The problem with the late 19th, early 20th century spiritualists is that they were raised in the post-Christian world and their brains were programmed by modern abstractions, such as rights and so forth, and were trying to recreate the pre-Christian non-abstracted world. But, they, like us, cannot return to the old ways of thinking. Or rather, you have to move with the gods and heroes in ways that I'm not sure you have considered. But I appreciate your efforts here.