source: @realannapaulina on X
Ultra MAGA Florida congresswoman, Anna Paulina Luna, is calling for the death penalty for convicted pedophiles. Last month she proposed a series of bills including a bill mandating the death penalty or life in prison for a series of crimes against minors, including human trafficking, a bill that mandates 30 years to life in prison for those convicted of rape or sexual abuse against adults, and another bill that mandates life imprisonment or the death penalty for the production, distribution, or possession of CP.
source: @RT_com on X
There is a chance that these measures will pass the House and Senate, and Trump will sign them into law. Rep. Luna claims that she discussed the proposals with Trump, 'who she says fully supports the idea', and last August, Trump called for the death penalty 'for anyone guilty of child or woman sex trafficking.' However, these proposed legislations will likely be held up in court, as in 2008, the Supreme Court (Kennedy vs. Louisiana) ruled that the death penalty for rape was unconstitutional, violating the 8th Amendment. I suspect that Luna’s proposals are a test to see if they could pass a more conservative Supreme Court. Not to mention that Trump just signed an executive order strengthening the Federal death penalty.
source: @RichardHanania on X
source: @RichardHanania on X
I expect that a lot of liberal judges and prosecutors in blue states will refuse to enforce these laws, which would cause a mass exodus of sex offenders from Red to Blue States. Despite the Left having their hysterical age gap feminists who consider a 30 year old dating a 20 year old to be a pedophile, it will be interesting to see how much pushback there is from Democrats, if these bills take off.
source: @Nostradumb_ss on X
Harsher penalties, including life imprisonment, are needed in certain cases that are especially heinous. I even think it is worth discussing the death penalty for certain cases like for those running child trafficking rings. However, because of how broadly they are framed, Rep. Luna’s proposed legislation poses a major threat to civil liberties. Many men who are falsely convicted of rape could get the death penalty, as well as a lot of false molestation allegations, “he touched me” cases, where there is no forensic evidence. Another argument against the death penalty is that it creates an incentive for abusers to murder their victims. Regardless, if this law goes through, then the penalty for falsely accusing someone of rape would have to be as severe as the penalty for rape. I could also see a lot of white knight simp conservatives decide that it is not Jesus-like to execute women, despite there being plenty of female sex offenders.
source: @FemnsmIsBigotry on X
source: @pearlythingz on X
source: @AmSunlightShone on X
If a criminal charge is going to send someone to prison for life or forfeit their life then the burden of proof has to be very high, as it is with murder. Cybersex crimes have a much higher risk of someone being framed than sexual assaults, which makes the law especially dangerous. Not to mention that a guy in a state where the age of consent is 16 and who receives pics from his 16 year old girlfriend could receive life in prison. If this law were to go through, then tech companies would have to forfeit their Safe Harbor protections, so that they are held legally liable for any illegal material accessed on their sites.
source: @RepLuna on X
source: @Paradigm0623 on X
A lot of these MAGA congress members are just too incompetent to craft successful legislation. However, I could see someone else like Josh Hawley, who is much smarter than Luna, crafting a modified version of this legislation without the death penalty but instead a Federal life sentence for human traffickers and a mandatory sentence of 30 years in prison for possession of CP, which is similar to what Hawley proposed after he grilled Justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, for being too lenient as a Judge on sex offenders.
source: @consoftiktokusa on X
In response to Rep. Luna, liberals have pointed out allegations of sexual misconduct against Donald Trump, including involving minors, as well as Trump’s alleged ties to Jeffrey Epstein. Even if Trump is kind of a sleazebag, a lot of those allegations were probably fabricated for political or financial motives, thus Trump being a target of false allegations would make him a massive hypocrite if he signs these proposals into law. Not to mention that former MAGA congressman, Matt Gaetz, could have gotten life in prison or the death penalty under Rep. Luna’s legislation due to allegations that he trafficked an underage girl. However, Gaetz was much more of a civil libertarian compared to Luna, which ironically may have been partially motivated by his proclivities. Liberals are correct that conservatives and religious fundamentalists have their share of sexual predators, though obviously liberals and the LGBTQ community do as well.
source: @hatespair on X
Leftwingers are claiming that Rep. Luna’s proposed legislation will lead to anti-trans/gay Pogroms, which sounds very hyperbolic. However, who knows what could happen as this legislation is totally unprecedented and could very well lead to people tarring entire political or demographic groups they dislike as being pedophiles and setting them up to be systematically persecuted. A tactic of authoritarians is to start with one group that everyone already detests, who are easy to dehumanize, and then gradually add on other groups from there. What is to stop the Democrats when they get back in power from abusing this law to frame MAGA for sex crimes or declare that MAGA are pedophiles so that they can throw them in gulags?
source: @libsoftiktok on X
source: @wholesome_mma on X
source: @justloggedon on X
Rep. Luna’s proposals lack nuance or thoughtfulness and are representative of the anti-intellectualism that has taken over the Right. Luna’s rise in politics was as eye candy for middle aged MAGA men, being featured in Sports Illustrated and Maxim. Not to mention all her publicity stunts like her recent bill to get Donald Trump on Mount Rushmore. She is one of the most rightwing members of Congress, benefiting from Ron DeSantis gerrymandering a safe red district around St. Petersburg in the Tampa Bay area that used to be a swing district. Regardless, she does fit with this new Florida rightwing brand, which seems to be the future of the GOP.
source: @realannapaulina on X
source: @Empty_America on X
source: @horacesvilla on X
Anna Paulina Luna, who is Mexican American, is relevant to Peter Viereck’s concept of Trans Tolerance which he used to critique figures on the Right, such as Joe McCarthy, who was Irish Catholic. Basically, Trans Tolerance is where minorities like Luna can gain acceptance by being at the forefront of demonizing other outgroups, such as cultural liberals, sexual degenerates, the unpatriotic, or Communists. Luna had a German grandfather who was a Nazi Wehrmacht officer, which makes it especially bizarre that she calls herself a Messianic Jew. Luna changed her surname to Luna from her original German surname, Mayerhofer. This was likely because having a Latino surname was a way to get diversity points in the GOP, which seems ironic as MAGA claims to hate DEI. Regardless, Luna is a sign that the GOP becoming more Latino in the future may make it less intellectual and more authoritarian, with the Anglo civil libertarian tradition being discarded.
source: @Gmeister7 on X
These witch hunts for potential deviants harken back to the 1980s satanic panic but now with the death penalty attached. The Q-tard mentality is that if you oppose this bill, you are a pedo or a pedo apologist, which echoes how the woke left will call you a racist if they don’t get their way. Luna appeared on The Common Sense Show on the Patriots’ Soapbox network, which is devoted to pushing the QAnon conspiracy theory, and she praised the hosts. Rightwing men are also naïve to grant this amount of power to women, as there is an element of rightwing feminism to this, which fits in with feminists wanting to raise the age of consent to something like 21. The only pushback to Luna’s proposals from the Right has been from Manosphere/Men’s Rights types, while many MAGA chuds are like “You go, girl.”
source: @BasilianThought on X
Rep. Luna has been outspoken against the politicization of the FBI under Biden yet her proposals would dramatically increase the scope of federal law enforcement. Not to mention granting federal law enforcement and federal courts jurisdiction over legal matters that currently local courts and local law enforcement have. While Trump enacted criminal justice reform with the First Step Act in his first term, I think his second term’s tough on crime shift is a response to the early 2020s crime wave and woke soft on crime policies. Not to mention that more normie law and order Republicans have become MAGA while the original MAGA was more anarchic and also less socially conservative.
source: @RepLuna on X
This pivot applies to Trump’s failure to nominate more civil libertarian, Matt Gaetz, as Attorney General, replacing him with Pam Bondi, a more conventional law and order Conservative. However, Trump recently signed an executive order amending Title IX that would raise the burden of proof for College sexual assault cases. Trump also pardoned Ross Ulbricht, whose Silk Road facilitated all sorts of illegal activities. This pardon was a nod to libertarians who supported Trump though it seems like a very different direction from the proposed federal crackdown on crime that Trump is pushing, with El Salvador’s Bukele as the model. Ideally, law enforcement and criminal courts should be decentralized and localized.
While certain people do need the book thrown at them, the court system must treat every defendant on a case by case basis. Rep. Luna’s proposed legislation could backfire in that lumping all sexual predators together does a huge disservice to going after the worst offenders. Dealing with sex crimes requires thoughtfulness and intelligence and not low IQ Q-tard chuds posting memes about milestones and woodchippers. Regardless, a lot of people are afraid of criticizing any measure to get tough on sex offenders, no matter how bad a particular legislation is for civil liberties.
Because you and Walt Bismarck both disagree, it has to be a good idea.
There's also the awkward fact that most child rape/molestation is committed by individuals legally defined as children themselves.