How Psycho-Sexual Undertones Shaped My Political Awakening
The case for turning Racial and Class Identity Politics into Sexual Fetishes
Liberals are right when say that a lot of rightwing politics is sublimating sexual frustration and feelings of emasculation and impotence. However, liberals have their own sexual repression and neurosis and are perhaps even more screwed up sexually. There is a sexual component to the politics of wanting there to be more of the demographics that one finds sexually desirable to dominate or having a visceral disgust based on the physical appearance of an outgroup. I wish people could be honest about the aesthetic and sexual component of racism rather than sublimating it into unrelated political issues. This is why I love the physiognomy meme; it is so blatant. However, sexual racism is a woke cause, that it is racist to not date or find a particular race attractive.
source: @makeeuropasnow on X
Pilleater does this rather explicitly with his Asian Aryanism ideology, promoting an ethnogenesis and new political arrangement between Whites and Asians, since he desires Asian women. Normie White men who desire, date, and marry Asian women generally do so under the guise of bourgeoise liberalism, without seeking an explicit identity. The Dissident Right does this by posting memes of the Aryan female ideal. They want an all White and blonde society because that is what they find desirable, and for all women to look like Eva Vlaardingerbroek.
Eva Vlaardingerbroek
In many cases, these are men from more ethnic backgrounds who don’t fit that Aryan ideal themselves. While non-Whites often resent Whites due to sexual jealousy, horny men of color who want more blonde Stacies around may end up being the biggest shills for a looks based eugenics program. Not to mention homosexuals who want there to be more Nordic Chad Twinks around. In contrast, upper class heterosexual Whites, who are socially popular and fit that aesthetic ideal, want nothing to do with explicit racism or eugenics, but often practice eugenics and ethnic exclusion implicitly.
source: @Starkian7789 on X
People transpose who they find sexually attractive or aesthetically pleasing onto their political ideals. For instance, nerds on the Alt-Right fetishize high status Whites like Frat Chads and Sorority Stacies from upper class backgrounds, who in reality tend to be apolitical or have normie politics. This also applies to a segment of men who support Trump and have this psycho-sexual imperative that Trump being this dominant alpha male will get them laid or raise the White birthrate. In reality, the rate of incels actually increased and the White birthrate declined while Trump was president.
source: @Anc_Aesthetics on X
While I don’t expect much from Trump in terms of action on policy, what if he taps into the darker energy from sexual frustration and social atomization to carry out a fascistic agenda of mass deportations of immigrants and cracking down hard on leftists? While the idea that sexual frustration may lead to fascism is hyperbolic, sexual frustration has led to a lot of political radicalization and revolutions throughout history. However, pornography, social media, weed, and AI GFs in the future, are good at sublimating low status males from rebelling.
source: @Howlingmutant0 on X
A lot of racism is just intersexual competition, as any male sexual dominance over females from an outgroup will provoke hostility. There is nothing wrong with that reaction and no one should be shamed for sexual envy, but people can’t be honest because it signals low social status and is politically incorrect. Thus mate guarding gets sublimated into politics, such as low status Asian men who frame their opposition to White male/Asian female couples in woke or anti-colonial terms. People also moralize sexual jealousy, such as the older impotent social conservative who does not want young people having sex out of envy. I can appreciate incels because they are so blatant about sexual envy.
Like a lot of anti-Semites, I was dishonest that I was not an anti-Semite but rather said I just hated the policies of AIPAC and the ADL, and have nothing against the Jewish people. I’ll admit I got caught up in anti-Semitism to the point that being around Jewish people in LA caused a negative emotional response, which is by definition anti-Semitism.
source: @Starkian7789 on X
While some of this initial anti-Semitism was due to how Ron Paul was treated by Jewish neocons and Jewish elite hypocrisy on Israel’s hyper nationalism vs Western immigration policies, there was a strong psycho-sexual component to it. As early as I had sexual feelings, I had a strong desire to perform c-nnilingus on upper class Jewish women. I was unable to process that desire psychologically and felt shame for it, thus I sublimated it into anti-Semitism later on. Becoming anti-Semitic made that fantasy much more intense and added another degree of taboo. I saw Jews as filthy and sinister while finding Jewish women attractive and high status, which made them even more erotic.
Many of my earliest crushes were Jewish girls, and in particular several of my earliest crushes were blonde Jewish girls. I remember having a crush on a blonde Jewish girl, who resembled Alicia Silverstone and came from a very wealthy family from the Pacific Palisades. While I attended a private school for students with autism/Aspergers, a Jewish girl let me give her a foot massage. I was invited to a Bar Mitzvah at the penthouse of a luxurious highrise hotel in Beverly Hills. I got a crush on the blonde Jewish cousin of the guy hosting it, who ironically had the same last name as one of my Jewish ancestors, Hirsch.
Alicia Silverstone
Later in adulthood during my anti-Semitic phase, I remember going to the UCLA Festival of Books with some friends who were anti-Israel activists. At the event, I remember seeing a stunningly beautiful blonde Jewish college girl with a Star of David necklace and felt a sense of shame over my anti-Semitism and was mesmerized by her beauty.
Michelle Trachtenberg
However, this desire went beyond the blonde more Euro-looking Jewish women. I also lusted after the duskier yet very affluent Persian Jewish women around Beverly Hills. They came across as conceited and very ethnocentric but were gorgeous and had amazing buttocks, much bigger than White female buttocks but firm and not flabby like a lot of prole BIPOC buttocks. I fantasized about performing an-lingus on these snooty Beverly Hills Persian Princesses. While a bare Ashkenazi female buttocks don’t look much different from a White shiksa’s buttocks, Persian Jewesses’ buttocks being slightly brown, and perhaps hairy, added a degree of humiliation to that fantasy while I was going through a White Nationalist phase. Unlike, Ashkenazi women they rarely date out, so I couldn’t imagine them letting a goy do that.
Persian Princess Roxy Sowlaty
Eventually, I found a Jewish girlfriend who helped me get over my anti-Semitic phase. Like a mystical kabbalistic ritual, c-nnilingus with a Jewish woman was a transformative event. Perhaps I was truly a repressed philosemite. I never told my Jewish girlfriend about the fetish but I sensed she knew on a subconscious level.
My girlfriend was from an upper class background yet I had some status to her due to my creative background. She sort of looked down on average middle class goys, while also being very liberal, which along with her refusing to reciprocate made the sexual dynamics more intense. I have also heard the opposite, that Jewish women who date goys often act really submissive, like a conquered woman. Right after our breakup, I got into Manosphere content which made me feel disgusted with myself, as far as being sexually submissive in a relationship, and I wondered if that was what caused the breakup.
Growing up on the Westside of LA, I was exposed to wealth, yet I had a sense I was an outsider in upper class circles. These class dynamics added extra trauma to the alienation of adolescence. My class background was downwardly mobile upper middle class to outright upper class, and also fairly cosmopolitan and bohemian, and part Jewish, so it is not like I am some prole chud.
I resented that I ended up attending a more ghetto HS rather than going to HS with rich girls, as I lived in an affluent area. My initial radicalization was caused by a combo of resenting the snobby upper class cliques while also finding the prole BIPOC demographic less attractive, and experiencing some bullying from them as well. While attending the ghetto HS, I would go to the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, all alone every Friday Night, and observed all these conceited, upper class, popular, teenage cliques from the Westside, who would congregate there and treat me like I was invisible, or worse sneer at me for starring at them.
Alexis Bledel as Rory in Gilmore Girls
I took an art class with many girls from some of the most exclusive private schools on the Westside of LA. However, I was too shy to strike up conversations, and the rich girls were guarded and focused on their work. The one time I did have a conversation with one of the rich girls, I stupidly signaled that I found Madonna, who she loved, to be just “ok” while signaling that I liked Howard Stern to show macho bravado, even though I actually loved Madonna, which would have been a way to build some commonality with her. However, she was not Jewish and actually a Shiksa with a Scottish last name and looked a bit like Rory from Gilmore Girls.
Developing a class-based f-mdom fetish was a reaction to adolescent trauma but also related to my populist phase. As a populist I found upper class women to be more attractive with better genes, but also somehow worse morally, exploitative, and bad politically. Regardless, class coded f-mdom doesn’t have to be with Jewish women. I fetishized the different upper class ethnic archetypes with Jewish women being more bratty and mischievous, while upper class Waspy Shiksas were more angelic and prissy. With the latter, I felt like this neurotic Woody Allen type, Jewish guy who desired to o-rally service prissy preppy Waspy Shiksas who are extra sweaty from Equestrian activities. I also fetishized the more Waspy upper class, because I didn’t get as much of a chance to be around them growing up in LA, but noticed them on trips to Orange County, San Diego, and Santa Barbara.
An upper class coded female buttocks, even if on average it has less volume than a prole coded female buttocks, has an especially refined shape. I became insanely obsessed with upper class female buttocks whether in bikinis at the beach in Laguna Beach or Montecito or yoga pants, and I psychologically processed it as the lowest and filthiest orifice on a high status female.
The other angle is that affluent White women can ironically have worse vaginal hygiene because they are so high status they don’t have to be obsessively clean. I actually have found that ethnic and working class women are more obsessed with good vaginal hygiene, which I consider to be a slave mentality. Getting into Human Bio Diversity led to a fetish of wanting to consume DNA via the filth of upper class women with exceptionally good genetics, which is ironic, as I am also a neurotic germaphobe.
Attractive upper class women who are high status and prissy get put on this pedestal, while being extremely discreet about their bodily functions. Thus there is something intensely erotic about being exposed to their grosser bodily functions. While prole women do p-rn, upper class women do degenerate things in private but safeguard their privacy, thus making their sexuality much more alluring.
This fetish demands noblesse oblige from upper class women while granting lower status men intimacy and an escape from the atomization that modern society entails. Making it customary to go down on someone way above one’s league is radically subversive. A lot of average women and working class women already get exploited by high status men, including being used for oral, so why not flip the gender script on that?
While I am of the gamma male archetype, I had enough social status due to my creative background, that I was able to infiltrate social circles that have attractive, high status, and affluent women. Thus this asymmetrical arrangement has worked for me numerous times at ritzy parties. However, this arrangement might not work for incels, as low status people being involved in an activity codes that activity as low status, so high status people want nothing to do with it.
While I am sympathetic to populist economic policies, I have flirted with the idea that since the upper class is disproportionately more attractive then maybe they have the right to totally dominate the lower classes. As a thought experiment, would greater economic inequality be more tolerated under the condition that there was eugenics favoring the wealthy combined with a custom of lower economic status men being used for c-nnilingus, an-lingus, and get ur-nated on by attractive affluent women?
source: @Starkian7789 on X
Would a working class guy who loves being sexually dominant over working class women be more class loyal than lower status guys who put upper class women on a pedestal, thus are less likely to fight for their class interests? I suspect that Bernie bros and nerds from middle and upper middle class backgrounds, and incels would desire this more. Macho, burly, working class men have too much pride to put themselves in such a subservient position and ironically tend to resent the rich less than upper middle class Bernie bros.
The rightwing is about signaling that one is alpha, and thus hate c-nnilingus because it is liberal coded and believe that women sexually dominating men violates rightwing principles. I sort of get why Red Pillers want men to be more macho and sexually dominant, as far as granting men more agency, and thus are more rebellious and able to stand up against corrupt elites and tyranny. However, men who are forced to carry on bravado rather than being their authentic selves are also slaves.
There are three types of anti-Semites concerning Jewish women, the prudish old school Stormfront chud type White Nationalists who want nothing to do with Jewish women, macho thuggish neo-Nazis who want to face f-ck Jewesses, and both the more intellectual and humorous but also the more incel 4Chan type anti-Semites who would be open to performing c-nnilingus on Jewesses. I seriously believe that hardcore anti-Semitic incels can be cured by being f-cesat by rich Jewish college chicks or women in the IDF, which is my inner Freud. While the current Post Right scene allows more for this kind of degenerate talk, including race play, the older White Nationalist right scene had to signal that they were prudish and that they never found women from outgroups attractive.
source: @Starkian7789 on X
Take the example of Palestinian guys under Israeli bombardment in Gaza, who utterly detest the Israelis, which I can’t totally blame them for. Perhaps when they gather together they probably macho signal about what they would do to Israeli women if they could seek vengeance. I wonder if IDF women had Gaza Palestinian men perform an-lingus on them, would they become deradicalized via sexual intimacy or would they feel humiliated and become even more radical? Could the horrific rise of Hitler have been prevented if upper class Jewish women had economically downtrodden German men or-lly service them in Weimar Germany? What if this only conditions goy men to be more subservient to Jews? Regardless, there are parallels to this and the genre of Nazi dominatrix erotica that became popular among Jewish men in Israel.
While the woke left is too puritanical, if they really wanted White males to be psychologically rewired to submit to women of color, they would organize for attractive college aged Black, Latina, and Asian women to f-cesit White males, while reminding them of their privilege. If the Biden admin and Democratic elites really wanted MAGA men to have submitted to open borders, they could have arranged for the most attractive of Venezuelan migrant women to f-cesit the xenophobia out of MAGA men. What about a poor White guy from West Virginia performing an-lingus on a snooty upper class Indian woman who denigrates him and calls him “poor White trash?” Something about that arrangement feels very neoliberal coded but ironically could be radically subversive in practice.
There is a case that Whites giving oral s-x to people of color is inherently left-coded. The question is does sexual submission equal political submission? However, interracial c-nnilingus heels racial divide while interracial f-llatio causes more tension and resentment. I approve of non-White incels giving c-nnilingus to affluent White women as a good hierarchical arrangement that grants the low status non-White male intimacy while denying him any aspirations to be sexually dominant over Whites.
An evolutionary reason for the c-ckold fantasy could be that one male views the other male as more genetically fit, though the interracial c-ck fantasy is totally depraved and inherently dysgenic. Interracial c-ckoldry as politics epitomizes the beta liberal White man who is subservient to Blacks. However, liberals imply that racist White guys have a c-ck fetish for Black ph-llus, which could be true in certain cases. The rightwing version of this is nerds fetishizing White Chads, which is healthier in comparison but still comes from a sense of inadequacy with oneself.
Liberals are correct that a lot of rightwing men sublimate repressed bisexual tendencies into homophobia. Certainly, incels talk about Chads in almost bisexual terms when talking about Chads’ sex life. While Chad is the oppressor, the incel envies the Chad so much, that that sexual envy gets sublimated into homoerotic desire. Even with the guy who gets to defile your crush, you almost end up having these weird feelings about him, imagining them together in bed. Some of this is also caused by adolescent trauma, such as bullying. To the degree that c-ckold should be promoted, perhaps have Aryan college Chad and Stacy couples humiliate more incel, ethnic, or older lower status guys. Like with class-based f-mdom, this would make sexual hierarchies more explicit rather than concealed.
I want to say that I had all these pure principles, but a lot of my political evolution was driven by a psycho-sexual component. People must be honest about the impact of sexuality on politics, instead of sublimating them but neither political correctness nor social conservatism allows for that. Both being hyper-political and being into fetishes can signal neurosis, trauma, and that something is lacking psychologically or a spiritual void. However, fetishes can serve a purpose to help people find identity and meaning out of atomized liberalism, deal with one’s Jungian shadow self, and channel chaotic Dionysian energy into creative endeavors and radical politics.
I have always thought that a lot of racialized politics is mostly sublimated sexual neuroses. Like white male racists hating black guys is clearly fueled at least in part by some sense of threat or fears of inferiority regarding their alleged sexual prowess, and it's the opposite with Asian guys who they never get very mad about because they never imagine an Asian guy might steal their girl. And basically everyone hates attractive high status blondes, which is why they're cast in the role of the evil person in every single show, from Cercei Lannister to the Malfoys to Regina in Mean Girls. Also, BIPOC women do not actually give a shit about "cultural appropriation", what they're mad about is when a blond girl wears a slutty Pocahontas costume for Halloween or a Kardashian wears cornrows and they look way too hot doing it and get sexually admired.
So my inclination is to like a piece that vibes with my sense that a lot of politics is motivated by sexual envies, anxieties, and disgust. And I'll salute you for putting this all out there on display. But holy shit man, reading this may actually be the single most bizarre and out there thing I've ever read in my life. Like I'm agog that this was written by a real person and not an AI prompted with Freudian hallucinations after being given the digital equivalent of lysergic acid. Every paragraph just furthered the descent into the surreal and grotesque. The fact that you insisted on repeatedly using the word "buttocks" may be the detail that made me feel most like I must be dreaming but in the mind of a Berliner chemist named Wolfgang in 1927.
Better watch out with floating fantasies about Gaza fighters orally servicing hot IDF girls. That's the type of thing to make them go full jihadi frenzy and blow up a bus, even if they do go out with a boner during detonation.
Imagine drinking wine with an almost nude attractive Ashkenazi girl on your living room couch with strains of Wagnerian opera playing on the stereo while reading Yockey, Spengler, and D’Annunzio together as she gets more aroused listening to you describe aesthetic fascism to her.