South African Apartheid Flag with LGBTQ Characteristics
Heterosexual evolutionary strategies are pretty straight forward. Find a girlfriend to have sex with and then get married and reproduce. In contrast, gay reproductive strategies are asymmetrical and covert. If someone is unable to start a family, the healthiest evolutionary strategy is to invest resources into those most genetically similar to you. For instance, gays will invest resources in their families, such as nieces and nephews.
Gay leftwingers tend to be evolutionarily maladaptive which anthropologist, Ed Dutton, “The Jolly Heretic," describes as Spiteful Mutants. A Spiteful Mutant is someone who is genetically maladaptive, so they try to tear down society or align with an outgroup against their ingroup, as an evolutionary strategy. For instance, White gays who ally with feminists and anti-Whites against traditional White society. There is also the quasi homophobic trope that since gays don’t reproduce, they groom vulnerable young males into the gay lifestyle.
source: @tiredie on X
Gay liberals tend to embrace the very stereotypical gay aesthetic, that you would find in West Hollywood or the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco, which might include Black drag queens. In contrast, Rightwing gays seem more likely to idealize WASPY straight college age Chad athletes, a demographic that is produced in more conservative suburban areas. Gays also tend to prefer blonde Nordic types to a far greater extreme than even women do. I suspect that these proclivities cause a segment of gays to support the Right, out of an implicit sense that rightwing policies are more eugenic for creating the types of males that they find desirable, even if the trade off is tolerating some degree of homophobia.
source: @_Aaron_Newborn on X
There is an inside joke among gays that the best looking gay Twinks are from Mormon backgrounds, which is ironic as Mormons were at the forefront of trying to ban gay marriage in California. Also, since the youngest of siblings have a greater chance of ending up gay, a higher fertility society will create more homosexuals. These gay men lusting after Mormon Twinks are basically implying that the socially conservative Mormon society in Utah is much more eugenic than among liberals in places like California. California’s population aging and becoming more diverse means that there is less of a White youth gay culture than in the past.
Rightwing gays seem to have a stronger preference for straight coded men which means that they are cooler with heteronormativity, at least on an aesthetic level. A lot of the gay erotica from the 70s and 80s is ironically now right coded, such as nude Aryan bodybuilders. Part of the reason there are now so many ugly people of color in advertisements is that all the pervy gay and Jewish guys in advertising got me-tooed and replaced by non-White HR lady types. For instance, the former gay CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch was busted on sex trafficking charges. The irony is that even though he was a total gay degenerate, he curated a very WASPY athletic aesthetic, that garnered scorn from the Woke Left, for not being inclusive toward people of color and body positivity.
Gay men are overall much more perverted than straight men, which is probably partially genetic. The average straight man’s preference is for women in their early 20s while gay men’s preference on average is for 18 year old men, so gays are more wired toward attraction to youth than straight men. Also, Sex researcher, Aella, found that there is a greater prevalence for ephebophilia among rightwingers, which counters the “woke liberals are all groomers” trope from the Right. I remember having a lot of gay men hit on or harass me as a teenager growing up in LA, which suddenly stopped around the time I turned 20. I suspect a major reason that politically moderate normies with families ended up supporting liberal gay rights was that they wanted gays off in their own enclaves and bathhouses rather than having them as teachers or coaches who could pose a predatory threat to their sons.
source: @Aella_Girl on X
Gay perversion can partially be explained by that homosexuality is unrestrained male sexuality. Basically, men who are liberated from moral standards and restraints which are set by women and family life. Gays are also obsessed with power dynamics, with terms like top and bottom, and rightwing gays are going to be even more obsessed about these power dynamics. Both the Alt-Right and gay hookup culture share a bluntness about power dynamics that neoliberalism seeks to mask. Younger liberal gays tend to be much more conformist and boring, and will even go along with the woke prudery like the feminist age gap hysteria. Someone like Pete Buttigieg represents a gay archetype that is an asexual drone, analogous to the court eunuch.
There are parallels between gay culture and the Alt-Right and incel culture, as far as communities of young men without any ties to society, families, or women, restraining them, what Bronze Age Pervert calls the Longhouse. These groups of unattached young men are bound to be chaotic and perhaps nihilistic but produce a lot of creativity and dissident politics. Because gay men do not have to conform to women, like straight men, they are free to be a lot more rebellious. Rightwing gays as a minority within a minority, tend to be even more transgressive, as they are disconnected from both family life but also mainstream liberal values.
While BAPists (followers of Bronze Age Pervert) are not necessarily all gay, the movement is about liberating Dionysian male energy and finding vitality via the male physique, which could be bi or gay coded. Both BAPists and Rightwing gays tend to idealize ancient Greece and Rome, as well as the Aryan Männerbund rather than bourgeoise conservative societies that revolve around the nuclear family, which more conventional conservatives defend. Like BAP, gay author William S Burroughs, who ironically became popular with the ‘60s counter-culture, called for the liberation of young men from the suffocating matriarchy and found 1950s America very oppressive and stifling of free spirits and creativity.
William S. Burroughs
Because it is now much more difficult to attain that bourgeoise American dream of having a wife and family and a home in the suburbs, more young men are looking to models like the Männerbund, as well as to forms of asceticism. This applies to dissident right personality, Nick Fuentes, who is very misogynistic. There are even rumors that Fuentes is gay due to his advising his followers to avoid women and an incident where he accidentally streamed gay porn on one of his shows. I have no idea if Fuentes is gay or not, but it makes sense that he is a Catholic Nationalist. Fuentes and his Groyper movement have similarities to cliques of gay Catholic Priests who believed that socializing with women was spiritually bad. Despite the Catholic Church supporting leftwing positions like open borders, the archetype of Catholic Priests has traditionally been someone who upholds the faith, Western traditions and is some remnant of ancient priestly castes.
Gays tend to be more creative, and over represented in the arts and culture, which could have a genetic component. It could also be that gay men have more free time due to not being tied down by having to support a family. People who don’t have families or are in relationships tend to channel their sexual drive into creative endeavors like art and culture or into politics, which applies to both gays and incels. For these reasons, gays have also taken on the role of preserving the culture and history of Western Civilization.
Oscar Wilde
The political and social role of gays in society mirrors how artists have shifted from right to left, as the old aristocracy and church no longer provided patronage to artists. Gay icon, Oscar Wilde, was actually more rightwing than people assume, but more in an aristocratic radical sense, of desiring for an elite defined by the most creative rather than mercantile values.
Gays are overall much more aesthetically driven and especially like to play dress up, which explains gay fascists who go gaga over Hitler Youth or Rhodesian Twunk soldiers in super short khakis. Obviously, there were many gay National Socialists and Fascists, both prewar and postwar. Even Donald Trump has camp appeal to a lot of gay men. While the Left used to have the upper hand on aesthetics and culture, the aesthetics of current leftwing LGBTQ culture, which are ugly, vulgar, and glorify dysgenics, are pushing a large segment of gay men to the Right. The new Right is much more aesthetics driven than the old Right which just cared about tax cuts and banning abortion.
Pim Fortuyn
Cis Gay White men were initially at the forefront of the Gay Liberation movement yet today they have been pushed way down the victimhood intersectional totem poll. The disproportionate amount of homophobia among non-Whites has also pushed a segment of gay White men to the Right. For instance, the late, Rightwing Homosexual and very Flamboyant, Dutch politician, Pim Fortuyn, was largely motivated in his support for nationalism and immigration restriction due to Muslim immigration posting a threat to gay rights. While the current Right has become more politically incorrect, in other ways it is ironically way more gay friendly. Thus, I predict that gay cis men will shift rightward as women shift leftward.
Your essay has a great deal of validity but misses some nuance in its deterministic orientation (although I guess that was implicit in looking for evolutionary explanations, which are only ever just part of the full story).
I can only speak to anecdotes since this is not something I have spent time studying/researching: my own drift rightward was driven primarily by the same forces as every other white male (actually I'm Latino, which is "white-adjacent" though my own experience growing up was virtually indistinguishable from properly-White middle-class experience): concern for the Western values on which our society is at least nominally based. It's as simple as that.
Obviously I'd be naive to assert that there is no sexual drive underlying the yearnings in the depth of my psyche: in my case, as is the case for probably a large number of gay men missed in your essay, the ideal man is about 40 years old, not 16. That was the case for me when I was 16 and remains the case in my mid-50s. At an archetype level (which is as equally compelling to me as evolutionary explanations) it has everything to do with fatherhood: the ideal man is the kind of man who embodies positive paternal strength. So, politically, I will always prioritize policies that facilitate and incentivize whole families (mom + dad) where children can grow up in healthy environments with positive role models of both sexes.
Fundamentally, the major crisis facing us right now is that neither boys nor girls have positive male role models. Almost all of the current social pathologies flow from this root cause.
With regards to having high influence over culture, I'm surprised you did not put more into addressing gay men's higher verbal fluency and acuity. I would posit there is a strong correlation there; not a coincidence that the most powerful techbro right now is a gay jew.
Part of this tendency may be genetic, but a whole lot of it is probably environmental. Walt has written about how women win in the arena of words, and a lot of that is probably having to learn how to avoid direct conflict, which gay men have to learn how to do as well; though less so, to the degree that they are physically capable.
Would also be interesting for you to present more information on sports that are more gay-coded. These likely include swimming, tennis, gymnastics, track but not basketball, football, combat, baseball. Soccer, volleyball, ice hockey, powerlifting are somewhere in between and tend to split either way, depending on the context.
One aspect of this is training that requires more fluidity and endurance (<hetero) versus training that requires more strength and technique (>hetero). Another aspect is highly contingent on social organization. Country clubs, which are often a hub for gay men, are more amenable to racket and aquatic sports (individual talent) compared to league sports (teamwork).
Plus, certain athletic endeavors are more conducive to other activities that gay men participate in with frequency, such as modeling/acting.
If we accept your hypothesis – which I agree with – that more non-flamboyant gay men will start drifting rightward, I suspect there will be an in internal cleavage between those who are more rhetorical/artistic/expressive (thus more centrist) and those who are more autistic/systematic/technological (thus further right).