Source: @OffGuardian0 on X
There are mass riots in the UK, in the wake of the heinous stabbings of 3 little girls in Southport, England. Unlike the last big riot in the UK, it is native White Brits who are rioting. The riots were also a reaction to disparities in policing.
Tommy Robinson and the EDL spread false information that the murders were committed by a Muslim. This explains why the media is treating Tommy Robinson as the voice of this movement. The assailant was not Muslim but was born in Wales to a Christian Rwandan family. Robinson supports African Christian immigration but just wants to ban Muslim immigration. While the assailant is more of a school shooter loner archetype, you can make the case that restricting immigration would have prevented the tragedy.
The irony is that it is more politically correct to criticize Islam than Black on White violent crime. Much like saying "Nuke Gaza" is less likely to get you canceled than posting racial crime statistics or saying “Whites must stand up for themselves”. While Islam broadly poses a threat to Europe, one can’t ignore that there are indigenous Europeans who are Muslim and that a lot of replacement migration is from non-Muslim Africa. In America, there is not one particular ethnic group that is adversarial to Whites but rather an assortment of people of various ethnicities under the umbrella of anti-White ideology.
I am wary of anyone or any group that defines their ideology based on what group they hate. The best way to be is to support one’s ingroup and then deal with outgroups based on the situation and on the principle of reciprocity. I know there are real ethnic conflicts, but a lot of these ideologies evolve online rather than from personal experiences. My issue is not even that I find it mean spirited or racist, but that it creates these rigid ideological frameworks.
This also applies to Nick Fuentes, who pushes this nationalism based on hating Jews, before he is pro-White. Nick Fuentes had been promoting this Muslim guy in the UK who is very pro-migrant just because he’s anti-Semitic. These types are “Goyim Nationalists”, the idea that all of humanity must unite against the Jews while deemphasizing White agency. While I have criticisms of White Nationalism, I prefer an outright White Nationalist to a civic nationalist who obsessively hates on a particular outgroup.
On a visceral level, I can’t really morally condemn the rioters because of how badly the White British working class has been treated and neglected by their government and elites. Britain has a long history of class oppression, and now non-Whites are being used as pawns against the White working class. However, from a rationalist and practical standpoint, the riots won’t likely accomplish anything positive and only lead to greater state repression. The regime is crafting new draconian hate speech legislation and will hand out lengthy prison sentences to those involved, as well as further ramp up immigration. The tyranny of the UK’s government is far more extreme than how the US government reacted to Jan 6th.
source: @AlertChannel on X
The only thing that the riots could accomplish is to cause the government to become so tyrannical, to the point of getting more moderate Brits to turn on the regime, as well as causing divisions among the elite. America’s George Floyd riots succeeded because they were AstroTurfed with elite backing. The way to win politically is to build a counter-elite or to win over factions of the elite, not ground up populist movements. France and other Continental European nations have factions of their elites that are more nationalist, thus nationalism is semi-viable in France. The reason the UK is fucked is because of how bad their elites are.
England does not have a serious nationalist or anti-establishment movement. Nigel Farage functions as a gatekeeper and his UK Independence Party was used to destroy the British National Party. While Brexit was a symbolic victory for nationalism and populism, it was a total failure, wrecking the economy while replacing White EU immigrants with migrants from the Global South. When the right-wing talks of civil war or race war, I am inclined to dismiss them as hyperbolic. However, the UK riots seem to be provoking non-White and leftist violence, which could spiral out of control, especially considering the economic crisis.
The riots were a response to the confluence of migration, selective policing, multiculturalism and the concessions made to islamic activists by the British state.
Pontificating about the riots is pointless. No need to condemn them. No dissident will ever win any credit for doing so and we should stop playing the regime's game. The riots were, and are, a reaction by a people with an exceptionally grim future in their own homeland. We weaken ourselves by supporting the regime's narrative that anti-regime violence is inexcusable and that conflict with hostile migrant communities is the ultimate evil.
The riots were not ideological and there is next no evidence of the Far Right being involved in any way. The UK Far Right is moribund and irrelevant. The BNP fell apart years ago and the EDL has been inactive for quite a while. Tommy Robinson is essentially a social media influencer, a very useful foil for the UK regime. But practically all of the violence has involved spontaneous outbreaks of frustration by the ethnic English. We are now seeing a counter-mobiiisation by Pakistanis and the extreme Left.
The significance of the riots will unfold over time but they have the capacity to destroy Starmer's government. Thatcher was removed in the wake of the poll tax riots. Starmer's clumsy and provocative response so far is a serious long term political liability. In the short term Starmer will be used to push through authoritarian measures (all of which would have been in the planning stage anyway) but if the riots persist he will be removed.
The value of the riots for rw dissidents is that the regime will double down on repression and speed the delegitimation of the entire political order. The coming crackdown will further empower Muslim thugs who have been reshaping the political landscape to suit themselves. In recent years one MP was murdered by Muslims. Another was compelled to resign in fear for his life. Starmer is certain to escalate the recruitment of Muslims into the judiciary, police and intelligence services and to pour funds into MusIim NGOs.
Further communal violence is guaranteed. A post-bourgeois, deindustriakised, society cannot sustain genteel political norms. Nor is there any good reason why it should. England is adapting to change. The riots are merely a part of this process.
Repression is inevitable. The point of popular action is to continually raise the cost of repression.